Governance, technology and craftsmanship in the Belgian window-glass industry : the Charleroi region, 1830-1914
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Arts, History Department, 2023,413 p.
Innovation and technology in the 19th-century Belgian window glass industry
7th International Congress on Construction History (ICCH), JUL 12-16, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal-2 (2021) p. 650-657
Innovation and technology in the 19th-century Belgian window glass industry
History of Construction Cultures : proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Construction History (7ICCH 2021), 12-16 July, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal-2 (2021) p. 650-657
Een bedrijfstak tussen ambacht en industrie : innovatie, technologie en kennis in de Belgische vensterglasnijverheid 1830-1914
Tijd-schrift : erfgoedpraktijk in Vlaanderen - ISSN 2034-6263-10:3 (2020) p. 66-79
Mobiliteit in Antwerpen tussen functionaliteit en leefbaarheid: visies en beleid
Stadsgeschiedenis - ISSN 1872-0676-14:1 (2019) p. 39-58