Research team


PhD in thermographic measurements for industrial applications, medical applications, artwork inspections, comfort measurements, etc., and optimization of the necessary measurement parameters. Additionally, extensive expertise in developing digital twins both structurally and thermally. Optimizing measurement setups based on both digital models and measurements. Fabricating these optimized setups using various techniques such as 3D printing, metalworking, etc. Combining multiple optical sensors such as thermography with RGB to integrate data. Processing and analyzing this data for quality control, skeleton tracking, blood flow detection, structural material inspection, etc.

Optimized pre-processing using a response surface methodology for improved dynamic active thermographic inspections. 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2022


Non-destructive testing using active thermography is still an expanding research area in order to achieve higher accuracy and faster measurements. More and more industrial manufacturers explore the opportunities of active thermography measurements resulting in more complex shapes and materials. Due to these evolutions it becomes nearly impossible to select the most applicable measurement setup in a fast manner. Especially inspections of large parts are a challenge since inspections of the complete part at once is not possible. Dynamic measurements are the solution to inspecting those samples, but consequently this implies new challenges regarding the measurement setup. In order to perform accurate inspections, trial and error is not a suitable solution because this working principle is time-consuming and should be redone every time the test sample changes, the measurement setup alters or when new innovations are discovered. The purpose of this research is to develop and implement an optimisation routine in order to give a suggestion of measurement setup parameters starting from finite element simulations and afterwards updating with knowledge of preliminary measurements. This optimisation routine will be performed using well-known response surface techniques and benchmarked with newly discovered methods. The optimisation routine will be tested on multiple samples in order to inspect the robustness and reliability.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project