Deze pagina's vormen een verzameling van beschikbare informatie en houden geen oordeel in over deze informatie. Als we iets gemist hebben, horen we dat graag via
- 16/01/2025: Our obligations under international law: Open letter from the academic community on the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza
- 11/09/2024: Stand up for justice: UAntwerp must enact its values for Palestine
- 07/06/2024: Open letter to UAntwerp staff
- 17/05/2024: Open Letter from UAntwerp Staff in Support of the Peaceful Student Encampment Demanding Justice for the Palestinian People
- 26/01/2024: Statement on educide directed to the Board of Directors of the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR)
- 20/12/2023: Public solidarity statement with the Palestinian people
- 19/05/2021: The Nakba is now