Retheorizing archaeological “artefacts” as “belongings”
Archaeologies - ISSN 1555-8622- (2025) p. 1-21
Study of science communication through nuclear heritage : from the exhibition of Daigo Fukuryu Maru, a ship exposed to radiation
Japanese journal of science communication - ISSN 1881-8390-35 (2024) p. 43-58
From ‘War junk’ to ‘Isn’t this a treasure!’ : processes of heritagization of the material remains of the Second World War in Finnish Lapland
Archaeology, cultural heritage and World War II Italy, Greece, France and Finland as historical contexts / Crisa, Antonino [edit.]-p. 270-287
Touching distance : finder-collector relationships with and experiences of archaeological objects
Time and Mind - ISSN 1751-696X-17:1-2 (2024) p. 119-133
Weird quantities : characterising monstrous landscapes of extraction in the Anthropocene
Time and Mind - ISSN 1751-696X-17:1-2 (2024) p. 77-100