18, 19, 20 and 26th of July 2024

The University of Essex presents a practice-based, professional development training programme held over four full days, with an international staff team of leading practitioners.

Remote working is an inevitable part of organisational life today, presenting new challenges and requiring leaders, managers and team members to widen their competences. Through a unique combination of experiential learning, practice and an exploration of key theoretical concepts, this interactive training programme will equip you with a greater capacity to recognise, understand and manage the visible and invisible dynamics of remote working, within your respective roles, at the individual, team and organisational levels.

The training programme takes place in an online live, interactive format, and is divided into two parts: three full days, followed by one full day, one week later.

It is open to participants from all parts of the world.

The number of places is limited.

  • Target audiance: Leaders, managers and team members from any professional sector including business, education, creative, non-profit, social, health, public and more.
  • Language: English
  • Method of delivery: Virtual 

For enquiries, please contact our colleagues at leadingfromthescreen@essex.ac.uk.