Target audience
This advanced module can be taken by participants who have already passed the basic programme (English and/or Dutch) or can prove that they have obtained an equivalent degree of experience.
Course information
- This module consists of five days of classes.
- The classes will continue physically.
- All classes are taught in English and involve a high degree of interaction.
Participation in the exam is only possible after meeting the minimum attendance requirement:
- In a physical setting: a minimum individual attendance rate of at least 75% was achieved (force majeure situations included);
- In an online settings: a minimum individual attendance rate of at least 75% was achieved (digital in real time) and a maximum of 25% participation in delayed relays (force majeure situations included)
The exam will take place on the Stadscampus, University of Antwerp.
Foreign participants are offered the opportunity to take the exam from a distance.
Competence level
This advanced module is designed to ensure participants achieve an advanced level of competence (Level 3 of the EU Customs Competency Framework).
Course material
Digital course materials are provided (e.g. PowerPoints, court bundles (legal doctrine, case law)). These digital course materials will be made available through the university’s electronic learning environment.
University of Antwerp
Prinsstraat 13
2000 Antwerp
Tuition fee
EUR 2.450
The price of this course covers registration, study materials, exam, catering and lunch. Please note that on Friday 16 May 2025, no lunch will be provided as this is a half day.
Electronically only through this webpage.
The registration fee is paid within 30 days of receipt of the debit note to KBC account number BE91 7360 6389 5176 of Nexus, CST-UAntwerp, Venusstraat 23, 2000 Antwerp. Each application/registration is binding and cannot be cancelled.
It is required that participants are effectively present. Replacement by a colleague is possible; the organization will be informed in writing in advance.
The prices stated are prices exclusive of VAT (Exemption VAT due to article 44 §2 4°), because Nexus/ATA is a non-taxable legal person in the current state of the legislation. The legislator can change this and Nexus/ATA therefore reserves the right to charge this VAT in case the legislator decides to do so.
Nexus is recognised as a training provider in the SME Portfolio (KMO portefeuille) system. Using this system could enable participants to save up to 30% of the registration fee. SME Portfolio applications must be submitted no later than 14 days after the course start date. The participant undertakes to respect the rules set out by the Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The accreditation number for Nexus Antwerp’s SME portfolio is DV.O100321.
- The training is eligible for the Flemish training leave and training cheques.
- The training is recognised by IBJ for 18 points (continuing education).
- The training is recognised by ITAA.
- Training premium (PC336): after you or your employee(s) have followed a training course, you can apply to Liberform for a training premium. The premium is a financial intervention to employers or companies that pay for the training: more info and application.
- OVB recognition is not applied automatically, but if you followed a course that is not mentioned in the list of recognised courses, or if you met one of the other requirements mentioned in article 54 of the Code of Ethics for Lawyers, you can submit an individual application for recognition as a participant, teacher, speaker or author. If that application is recognised, those points will also be added to the points card.
- Recognition paid educational leave Brussels (in application).
- Recognition paid educational leave under PC226 (in application).
The module is taught by a team of lecturers with relevant expertise from the academic world, the government sector, the private sector and the legal profession. The module will be supervised by Lionel Van Reet, Principal, Customs and International Trade Lead, Baker McKenzie.
12 May 2025
SESSION 1: AEO & SBA certifications - 9.15 a.m. to 10.45 a.m.
- Stef Debeuf | AAD&A
This session will take a deep-dive in the concepts of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) and System-Based Approach (SBA). As they are key trade facilitation measures, the speakers will explore their impact on modern customs compliance and supply chain security. This session will provide valuable insights into the benefits of AEO certification, the role of risk management in customs procedures, and how the SBA enhances efficiency by focusing on internal control systems.
SESSION 2: Customs Competence Center - 10.45 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.
- Sven Van der Biest | Adviseur - AAD&A
The Customs Competence Center (3C) programme of Belgium Customs is unique in the European Union. It has a crucial role in strengthening customs knowledge and compliance within companies. This session will provide an overview of how a 3C structure helps businesses develop in-house expertise on customs regulations, ensuring more efficient and compliant trade operations. The speakers will discuss the benefits of centralizing customs knowledge and the practical steps to establish a 3C. The session aims to offer a clear understanding of how companies can enhance their customs strategies through structured knowledge management and internal collaboration.
SESSION 3: Case study on a real Risk Management Customs and Trade issue - 13.45 p.m. to 16.45 p.m.
- Sylvain Guelton | Associate - Baker & McKenzie
13 May 2025
SESSION 1: Managing trade through technology – 9.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.
SESSION 2: EU case law in customs affairs and its impact on the business - 13.45 p.m. to 15.45 p.m.
- Ward Lietaert | Lawyer - Customs Legal
- Jurgen Gevers | Lawyer - Customs Legal
This session will explore how judicial decisions by the Court of Justice and national courts shape the interpretation and application of customs and trade regulations, influencing both governmental policies and corporate compliance strategies. The speakers will discuss key rulings, their practical implications for businesses, and how companies can anticipate legal developments to mitigate risks. The session aims to provide insights into the evolving legal landscape and its significance for strategic decision-making in international trade.
SESSION 3: Case study on implementation of a customs compliance programme - 15.45 p.m. to 16.45 p.m.
14 May 2025
SESSION 1: Institutional relations and Advocacy in Customs matters – 9.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.
- Michele Pastore | Director - Huawei
Lobbying and advocacy influence decision-making within the European Union. The speaker will provide insight into the mechanisms of advocacy in the customs domain, illustrating how businesses and industry groups engage with policymakers to shape regulations that are better for both business and authority. Using real-life examples from customs classification, the session will highlight the strategies, challenges, and impact of lobbying efforts on legislative and administrative processes. This discussion aims to offer a deeper understanding of the interaction between stakeholders and EU institutions in the development of customs policies.
SESSION 2: Trade Wars: A broader perspective – 13.45 p.m. to 16.45 p.m.
- Philippe Heeren | Partner - Reed Smith
- Ward Lietaert | Lawyer - Customs Legal
In this session, we will take a bird’s-eye view of the current trade conflicts shaping global commerce. The discussion will explore trade wars through the lens of economic theory, examining their causes, consequences, and broader implications for international trade. A key focus will be on the justifications put forward by the United States for its trade policies, as well as the potential responses from other WTO Members. By analyzing these dynamics, the session aims to provide a deeper understanding of the strategic and economic factors driving modern trade disputes.
15 May 2025
SESSION 1: Recent developments: CBAM & Deforestation – 9.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.
- Kristof Van Ael | Partner - Alongsight
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is one of the most important EU developments in the field of international trade. The speaker will discuss the objectives of CBAM, its phased implementation, and the implications for businesses involved in carbon-intensive imports. This session will explore how CBAM aligns with the EU’s climate goals and what challenges and opportunities it presents for global trade. By examining this policy shift, participants will gain insights into how companies can prepare for the evolving regulatory landscape and its effect on supply chains.
SESSION 2: Recent developments: sanctions – 13.45 p.m. to 16.45 p.m.
- Jochen Van Kerckhoven | Partner - Alongsight
In recent years, international sanctions have become an increasingly important tool in global trade and foreign policy. The speaker will discuss the legal framework of these sanctions, their impact on international trade, and the challenges businesses face in ensuring compliance. Using recent examples, the session will explore how sanctions shape global supply chains and risk management strategies. This discussion aims to provide a clearer understanding of the evolving sanctions landscape and its implications for companies operating in an increasingly complex regulatory environment.
16 May 2025
SESSION 1: Future of customs and UCC reform – 9.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.
- Frank Heijmann | Counsellor Customs - Permanent Representation of The Netherlands to the European Union
In a rapidly evolving trade environment, customs authorities face the challenge of balancing effective control with trade facilitation. The speaker will reflect on how customs administrations must adapt to new technological, regulatory, and geopolitical developments. A key focus will be the Union Customs Code (UCC) reform, with an analysis of its main objectives, proposed changes, and expected impact on businesses and enforcement practices. This session will provide valuable insights into the strategic direction of customs policy and the role of authorities in ensuring compliance while supporting international trade.