Are standing balance and walking ability deficits poststroke related to the integrity of the corticospinal and non-corticospinal tracts? A meta-analysis
Brain injury : BI - ISSN 1362-301X-39:3 (2025) p. 163-178
Association between white matter integrity and lower limb motor impairment after stroke : a systematic review: white matter integrity and lower limb motor impairment after stroke
Revista brasileira de fisioterapia - ISSN 1413-3555-29:1 (2025) p. 1-10
The difference in gait pattern between adults with obesity and adults with a normal weight, assessed with 3D-4D gait analysis devices : a systematic review and meta-analysis
International journal of obesity - ISSN 0307-0565- (2024) p. 1-13
Clinical assessment of subjective visual and haptic vertical norms in healthy adults
Archives of clinical neuropsychology - ISSN 0887-6177-39:8 (2024) p. 1408-1417
Experimental comparison between 4D stereophotogrammetry and inertial measurement unit systems for gait spatiotemporal parameters and joint kinematics
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