Performing policy conflict : a dramaturgical analysis of public participation in contentious urban planning projects
Policy sciences - ISSN 0032-2687-57 (2024) p. 761-785
Does enforcement style influence citizen trust in regulatory agencies? An experiment in six countries
Journal of public administration research and theory - ISSN 1053-1858- (2024) p.
Using Twitter as a public communication strategy : can ‘@NMBS’ improve the relationship between citizens and the National Railway Company of Belgium?
Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, 2024,VIII, 262 p.
At a cost : a review of the public accountability risks of Social Impact Bonds
Australian Journal of Public Administration - ISSN 0313-6647-83:4 (2024) p. 697-716
The consistency of question-order bias in a changing political context : six large-scale surveys on trust and perceptions of pandemic governance effectiveness
Public administration - ISSN 0033-3298-102:2 (2024) p. 349-369