Do you have problems that you would like student representatives to follow up on? Then take a look at the overview of student representatives to see which student representative is best suited for your problem. If it is not clear who is best to contact, you can always send an email to

Is there a certain student representative you have a problem with? Then it is also best to send an email to the president of the student council (

Office of the Student Council

The Office of the Student Council is the day-to-day management ofthe Student Council. Do not hesitate to send an email to if you have a problem that is best adressed by the Student Council or other Student Council related questions. You can find who is in the office on this page.


You can contact the ombudsperson if students have conflicts with the university.

Faculty ombudsperson

You can often contact the faculty ombudsperson with your study-related conflicts. For example if you think that a professor does not comply with the rules of the Education and Examination Regulations.

Central ombudsperson

For some problems, the faculty ombudsperson can refer you to the central ombudsperson. If the ombudspersons of your faculty are not available, you can also contact them.

Ombudsperson for disputes between student representatives

Do you have a problem with a professor because of your stuver mandate? For example, if you think that a professor treats you unfairly as a result of your work within the Student Council, you can turn to Katrien Dickele as an ombudsperson.

The contact details of the ombudspersonen can be found at the bottom of this page.