Decker, C. (2018). Goals-based and rules-based approaches to regulation. BEIS Research Paper No. 2018/8. UK Government, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.
  • This paper examines the characteristics, and assesses the merits, of two general approaches for the achievement of regulatory objectives – a rules-based regulatory (RBR) approach and a goals-based regulatory (GBR) approach.
SERV (2016). Advies Experimentwetgeving en regelluwe zones. Sociaal-Economische Raad van Vlaanderen. Brussel, 31 oktober 2016.
  • Op vraag van de Vlaamse Regering, formuleerde de SERV een advies over het werken met zgn. experimentwetgeving of de introductie van regelluwe proeftuinen.
OECD (2022). Better Regulation Practices across the European Union 2022. OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • The second edition of the Better Regulation Practices across the European Union report analyses recent developments and current practices for improving the quality of laws and regulations across all 27 EU Member States and the European Union.
Black, J., Hopper, M., & Band, C. (2007). Making a success of Principles-based regulation. Law and Financial Markets Review, 1(3), 191-206, DOI: 10.1080/17521440.2007.11427879
  • The article examines the meaning, benefits, risks and critical success factors of principles-based regulation for the financial services industry.