Data-related tensions in digital servitization ecosystems : a systematic literature review
Industrial marketing management - ISSN 0019-8501-123 (2024) p. 1-18
Why do companies integrate products and services? Linking decision-makers’ personality traits and decision-making logics
Journal of service theory and practice - ISSN 2055-6225-34:5 (2024) p. 637-663
Unraveling paradoxical tensions in digital servitization ecosystems : an analysis of their interrelationships from the technology provider's perspective
Technovation - ISSN 0166-4972-131 (2024) p. 1-17
Stronger and more just? Recent reforms of China's intellectual property rights system and their implications
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship - ISSN 2071-1395-18:3 (2024) p. 210-223
Spiraling between learning and alignment toward digital service innovation
Journal of service management - ISSN 1757-5818-35:2 (2024) p. 306-331