Laura Gibson over dekolonisatie van museumcollecties in tijden van digitalisering
Laura Gibson over dekolonisatie van museumcollecties
in tijden van digitalisering
Dinsdag 29 oktober 2019, 19u - 20u30
Hof van Liere, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen
Meer info
Uit het juryverslag van de PhD Award for Cultural Management: "Laura Gibson tackles a relevant and challenging topic, not only for South African museums but also globally for museums that hold collections accumulated during the colonial period. She presented a well written, well researched contemporary anthropological study. This thesis demands engagement with a difficult and complex subject, yet Gibson handles salient research questions in a critical way. In addition, Gibson links two current trends, namely decolonisation and the role of digitisation in this process. The study investigates the management of the museums, but also analyses and formulates recommendations for policy makers. That is why the study is relevant in terms of both management and policy."
Lees hier het volledige juryverslag.
Masterclass laureaten PhD Award for Cultural Management
Masterclass laureaten PhD Award for Cultural Management
Dinsdag 29 oktober 2019, 16u30 - 18u
Lokaal C002, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen
Voorafgaand aan de lezing van Laura Gibson nodigen we de andere twee laureaten van de PhD Award for Cultural Management uit voor een masterclass: Renate Buijze (''Philantropy for the Arts in the Era of Globalisation.", Erasmus University of the Arts) en Marjo van Schaik ("Spaces of Culture. A trialectic analysis of the recent developments of cultural venues in Amsterdam", Tilburg University).
Ontdek hier meer info over de laureaten.
Vind hier de presentatie van Renate Buijze.
Vind hier de presentatie Van Marjo van Schaik.