Ossicular Motion
Animations of measured middle-ear ossicle motion
This webpage provides animations of the gerbil malleus and incus motion that we measured in the living gerbil and that we described in ‘Three-Dimensional Vibration
of the Malleus and Incus in the Living Gerbil’( JARO, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s10162-014-0452-1). Note that the stapes could not be measured with the experimental approach used.
Animation programs for datasets of 3 experimental animals, 9d8, 11d8 and 16d8, are made available. The applications were written in MATLAB and can be run on Windows or LINUX computers, using a freely available MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR).
The Windows version is available here, for the Linux version please visit http://audilab.bme.mcgill.ca/ossmot/
Software requirements
-Windows XP or later versions (32- and 64-bit)
- MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR). For installation see ‘Installation.docx (22KB)’
Running an animation
Instructions for running an animation are given in ‘Running an animation.docx (20KB)’