How to use the lockers?
On both the ground floor as the first floor, lockers are available for all students who work in the lab (BK & EM!!!). The student is responsible for:
- Bringing their own lock
- Closing their locker after every use
- Cleaning its locker at the end of each semester*
- First semester by January 31
- Second semester by June 30
*All lockers will be emptied at that moment. Locks will be cut, unless otherwise agreed with the lab manager.
Which log in should I use?
Technical problems
Closing procedure projects
Procedure opstellen hoe projecten moeten worden afgesloten!
Wat met meetdata?
Hoe wordt informatie beschikbaar gesteld?
Voorlopig als informatie zetten - contact lab manager!
Personal protection equipment
A lab coat/working outfit and safety shoes need to be foreseen by the lab user itself.
Safety glasses are given to the lab user the moment he/she/they first enters the lab (most often "2 - Academische vaardigheden"). There's no need to return these safety glasses at any point. When safety glasses get lost, a new pair can be bought at the student administration service
--> Na te kijken hoe die dienst heet in het Engels en wat er allemaal te koop is (+ eventueel openingsuren vermelden)
Use of the overhead crane (Z.027 OR Z.046)
The overhead crane can only be operated by personnel with an overhead crane education. If your lab activities require the use of the overhead crane, please contact the lab manager for more information.
Photo setup for professional pictures of your sample(s)
A professional photo setup is available if you want to take pictures of multiple samples under exactly the same conditions. For more information and specifications, please contact Navid Hasheminejad
