Short-term effects of a summer flash flood on the physiochemical water quality in a restored river

Journal of coastal and riverine flood risk - ISSN 2772-767X-3 (2024) p. 1-20

Exploring the genetic structure and phylogeographic patterns of the copepod genus Eurytemora in Europe

Diversity - ISSN 1424-2818-16:8 (2024) p. 1-19
    Celeste Mouth, Flavien Ferreira, Natalia Sukhikh, Elisa Bou, Anaelle Bernard, Michele Tackx, Frederic Azemar, Patrick Meire, Tom Maris, Luc Legal

Environmental factors as drivers of the spatial distribution of the copepods **Eurytemora affinis affinis** and **Eurytemora velox** in the Scheldt tributaries

Estuarine, coastal and shelf science - ISSN 0272-7714-303 (2024) p. 1-14
    Celeste Mouth, Michele Tackx, Frederic Azemar, Elisa Bou, Patrick Meire, Tom Maris, Luc Legal, Anaelle Bernard