The use of connectives in L2 German writing by L1 Dutch students : a learner corpus study
Continuing Learner Corpus Research : challenges and opportunities / Ackerley, K. [edit.]; Castello, E. [edit.]-p. 213-244
"Climate change" in Dutch, English, French and German Wikipedia articles. A comparative critical stylistic analysis.
Communicating about climate change / Davidse, K. [edit.]; Simon-Vandenbergen, A.-M. [edit.]-p. 197-222
Scheinen-Verben im Englischen, Niederländischen und Deutschen: wenn die Dinge nicht so sind, wie sie auf den ersten Blick scheinen.
Sprachliche Variation und Vielfalt / Linguistic Variation and Diversity / Geyer, K. [edit.]; et al. [edit.]-p. 53-77
Papers of the LSB
LSB, 2024,48 p.
Linguistic encoding of women’s agency in the German political discourse on abortion : a diachronic critical discourse analysis
Discourse and society - ISSN 0957-9265- (2024) p. 1-30