All talk, no action? Politicians' agenda responsiveness to citizens' engagement on social media
Political research quarterly - ISSN 1065-9129- (2024) p. 1-14
Let's talk about something else : how cabinet members divert issue attention in answers to parliamentary questions
The journal of legislative studies - ISSN 1357-2334- (2024) p. 1-24
Comparing political communication in election and routine times
The Routledge handbook of political campaigning / Lilleker, D. [edit.]; et al. [edit.]-p. 72-84
From speech to feed : how parliamentary debates shape party agendas on social media
Swiss political science review - ISSN 1424-7755- (2024) p.
Give the media what they need : negativity as a media access tool for politicians
The international journal of press/politics - ISSN 1940-1612- (2024) p. 1-25