Jaargang 2016 nr. 2


Manon van der Heijden en Jan Hein Furnée
In Memoriam: Pim Kooij (1945-2016), stadshistoricus

Ellen Janssens
Paarden en de moderne stad. De Antwerpse paardeneconomie en het stedelijk leefmilieu (1870-1910)

Karla Vanraepenbusch en Matthias Meirlaen
Van trauma sites naar herinneringsplekken. De integratie van de executies en de gefusilleerden in de stedelijke ruimte van Antwerpen, Luik en Rijsel (1914-1940)

Werk in uitvoering

Gemma Blok
Heroïne en de stad. Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen stedelijke omgeving en drugsgebruik

Dossier: Gouden boeken

Jelle Haemers
Gouden boeken? Twee nieuwe syntheses over de laatmiddeleeuwse en vroegmoderne stadsgeschiedenis van de Lage Landen

Maarten Prak
Gouden eeuwen, gouden tijden. De Lage Landen in de middeleeuwen

Arie van Steensel
Gouden tijden voor de stadsgeschiedenis


Ilja Van Damme, Andrea Bardyn, Bruno Blondé, Heidi Deneweth en Peter Stabel
Schetsen uit Finland. De ‘herinterpretatie’ van de stad op het dertiende Internationaal Congres van de European Association for Urban History in Helsinki

Petra Brouwer, Heidi Deneweth, Jan Hein Furnée, Maartje van Gelder, Manon van der Heijden en Sanne Muurling
Stadsgeschiedenis in buitenlandse tijdschriften (2015)


Ellen Janssens, Horses in the modern city. The Antwerp horse-based economy and the urban environment (1870-1910)

This study uses the concept of environmental justice to examine the relationship between the urban horse and the rapid yet layered transformation of late nineteenth-century Antwerp, and sheds light on the interconnectedness of biology and technology in urban modernization. Using environmental permits, it is shown that there was a correlation between the social and spatial dispersion of vexatious horse stables and the presence of working class housing. These ‘environmental inequalities’, however, were tempered by the fact that small business owners also owned stables and thus could enjoy the economic benefits of the horse-based economy. By 1890, the modern dissociation between animals and the city became a public concern. Inhabitants of the city center demonstrated a growing sensitivity to the presence of the urban horse.


Karla Vanraepenbusch and Matthias Meirlaen, From trauma sites to places of remembrance. The integration of the executions and the executed in the urban memory of Antwerp, Liège and Lille (1914-1940)

During the First World War, the German administration executed at least 277 civilians for espionage in occupied Belgium and France. These executions took place in inaccessible and isolated forts, situated at the edge of the cities. We demonstrate how the executions and the executed were integrated in the public space of Antwerp, Liège and Lille by local memory agents. In so doing, we explore the intersection of memory and space. We discuss in this article how trauma sites of the First World War were transformed into new places of remembrance during the interwar period.


Gemma Blok, Heroin and the city. An investigation into the relationship between the urban environment and drug use

In the early 1980s, an estimated 30,000 daily heroin users were present in the Netherlands. Currently, I am investigating this heroin ‘epidemic’, mainly by using the method of oral history. In my research, the concept of subcultures as ‘spatial entities’ plays a significant role. The existence of subcultures is closely linked to – and even dependent on – certain spaces and places within cities. My interviews show how user cultures are intertwined with the bars, music venues and parks where heroin was used. These were more than just places for drug transactions, but also carriers of a subcultural identity. Visiting these locations, to buy drugs and use them in a particular social setting, was part of a process of identity formation.