Current postdocs:
- Federico Zadra (Dec 2023-now Francqui & EoS-2 funded).
- Edward Bryden (2022-now EoS-1 funded, from Nov 1, 2022 onward FWO senior postdoc).
- Marcelo Alves [click here for private webpage] (2020-now, FWO senior postdoc).
Former postdocs:
- Aldo Witte (Feb-Sept 2023 EoS-2 funded, from Oct 2023 onward UA BOF opvangmandaat), now postdoc at Universität Hamburg/ Germany.
- Marta Farré (2020-2023, FWO senior postdoc).
- Joseph Palmer (2019-2023, first UA-MarieCurie-Opvang funded, then FWO-funded, 2020-2024 also affiliated with University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), now tenure-track assistant professor in Amherst/ USA.
- Tom Mestdag (2016-2023; between 2018-2020 partially EoS-1 funded), now a professor at the University of Antwerp.
- Yannick Gullentops (2022), now working at Agenta in Antwerp/ Belgium.
- Jaume Alonso (2019-2020, EoS-1 funded), now at TU Berlin/ Germany.
- Marine Fontaine (2018-2021, EoS-1 funded), now at University of Warwick/ UK.
PhD students
Ongoing PhD projects:
- Senne Ignoul (Universiteit Antwerpen), since October 2021, FWO PhD scholarship.
- Tobias Henriksen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen & Universiteit Antwerpen), co-advised with Nikolay Martynchuk & Holger Waalkens, since September 2022, Groningen & EoS-2 funded.
- Pedro Santos (Universiteit Antwerpen), since October 2022, EoS-2 funded.
- Kenzo Yasaka (Universiteit Antwerpen, co-advised with Tom Mestdag, since October 2022, BOF DocPro4 funded.
- Constant Huiszoon (Universiteit Antwerpen), since January 2023, FWO-project funded.
- Matteo Manenti (Universiteit Antwerpen), since November 2024, EoS-2 funded.
Finished PhD projects:
- Joaquim Brugués (2019-2024, UPC Barcelona & Universiteit Antwerpen, FI Agaur grant & EoS-1 funded, co-advised with Eva Miranda (UPC Barcelona)), defended on March 20, 2024; Title of PhD thesis: "Floer Homology for 𝑏-symplectic manifolds".
- Güner Muarem (2019-2023, Universiteit Antwerpen, EoS-1 funded, co-advised with David Eelbode), defended on Sept 5, 2023; Title of PhD thesis: "Point vortex dynamics and symplectic Dirac operators".
- Sándor Hajdú (2018-2022, Universiteit Antwerpen, Dehoussemandaat, co-advised with Tom Mestdag), defended on May 30, 2022; Title of PhD thesis: "Jacobi fields, conjugate points and nonlinear splittings in Finsler geometry and related fields".
- Yannick Gullentops (2017-2022, Universiteit Antwerpen, BOF-DocPro4 and subsequently EoS-1 funded), defended on March 16, 2022; Title of PhD thesis: "Hyperbolic singularities in the presence of S1-actions and Hamiltonian PDEs".
- Jaume Alonso (2015-2019, Universiteit Antwerpen, BOF-DocPro4 funded), defended on Sept 11, 2019. Title of PhD thesis: "On the symplectic invariants of semitoric systems". Now a postdoc at TU Berlin, Germany.
Master students
Ongoing projects:
- Louis Van Gaelen (Universiteit Antwerpen).
- Linde De Grave (Universiteit Antwerpen; Educatieve Master; co-advised with Kenzo Yasaka).
Finished projects:
- Naomi Flamand (Universiteit Antwerpen), Spring 2024: "Hirzebruch surfaces, flaps and swallowtails".
- Caitlin Van Herck (Universiteit Antwerpen; Educatieve Master; co-advised with Senne Ignoul), Spring 2024: "Suggesties Onderzoekruimte wiskunde met extra ondersteuning voor de leerkracht".
- Maarten De Locht (Universiteit Antwerpen; Educatieve Master; co-advised with Senne Ignoul), Spring 2024: "Convexiteit in Hamiltoniaanse Lie Groepen".
- Senne Ignoul (Universiteit Antwerpen), Spring 2021: "Integrability in contact geometry".
- Annelies De Meulenare (Universiteit Antwerpen), Spring 2019: "Semitoric systems with multiple focus-focus singularities".
- Güner Muarem (Universiteit Antwerpen, co-advised with David Eelbode, Spring 2019: "Symplectic methods in Clifford algebra and analysis: Towards a symplectic Fueter theorem".
- Victor Feyen (Universiteit Antwerpen, co-advised with Wim Vanroose), Autumn 2018: "Primary Floer homology of homoclinic tangles".
- Yannick Gullentops (Universiteit Antwerpen), spring 2017: "A Conley-Zehnder index in hyperkähler Floer theory."
- Fabian Guignard (EPFL, Lausanne; spring 2014; coadvised with Marc Troyanov): "Etude des géodésiques en géométrie riemannienne."
Bachelor students
Ongoing projects:
- Jolien Van der Haegen (Universiteit Antwerpen; co-advised with Senne Ignoul).
- Youp Heida (Universiteit Antwerpen; co-advised with Senne Ignoul).
- Han Lernout (Universiteit Antwerpen; Bachelor Physics; co-advised with Tobias Henriksen).
- Elias Thierens (Universiteit Antwerpen; Bachelor Physics; co-advised with Pedro Santos).
Finished projects:
- Malika Belrhazi (Universiteit Antwerpen), Spring 2021: "Hamiltoniaanse systemen".
- Christian Suys (Universiteit Antwerpen), Spring 2021: "Greense functies".
- Wieneke Op 't Land (Universiteit Antwerpen), Spring 2020:"Variatierekening".
- Jef Winant (Universiteit Antwerpen), Spring 2020: "Stabiliteitsanalyse bij periodieke oplossingen van differentiaalvergelijkingen".
- Manon Demey (Universiteit Antwerpen, co-advised with Jaume Alonso), Spring 2019:"Dynamiek en modelisatie van chemische reacties: de Brusselator en het model van Schnackenberg".
- Annelies De Meulenaere (Universiteit Antwerpen), spring 2017: "De Horseshoe Afbeelding."
- Grzegorz Kielanski (Universiteit Antwerpen), spring 2017: "De kwadratische familie Fμ (x) = μx(1 - x)."
- Lauranne Claes (Universiteit Antwerpen), co-advised with Jaume Alonso, spring 2017: "Dynamische systemen in één complexe variabele."
- Nathanaël Persoz (EPFL, Lausanne; coadvised with Tudor Ratiu), spring 2014: "Gromov's non-squeezing theorem in symplectic geometry".