Courses in languages other than Dutch for exchange students
Please note that if a course is labelled as “1E/2E SEM", this means it runs an entire academic year. In other words, it is one course that takes up both semesters. Consequently, you cannot take these courses if you are here as an exchange student for only one semester. More information for incoming exchange students.
Courses Applied Language studies & Translation
Courses taught in English
Advanced English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
Communication in English 1: Analysing Texts in Context
Advanced English Grammar and Proficiency
Introduction to British and American Culture
The Outsider in Global Anglophone Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
Communication in English 3: Advanced Text Production for English Language Professionals
Courses taught in French
Grammaire française
Textes, genres, discours en langue française
Culture française, nation et globalisation
Communication professionnelle écrite en français
Culture et littérature françaises: contextes et œuvres
Communication scientifique écrite en français
Maîtrise du français écrit et oral
Communication professionnelle et scientifique orale en français
Courses taught in German
Deutsche Grammatik 1, die Basis: Einführung in die Grammatik des Deutschen
Deutsche Grammatik 2, Vertiefung und Erweiterung: Verb, Adjektiv und Präposition
Deutsche Sprachbeherrschung 1
Kommunikation und Gesellschaft im deutschsprachigen Raum
Deutsche Grammatik 3: Eine funktionale Betrachtung der wichtigsten Wortarten
Deutsch: Schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation 1
Deutsche Kulturgeschichte
Gesellschaft, Kultur und Medien im deutschsprachigen Raum
Deutsch: Schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation 2
Courses taught in Chinese
Hanyu yu wenhua: Chinese Language and Contemporary Culture
Zhongguo lishi: History, Culture and Political Economy of China
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 3
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 4
Courses taught in Italian
Italiano: Grammatica e pratica 1
Italiano: Grammatica e pratica 2
Italiano: Comunicazione e comprensione 1
Italiano: Comunicazione e comprensione 2
Italia: Stato e società
Grammatica e comunicazione in italiano
L’italiano contemporaneo: la comunicazione scritta
La bellezza in Italia: arti e storia 1
La bellezza in Italia: arti e storia 2
L’italiano contemporaneo: la comunicazione parlata
Civiltà italiana e produzione linguistica 1
Civiltà italiana e produzione linguistica 2
Courses taught in Spanish
Gramática española 1
Gramática española 2
Lengua española: Destrezas básicas
Lengua española: Destrezas intermedias
Sociedad y cultura en España
Sociedad y cultura en España: Destrezas orales
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica: Destrezas orales
Courses Master in Translation (all languages)
English: Area Studies
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
French: Area Studies
French: Culture of the Francophone World
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
Chinese: Area Studies
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Spanish: Area Studies
Courses Literature and Linguistics
Courses taught in English
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Grammar 1
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
Introduction to British and American Culture
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Grammar 3: the Complex Sentence
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5: Understanding L2 English proficiency through Learner Corpus Research
English Linguistics: Englishes Old and New
Nineteenth-century Literature in English
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
- - NNB
Poetry Lab
Geoffrey Chaucer
Contemporary American Environmental Literature
- - NNB
Young Adult Literature
- Vanessa Joosen
- Sonali Kulkarni
The Contemporary Reception of Historical English Literature
Applied Language Studies in a Multilingual and Multicultural World
Non-Western Cinema
Body Concepts in Dance and Performance
Theatre Histories
Courses taught in French
Grammaire française
French Literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
Introduction to the History of French
French Proficieny 2: Oral and Written Proficiency
French Literature 2: French and French-language Literature from the 19th Century until Today
Culture française, nation et globalisation
French Literature 3: Genres and Texts
French Proficiency 2: Grammar
French Proficiency 3
Language and Society
Courses taught in German
Deutsche Grammatik 1, die Basis: Einführung in die Grammatik des Deutschen
Deutsche Grammatik 2, Vertiefung und Erweiterung: Verb, Adjektiv und Präposition
Deutsche Sprachbeherrschung 1
German-Language Literature: Fundamentals, Terms, Analyses
German-Language Literary Histories: Eras, Authors, Works
Deutsche Grammatik 3: Eine funktionale Betrachtung der wichtigsten Wortarten
German Proficiency 2
German Linguistics 1
Literature analysis: German prose, poetry, theater, films, and #netliterature
Deutsche Kulturgeschichte
German Linguistics 2
Courses taught in Spanish
Gramática española 1
Gramática española 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Literature in Spanish I
Spanish Linguistics: Language as an Instrument
Spanish Proficiency 4
Sociedad y cultura en España
Spanish Linguistics: Language as a System
Spanish Proficiency 5
Literature in Spanish II
Literature in Spanish III
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica
Introduction to the Study of Literature in Spanish
Spanish Proficiency 2
Courses Master Linguistics and Literature (all languages)
(only for masterstudents in Literature and Linguistics and after permission)
Beckett Seminar
Stevens Seminar
American Fiction Now: The Newest of the New
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
Children's Literature Summer School
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Curriculum and Syllabus Design
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
English Sociolinguistics
Digital Humanities Summer School
Corpus Studies
Humanities Data Analysis
Text as Data II
Natural Language Processing
Computational Literary Studies
Dance Theory and Analysis
French Literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Du bon usage de la chanson française (Alors on chante !)
Literature and Politics
Language Dynamics: Regional Language Research of Modern Sociology and German Dialect
Language and Gender
España y África: Historia cultural y relación contemporánea
Spanish Linguistics: language in interaction
Spanish-language Literature and Culture 2
Courses Philosophy
Courses Philosophy in English (bachelor)
Philosophical Psychology
Feminist Philosophy
Global Justice
Debating Development
Philosophical Sources of European Identity
Courses Philosophy in English (master)
Antwerp Summer School in Philosophy and Society: Climate Activism Today
Master Seminar: Antwerp Winter School on Feminism and Motherhood
Courses History
Courses History in English (bachelor)
The Premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
The Modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
History of the Islamic World
- - NNB
Early Modern Era: Politics and Institutions
Courses History in English (master)
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
- - NNB
Urban History Weeks
History of the Body, Gender and Sexuality
Cities in Context: The Low Countries and Beyond, 1000-2000CE
History of Science and Society
War and Occupation in the Middle East (1914-1945)
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication (master)
Professional Communication (English)
Professional Communication (French)
Professional Communication (German)
Business Communication (Spanish)
Courses Applied Language studies & Translation
Courses taught in English
Advanced English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
Communication in English 1: Analysing Texts in Context
Advanced English Grammar and Proficiency
Introduction to British and American Culture
The Outsider in Global Anglophone Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
Communication in English 3: Advanced Text Production for English Language Professionals
Courses taught in French
Grammaire française
Textes, genres, discours en langue française
Culture française, nation et globalisation
Communication professionnelle écrite en français
Culture et littérature françaises: contextes et œuvres
Communication scientifique écrite en français
Maîtrise du français écrit et oral
Communication professionnelle et scientifique orale en français
Courses taught in German
Deutsche Grammatik 1, die Basis: Einführung in die Grammatik des Deutschen
Deutsche Grammatik 2, Vertiefung und Erweiterung: Verb, Adjektiv und Präposition
Deutsche Sprachbeherrschung 1
Kommunikation und Gesellschaft im deutschsprachigen Raum
Deutsche Grammatik 3: Eine funktionale Betrachtung der wichtigsten Wortarten
Deutsch: Schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation 1
Deutsche Kulturgeschichte
Gesellschaft, Kultur und Medien im deutschsprachigen Raum
Deutsch: Schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation 2
Courses taught in Chinese
Hanyu yu wenhua: Chinese Language and Contemporary Culture
Zhongguo lishi: History, Culture and Political Economy of China
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 3
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 4
Courses taught in Italian
Italiano: Grammatica e pratica 1
Italiano: Grammatica e pratica 2
Italiano: Comunicazione e comprensione 1
Italiano: Comunicazione e comprensione 2
Italia: Stato e società
Grammatica e comunicazione in italiano
L’italiano contemporaneo: la comunicazione scritta
La bellezza in Italia: arti e storia 1
La bellezza in Italia: arti e storia 2
L’italiano contemporaneo: la comunicazione parlata
Civiltà italiana e produzione linguistica 1
Civiltà italiana e produzione linguistica 2
Courses taught in Spanish
Gramática española 1
Gramática española 2
Lengua española: Destrezas básicas
Lengua española: Destrezas intermedias
Sociedad y cultura en España
Sociedad y cultura en España: Destrezas orales
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica: Destrezas orales
Courses Master in Translation (all languages)
English: Area Studies
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
French: Area Studies
French: Culture of the Francophone World
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
Chinese: Area Studies
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Spanish: Area Studies
Courses Literature and Linguistics
Courses taught in English
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Grammar 1
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
Introduction to British and American Culture
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Grammar 3: the Complex Sentence
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
English Linguistics: Englishes Old and New
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
Poetry Lab
Geoffrey Chaucer
Young Adult Literature
- Vanessa Joosen
- Sonali Kulkarni
The Contemporary Reception of Historical English Literature
Aspects of Learner Language
Applied Language Studies in a Multilingual and Multicultural World
Non-Western Cinema
Body Concepts in Dance and Performance
Theatre Histories
Courses taught in French
Grammaire française
French Literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French Linguistics 1: History of French
French Proficieny 2: Oral and Written Proficiency
French Literature 2: French and French-language Literature from the 19th Century until Today
French Linguistics 2: Seman. & Pragm. Analysis of Lexical Items, Synchronic & Diachronic Approaches
Culture française, nation et globalisation
French Literature 3: Genres and Texts
French Proficiency 2: Grammar
French Proficiency 3
French Linguistics 3
Courses taught in German
Deutsche Grammatik 1, die Basis: Einführung in die Grammatik des Deutschen
Deutsche Grammatik 2, Vertiefung und Erweiterung: Verb, Adjektiv und Präposition
Deutsche Sprachbeherrschung 1
German Literature 1: Prose, Poetry, Theatre, Film
German Literary History 1: from the Enlightenment to Modernity
Deutsche Grammatik 3: Eine funktionale Betrachtung der wichtigsten Wortarten
German Proficiency 2
German Linguistics 1
German Literary History 2: from WWI to the Present
Deutsche Kulturgeschichte
German Linguistics 2
Courses taught in Spanish
Gramática española 1
Gramática española 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Literature in Spanish I
Spanish Linguistics: Language as an Instrument
Spanish Proficiency 4
Sociedad y cultura en España
Spanish Linguistics: Language as a System
Spanish Proficiency 5
Literature in Spanish II
Literature in Spanish III
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica
Introduction to the Study of Literature in Spanish
Spanish Proficiency 2
Courses Master Linguistics and Literature (all languages)
(only for masterstudents in Literature and Linguistics and after permission)
Beckett Seminar
Stevens Seminar
The American Historical Novel since 1950
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
Children's Literature Summer School
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Curriculum and Syllabus Design
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
English Sociolinguistics
Digital Humanities Summer School
Corpus Studies
Humanities Data Analysis
Text as Data II
Natural Language Processing
Computational Literary Studies
Dance Theory and Analysis
French Literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Du bon usage de la chanson française (Alors on chante !)
Literature and Politics
Language Dynamics: Regional Language Research of Modern Sociology and German Dialect
Language and Gender
Spanish-language Literature and Culture 1
Spanish Linguistics: language in interaction
Spanish-language Literature and Culture 2
Courses Philosophy
Courses Philosophy in English (bachelor)
Philosophical Psychology
Feminist Philosophy
Global Justice
Debating Development
Philosophical Sources of European Identity
Courses Philosophy in English (master)
Master Seminar: Philosophy of Mind
Master Seminar: Bias in Bioethics
Master Seminar: Science and Values
Courses History
Courses History in English (bachelor)
The Premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
The Modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
History of the Islamic World
Early Modern Era: Politics and Institutions
Courses History in English (master)
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
Urban History Weeks
History of the Body, Gender and Sexuality
Cities in Context: The Low Countries and Beyond, 1000-2000CE
History of Science and Society
War and Occupation in the Middle East (1914-1945)
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication (master)
Professional Communication (English)
Professional Communication (French)
Professional Communication (German)
Business Communication (Spanish)
Courses Applied Language studies & Translation
Courses taught in English
English: Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Culture and History
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
English: Text and Communication 3
Courses taught in French
French: Grammar 1
French: Text and Communication
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Professional Communication
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
Courses taught in German
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German: Communication and Society
German: Grammar 3
German: Oral and Written Communication 1
German: Cultural History
German: Society and Culture
German: Oral and Written Communication 2
Courses taught in Chinese
Chinese: Language and Contemporary Culture
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 4
Courses taught in Italian
Italian: Grammar 1
Italian: Grammar 2
Italian: Language Proficiency 1
Italian: Language Proficiency 2
Italian: Communication and Society
Italian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Italian: Professional Communication 1
Italian: History, Literature and Visual Arts 1
Italian: History, Culture and Visual Arts 2
Italian: Professional Communication 2
Italian: Text Creation 1
Italian: Text Creation 2
Courses taught in Spanish
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish: Language Proficiency 1
Spanish: Language Proficiency 2
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain - Seminar
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America - Seminar
Courses Master in Translation (all languages)
English: Area Studies
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
French: Area Studies
French: Culture of the Francophone World
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
Chinese: Area Studies
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Spanish: Area Studies
Courses Literature and Linguistics
Courses taught in English
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Grammar 1
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
English: Culture and History
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Grammar 3: the Complex Sentence
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
English Linguistics: Englishes Old and New
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
- Bart Eeckhout
- Toon Staes
- - NNB
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
Poetry Lab
Geoffrey Chaucer
Crime Fiction
Young Adult Literature
- Vanessa Joosen
- Sonali Kulkarni
The Contemporary Reception of Historical English Literature
Aspects of Learner Language
Applied Language Studies in a Multilingual and Multicultural World
Non-Western Cinema
Body Concepts in Dance and Performance
Theatre Histories
Courses taught in French
French: Grammar 1
French Literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French Linguistics 1: History of French
French Proficieny 2: Oral and Written Proficiency
French Literature 2: French and French-language Literature from the 19th Century until Today
French Linguistics 2: Seman. & Pragm. Analysis of Lexical Items, Synchronic & Diachronic Approaches
French: Culture and Globalisation
French Literature 3: Genres and Texts
French Proficiency 2: Grammar
French Proficiency 3
French Linguistics 3
Courses taught in German
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German Literature 1: Prose, Poetry, Theatre, Film
German Literary History 1: from the Enlightenment to Modernity
German: Grammar 3
German Proficiency 2
German Linguistics 1
German Literary History 2: from WWI to the Present
German: Cultural History
German Linguistics 2
Courses taught in Spanish
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 3
Hispanic Literature I
Spanish Linguistics: Language as an Instrument
Spanish Proficiency 4
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish Linguistics: Language as a System
Spanish Proficiency 5
Hispanic Literature II
Hispanic Literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literature
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
Spanish Proficiency 2
Courses Master Linguistics and Literature (all languages)
(only for masterstudents in Literature and Linguistics and after permission)
Beckett Seminar
Stevens Seminar
The American Historical Novel since 1950
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
New York City in Twentieth-Century Literature
Children's Literature Summer School
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Curriculum and Syllabus Design
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
English Sociolinguistics
Digital Humanities Summer School
Text as Data
Corpus Studies
Humanities Data Analysis
Text as Data II
Natural Language Processing
- Walter Daelemans
- Luna De Bruyne
- Nicolae Banari
- Maxime De Bruyn
Computational Literary Studies
Dance Theory and Analysis
Literature and Media
Contemporary Trends in French Literary Criticism
Grammaticalisation Processes
Semantics Evidential and Modal Marking in French
- Thomas Hoelbeek
How Words Create Worlds
- - NNB
- Marie Steffens
- Jessica Van de Weerd
French Literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Current and Fascinating Issues in French Linguistics
- Thomas Hoelbeek
- Anne Vanderheyden
Du bon usage de la chanson française (Alors on chante !)
Literature and Politics
Language Dynamics: Regional Language Research of Modern Sociology and German Dialect
Language and Gender
Spanish-language Literature and Culture 1
Grammar and Pragmatics of Conversational Spanish
Spanish-language Literature and Culture 2
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
Courses Philosophy
Courses Philosophy in English (bachelor)
Philosophy of Language
Applied Ethics
Philosophical Psychology
Research Seminar Aesthetics
Feminist Philosophy
Global Justice
Debating Development
Philosophical Sources of European Identity
- Herbert De Vriese
- Sebastian Müngersdorff
Courses Philosophy in English (master)
Antwerp Summer School in Philosophy and Society
Master Seminar: Philosophy of Mind
Master Seminar: Philosophy of Mental Health
Master Seminar: Psychology of Science
Master Seminar: Antwerp Winter School on Feminism and Motherhood
Courses History
Courses History in English (bachelor)
The Premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
The Modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
History of the Islamic World
Courses History in English (master)
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
Urban History Weeks
History of the Body, Gender and Sexuality
Cities in Context: The Low Countries and Beyond, 1000-2000CE
History of Science and Society
War and Occupation in the Middle East (1914-1945)
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication (master)
Professional Communication (English)
Professional Communication (French)
Professional Communication (German)
Business Communication (Spanish)
Courses Applied Language studies & Translation
Courses taught in English
English: Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
- Nina Reviers
- Anna Gagiano
- Paula Gruppelaar
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Culture and History
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
English: Text and Communication 3
Courses taught in French
French: Grammar 1
French: Text and Communication
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Professional Communication
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
Courses taught in German
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German: Communication and Society
German: Grammar 3
German: Oral and Written Communication 1
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Jana Vijayakumaran
- Thomas Ernst
German: Society and Culture
German: Oral and Written Communication 2
Courses taught in Chinese
Chinese: Language and Contemporary Culture
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 4
Courses taught in Italian
Italian: Grammar 1
Italian: Grammar 2
Italian: Language Proficiency 1
Italian: Language Proficiency 2
Italian: Communication and Society
Italian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Italian: Professional Communication 1
Italian: History, Literature and Visual Arts 1
Italian: History, Culture and Visual Arts 2
Italian: Professional Communication 2
Italian: Text Creation 1
Italian: Text Creation 2
Courses taught in Spanish
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish: Language Proficiency 1
Spanish: Language Proficiency 2
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain - Seminar
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America - Seminar
Courses Master in Translation (all languages)
English: Area Studies
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
French: Area Studies
French: Culture of the Francophone World
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
Chinese: Area Studies
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Latin America and Spain in the 21st Century: Human Rights and Historical Memory
Spanish: Area Studies
Courses Literature and Linguistics
Courses taught in English
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: grammar 1
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
English: Culture and History
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English grammar 3. The complex sentence
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
English Linguistics. Englishes old and new
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
Poetry Lab
Geoffrey Chaucer
Crime Fiction
Young Adult Literature
- Vanessa Joosen
- Sonali Kulkarni
The Contemporary Reception of Historical English Literature
Aspects of Learner Language
Applied Language Studies in a multilingual and multicultural world
Courses taught in French
French: Grammar 1
French literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French Proficiency 1: oral and writing Proficiency
French linguistics 1: phonetics, morphology and syntax of modern French
French linguistics 1: history of French
French Proficieny 2: Oral and written proficiency
French literary history 2: French and French-language literature from the 19th century until today
French linguistics 2: seman. & pragm. analysis of lexical items, synchronic & diachronic approaches
French: Culture and Globalisation
French Literature 3: genres and texts
French Proficiency 2: grammar
French Proficiency 3
French Linguistics 3
Courses taught in German
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German Literature 1: prose, poetry, theatre, film
- Jana Vijayakumaran
German Literary History 1: from the Enlightenment to Modernity
German: Grammar 3
German Proficiency 2
German Literature 2: German-speaking Cultures in Literature
- Thomas Ernst
- Jana Vijayakumaran
German Linguistics 1
History of German literature 2: from WW1 to the present
German Literature 3: Current Issues
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Jana Vijayakumaran
- Thomas Ernst
German Linguistics 2
German Proficiency 3
Courses taught in Spanish
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish-language texts Literature I
Spanish linguistics: Language as an Instrument
Spanish Proficiency 3
- Pedro Gras
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish Linguistics: Language as a System
Spanisch Proficiency 4: oral proficiency
- Pedro Gras
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish-language texts Literature II
Spanish literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
- Emilio Vivó Capdevila
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Courses Master Linguistics and Literature (all languages)
(only for masterstudents in Literature and Linguistics and after permission)
Beckett seminar
Stevens Seminar
The American historical novel after 1950
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
- Vanessa Joosen
- Andrea Davidson
- Sonali Kulkarni
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
- Vanessa Joosen
- Mahlu Mertens
- Sonali Kulkarni
Joyce Seminar
New York City in Twentieth-Century Literature
Children's Literature Summer School
Phonetics and phonology
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Curriculum and syllabus design
- Marilize Pretorius
- Kris Van De Poel
- Sophie Demesmaeker
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
English Sociolinguistics
Digital Humanities Summer School
Text as Data
Corpus Studies
Humanities Data Analysis
Information Science
- Tom Deneire
Natural Language Processing
- Walter Daelemans
- Nicolae Banari
- Maxime De Bruyn
Computational Literary Studies
Literature and media
Contemporary trends in French literary criticism
Grammaticalisation processes
Semantics. Evidential and modal marking in French
How words create worlds
- Walter De Mulder
- Marie Steffens
- Jessica Van de Weerd
French literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Current and fascinating issues in French linguistics
Du bon usage de la chanson française (Alors on chante !)
Literature and politics
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
Language and gender
Spanish-language texts Literature I literature and culture 1
Grammar and pragmatics of conversational Spanish
Literature of the Spanish language area
- Diana Arbaiza
- Jasper Vervaeke
Spanish-language texts Literature and Culture 2
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
Spanish-language literature: Contemporary literary criticism
- Diana Arbaiza
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
Courses Philosophy
Courses Philosophy in English (bachelor)
Philosophy of Language
Courses Philosophy in English (master)
Antwerp Summer School in Philosophy and Society
- Kristien Hens
- Katrien Schaubroeck
- Leni Van Goidsenhoven
Courses History
Courses History in English (bachelor)
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
- Gowaart Van Den Bossche
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
History of the Islamic World
Courses History in English (master)
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
Urban History Weeks
History of the Body, Gender and Sexuality
City and society in the Low Countries
History of science and society
War and Occupation in the Middle East (1914-1945)
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication (master)
Professional Communication (English)
Professional communication (French)
Professional Communication (German)
- Griet Boone
- Ingeborg Dusar
Business Communication (Spanish)
Courses Applied Language studies & Translation
Courses taught in English
English Grammar 1 (Erasmus)
English Grammar 2 (Erasmus)
English: Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Culture and History
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
- Frank Albers
- Lauren Ottaviani
English: Text and Communication 3
Courses taught in French
French: Grammar 1
French: Text and Communication
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Professional Communication
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
Courses taught in German
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German: Communication and Society
German: Grammar 3
German: Oral and Written Communication 1
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Thomas Ernst
- Jana Vijayakumaran
German: Society and Culture
German: Oral and Written Communication 2
Courses taught in Chinese
Chinese: Language and Contemporary Culture
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 4
Courses taught in Italian
Italian: Grammar 1
Italian: Grammar 2
Italian: Language Proficiency 1
Italian: Language Proficiency 2
Italian: Communication and Society
Italian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Italian: Professional Communication 1
Italian: History, Literature and Visual Arts 1
Italian: History, Culture and Visual Arts 2
Italian: Professional Communication 2
Italian: Text Creation 1
Italian: Text Creation 2
Courses taught in Spanish
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish: Language Proficiency 1
Spanish: Language Proficiency 2
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain - Seminar
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America - Seminar
Courses Master in Translation (all languages)
English: Area Studies
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
Intercultural communication in the business world
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
French: Area Studies
French: Culture of the Francophone World
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
Chinese: Area Studies
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Latin America and Spain in the 21st Century: Human Rights and Historical Memory
Spanish: Area Studies
Courses Literature and Linguistics
Courses taught in English
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: grammar 1
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
- Vanessa Joosen
- Pim Verhulst
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
English: Culture and History
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English grammar 3. The complex sentence
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
English Linguistics. Englishes old and new
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
- Bart Eeckhout
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
Poetry Lab
Geoffrey Chaucer
Crime Fiction
Young Adult Literature
Radio Drama
The Contemporary Reception of Historical English Literature
Aspects of Learner Language
Applied Language Studies in a multilingual and multicultural world
Digital Humanities
Courses taught in French
French: Grammar 1
French literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French Proficiency 1: oral and writing Proficiency
French linguistics 1: phonetics, morphology and syntax of modern French
- Marie Steffens
French linguistics 1: history of French
French Proficieny 2: Oral and written proficiency
French literary history 2: French and French-language literature from the 19th century until today
French Linguistics 2: grammatical and lexical semantics, synchronic and diachronic approaches
French: Culture and Globalisation
French Literature 3: genres and texts
French Proficiency 2: grammar
French Proficiency 3
French Linguistics 3
Courses taught in German
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German texts 1
- Jana Vijayakumaran
History of German literature 1
German: Grammar 3
German Proficiency 2
German texts 2
- Thomas Ernst
- Elisabeth Meyer
German Linguistics 1
History of German literature 2
German texts 3
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Thomas Ernst
- Jana Vijayakumaran
German Linguistics 2
German Proficiency 3
Courses taught in Spanish
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish-language texts Literature I
Spanish linguistics: structure of contemporary Spanish
Spanish Proficiency 3
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish Linguistics: language in use
Spanisch Proficiency 4: oral proficiency
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish-language texts Literature II
Spanish literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Emilio Vivó Capdevila
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Courses Master Linguistics and Literature (all languages)
(only for masterstudents in Literature and Linguistics and after permission)
Beckett seminar
Stevens Seminar
The American historical novel after 1950
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
New York City in Twentieth-Century Literature
Children's Literature Summer School
Phonetics and phonology
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Curriculum and syllabus design
- Marilize Pretorius
- Kris Van De Poel
- Sophie Demesmaeker
Intercultural communication in the business world
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
English Sociolinguistics
Digital Humanities Summer School
Text as Data
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Lamyk Bekius
- Joshua Schäuble
Corpus Studies
Humanities Data Analysis
Machine Learning I
Information Science
- Tom Deneire
Machine Learning II
Natural Language Processing
Computational Literary Studies
- Walter Daelemans
- Mike Kestemont
- Joshua Schäuble
- Benjamin Burtenshaw
Literature and media
Contemporary trends in French literary criticism
Grammaticalisation processes
Semantics. Evidential and modal marking in French
How words create worlds
French literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Current and fascinating issues in French linguistics
Du bon usage de la chanson française (Alors on chante !)
Le pari pédagogique : Paris
Literature 1: literature and politics
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
Language and gender
Spanish-language texts Literature I literature and culture 1
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
Grammar and pragmatics of conversational Spanish
Literature of the Spanish language area
- Diana Arbaiza
- Jasper Vervaeke
Spanish Linguistics: Corpus Linguistics
- Pedro Gras
- - NNB
Spanish-language texts Literature and Culture 2
Methodological and theoretical foundations for the analysis of Spanish-language texts
- Diana Arbaiza
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
Courses Philosophy
Courses Philosophy in English (bachelor)
- Kristien Hens
- Patrick Rüdelsheim
- Leni Van Goidsenhoven
Philosophy of Language
Courses Philosophy in English (master)
Antwerp Summer School in Philosophy and Society
- Arthur Cools
- Sebastian Müngersdorff
Master Seminar: The Playful Mind: philosophy of pretense and imaginative play
Courses History
Courses History in English (bachelor)
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
History of the Islamic World
Courses History in English (master)
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
Urban History Weeks
City and society in the Low Countries
History of science and society
The Middle East and Europe since WWI: War and Occupations
Crusades in the Middle Ages : Between Ideological Conflict and Forced Coexistence
Politics of Memory in Europe
Nations and Nationalism in Modern European History
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication (master)
Professional Communication (English)
Professional communication (French)
Professional Communication (German)
- Ingeborg Dusar
Business Communication (Spanish)
Courses Applied Language studies & Translation
Courses taught in English
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Text and Communication 1
English Grammar and Language Proficiency
English Culture and History
English Culture 2
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and History
English Text and Communication 3
Courses taught in French
French Grammar 1
French: Text and communication
French Grammar and Language Proficiency
French Culture 1
French Text Production 1
French Culture 2
French Text Production 2
French Language Proficiency 1
French Text Production 3
Courses taught in German
German Grammar 1
German Grammar 2
German proficiency 1
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Text and Communication 1
- Patricia Linden
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German grammar 3
German Text and Communication 2
- Carola Strobl
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
History of German Culture
German Culture
German Text Creation
- Carola Strobl
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
Courses taught in Chinese
Chinese Language and Culture
Chinese Culture
Chinese Communication and Media 3
Chinese Communication and Media 4
Courses taught in Italian
Italian Grammar 1
Italian Grammar 2
Italian Language Proficiency 1
Italian Language Proficiency 2
Italian Communication and Society
Italian Grammar and Language Proficiency
Italian Professional Communication 1
Italian Culture 1
Italian Culture 2
Italian Professional Communication 2
Italian Text Creation 1
Italian Text Creation 2
Courses taught in Spanish
Spanish Grammar 1
Spanish Grammar 2
Spanish Language Proficiency 1
Spanish Language Proficiency 2
Spain: Society and Culture
Society and Culture in Spain: Seminar
Latin America: Society and Culture
Society and Culture in Latin America: Seminar
Courses Master in Translation (all languages)
English: Area Studies
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
Intercultural communication in the business world
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
French: Area Studies
French: Culture of the Francophone World
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
Chinese: Area Studies
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Latin America and Spain in the 21st Century: Human Rights and Historical Memory
Spanish: Area Studies
Courses Literature and Linguïstics
Courses taught in English
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: grammar 1
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
- Vanessa Joosen
- Pim Verhulst
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
English Culture and History
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English grammar 3. The complex sentence
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
English Linguistics. Englishes old and new
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
- Bart Eeckhout
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
Poetry Lab
Geoffrey Chaucer
Crime Fiction
Young Adult Literature
Radio Drama
The Contemporary Reception of Historical English Literature
Applied Language Studies in a multilingual and multicultural world
Digital Humanities
- Walter Daelemans
- Wout Dillen
- Mike Kestemont
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Vincent Neyt
- Joshua Schäuble
Courses taught in French
French Grammar 1
French literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French Proficiency 1: oral and writing Proficiency
French linguistics 1: phonetics, morphology and syntax of modern French
- Marie Steffens
French linguistics 1: history of French
French Proficieny 2: Oral and written proficiency
French literary history 2: French and French-language literature from the 19th century until today
French Linguistics 2: grammatical and lexical semantics, synchronic and diachronic approaches
French Culture 1
French Literature 3: genres and texts
French Proficiency 2: grammar
French Proficiency 3
French linguistics 3
Courses taught in German
German Grammar 1
German Grammar 2
German proficiency 1
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German texts 1
History of German literature 1
German grammar 3
German Proficiency 2
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German texts 2
German Linguistics 1
History of German literature 2
German texts 3
History of German Culture
German Linguistics 2
German Proficiency 3
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Alex Haider
- Tom Smits
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
Courses taught in Spanish
Spanish Grammar 1
Spanish Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
- Pedro Gras
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
- Patricia Galiana
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish-language texts Literature I
Spanish linguistics: structure of contemporary Spanish
Spanish Proficiency 3
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
- Patricia Galiana
Spain: Society and Culture
Spanish Linguistics: language in use
Spanisch Proficiency 4: oral proficiency
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
- Patricia Galiana
Spanish-language texts Literature II
Spanish literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Maria Teresa Navarrete Navarrete
Latin America: Society and Culture
Courses Master Linguistics and Literature (all languages)
(only for masterstudents in Literature and Linguistics and after permission)
Beckett seminar
Stevens Seminar
The American historical novel after 1950
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
New York City in Twentieth-Century Literature
Children's Literature Summer School
Phonetics and phonology
Language Variation and Change in Adults
Curriculum and syllabus design
- Marilize Pretorius
- Kris Van De Poel
- Sophie Demesmaeker
Intercultural communication in the business world
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
English Sociolinguistics
Digital Humanities Summer School
Text as Data
- Wout Dillen
- Dirk Van Hulle
Corpus Studies
Humanities Data Analysis
Machine Learning I
Information Science
- Trudi Noordermeer
Machine Learning II
Natural Language Processing
Computational Literary Studies
- Sara Budts
- Benjamin Burtenshaw
- Walter Daelemans
- Wout Dillen
- Wouter Haverals
- Mike Kestemont
- Peter Petré
Literature and media
Contemporary trends in French literary criticism
Grammaticalisation processes
Semantics. Evidential and modal marking in French
Semantic evolution : from lexicon to grammar
French literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Current and fascinating issues in French linguistics
Du bon usage de la chanson française (Alors on chante !)
Le pari pédagogique : Paris
Literature 1: literature and politics
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
Austrian 20th century literature
- Vivian Liska
- Geert Crauwels
Language and gender
Spanish-language texts Literature I literature and culture 1
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
Grammar and pragmatics of conversational Spanish
Literature of the Spanish language area
- Diana Arbaiza
- Jasper Vervaeke
Spanish Linguistics: Corpus Linguistics
Spanish-language texts Literature and Culture 2
Methodological and theoretical foundations for the analysis of Spanish-language texts
- Diana Arbaiza
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
Courses Philosophy
Courses Philosophy in English (bachelor)
- Kristien Hens
- Patrick Rüdelsheim
- Leni Van Goidsenhoven
Philosophy of Language
Courses Philosophy in English (master)
Antwerp Summer School in Philosophy and Society
- Arthur Cools
- Jan Bierhanzl
- Geoffrey Dierckxsens
- Leen Verheyen
Master Seminar: Philosophy and Neuroscience
Courses History
Courses History in English (bachelor)
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
History of the Islamic World
European values: discourses and perspectives
Courses History in English (master)
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
Urban History Weeks
History of the Body, Gender and Sexuality
City and society in the Low Countries, 1000-1800
History of science and society
The Middle East and Europe since WWI: War and Occupations
Politics of Memory in Europe
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication
Courses Multilingual Professional Communication (master)
Professional Communication (English)
Professional communication (French)
Professional Communication (German)
- Ingeborg Dusar
- Carola Strobl
Business Communication (Spanish)
Courses Applied Language studies & Translation
Courses taught in English
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Text and Communication 1
English Grammar and Language Proficiency
English Culture and History
English Culture 2
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and History
English Text and Communication 3
Courses taught in French
French Grammar 1
French: Text and communication
French Grammar and Language Proficiency
French Culture 1
French Text Production 1
French Culture 2
French Text Production 2
Courses taught in German
German Grammar 1
German Grammar 2
German proficiency 1
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Text and Communication 1
- Alex Haider
- Patricia Linden
- Carola Strobl
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German grammar 3
German Text and Communication 2
- Alex Haider
- Patricia Linden
- Carola Strobl
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
History of German Culture
German Culture
German Text Creation
- Alex Haider
- Patricia Linden
- Carola Strobl
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
Courses taught in Chinese
Chinese Language and Culture
Chinese Culture
Chinese Text Creation 1
Chinese Text Creation 2
Courses taught in Italian
Italian Grammar 1
Italian Grammar 2
Italian Language Proficiency 1
Italian Language Proficiency 2
Italian Communication and Society
Italian Grammar and Language Proficiency
Italian Professional Communication 1
Italian Culture 1
Italian Culture 2
Italian Professional Communication 2
Italian Text Creation 1
Italian Text Creation 2
Courses taught in Spanish
Spanish Grammar 1
Spanish Grammar 2
Spanish Language Proficiency 1
Spanish Language Proficiency 2
Spain: Society and Culture
Society and Culture in Spain: Seminar
- Christiane Stallaert
- Carmen Alicia Nunez-Borja Luna
Latin America: Society and Culture
- Christiane Stallaert
- Carmen Alicia Nunez-Borja Luna
Society and Culture in Latin America: Seminar
- Christiane Stallaert
- Carmen Alicia Nunez-Borja Luna
Spanish Academic Communication
Courses Master in Translation (all languages)
English: Area Studies
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
Intercultural Communication in the Business World
Chinese: Globalisation, Interculturalism and Consumer Culture in East Asia
French: Area Studies
French: Culture of the Francophone World
German: Area Studies
German: Society and German Film
Chinese: Area Studies
Italian: Area Studies
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Latin America and Spain in the 21st Century: Human Rights and Historical Memory
Spanish: Area Studies
Courses Literature and Linguïstics
Courses taught in English
English Proficiency 1
- Kris Van De Poel
- Marilize Pretorius
- Sophie Demesmaeker
English Proficiency 2
English: grammar 1
English Grammar 2
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
English Culture and History
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
- Kris Van De Poel
- Sophie Demesmaeker
- Marilize Pretorius
Nineteenth-century Literature in English
- Bart Eeckhout
- Luc Herman
- Laura Michiels
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
English grammar 3. The complex sentence
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
Twentieth-century Literature in English
English Linguistics. Englishes old and new
Poetry Lab
Geoffrey Chaucer
Crime Fiction
Young Adult Literature
Radio Drama
The Contemporary Reception of Historical English Literature
Contrastive Linguistics
Aspects of Learner Language
Applied Language Studies in a multilingual and multicultural world
Courses taught in French
French Grammar 1
French literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French Proficiency 1: oral and writing Proficiency
French linguistics 1: phonetics, morphology and syntax of modern French
- Walter De Mulder
- Saskia Kindt
French linguistics 1: history of French
French Proficieny 2: Oral and written proficiency
French literary history 2: French and French-language literature from the 19th century until today
French Linguistics 2: grammatical and lexical semantics, synchronic and diachronic approaches
French Culture 1
French Linguistics and Proficiency 3
French Literature 3: genres and texts
Courses taught in German
German Grammar 1
German Grammar 2
German proficiency 1
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German texts 1
- Geert Crauwels
History of German literature 1
German grammar 3
German Proficiency 2
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German texts 2
- Thorsten Ries
German Linguistics 1
History of German literature 2
- - NNB
- Geert Crauwels
German texts 3
- Geert Crauwels
History of German Culture
German Linguistics 2
German Proficiency 3
Courses taught in Spanish
Spanish Grammar 1
Spanish Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
- Pedro Gras
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
- Patricia Galiana
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish linguistics 1
Introduction to the Spanish and Spanish-American Culture and Literature
Spanish Proficiency 2
- Diana Arbaiza
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
Spanish and Spanish American literature 1
Spanish linguistics 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
Spain: Society and Culture
Spanish Linguistics 3
Spanisch Proficiency 4: oral proficiency
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
Spanish American literature 2
Spanish literature 2
- Diana Arbaiza
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
Latin America: Society and Culture
- Christiane Stallaert
- Carmen Alicia Nunez-Borja Luna
Courses Master Linguistics and Literature (all languages)
(only for masterstudents in Literature and Linguistics and after permission)
Beckett seminar
Stevens Seminar
The American historical novel after 1950
Women Writers in Modern British Literature
Constructing Age in Modern Literature
Joyce Seminar
New York City in Twentieth-Century Literature
- Bart Eeckhout
- Laura Michiels
Children's Literature Summer School
Phonetics and phonology
Language Variation and Change in Adults
- Peter Petré
- Lynn Anthonissen
- Sara Budts
Curriculum and syllabus design
- Kris Van De Poel
- Marilize Pretorius
- Sophie Demesmaeker
Computational linguistics
- Walter Daelemans
- Ilia Markov
- Simon Suster
Language management and policy
Intercultural Communication in the Business World
Fieldwork in English Linguistics
English Sociolinguistics
Literature and media
Contemporary trends in French literary criticism
Grammaticalisation processes
Text and context
Semantic evolution : from lexicon to grammar
French literature out of France (Middle East, Africa, Caribbean)
Literature 1: literature and politics
Language Dynamics: regional language research of modern sociology and German dialect
Austrian 20th century literature
- Thorsten Ries
Language and gender
Literature and culture 1: Spanish America
Grammar and pragmatics of conversational Spanish
Literature of the Spanish language area
- Rita De Maeseneer
- Jasper Vervaeke
Lit. and cult. 2: Sp. & the cultural relations with the southern lower countries (14th-17th century)
Courses Philosophy
Courses Philosophy in English (bachelor)
- Kristien Hens
- Patrick Rüdelsheim
- Leni Van Goidsenhoven
Philosophy of Language
Courses Philosophy in English (master)
Master Seminar: 17th and 18th century British Moralists on Human Nature and Morality
- Esther Kroeker
Courses History
Courses History in English (bachelor)
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
History of the Islamic World
European values: discourses and perspectives
Courses History in English (master)
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
Urban History Weeks
History of the Body, Gender and Sexuality
City and society in the Low Countries, 1000-1800
History of science and society
The Middle East and Europe since WWI: War and Occupations
Crusades in the Middle Ages : Between Ideological Conflict and Forced Coexistence
Politics of Memory in Europe
Programmes taught in English
The courses above are all part of programmes of which the principal language is Dutch.
Below you find the courses of the arts programmes that are entirely taught in English: