Avramova Yana
Marketing communication, consumer behavior, social cognition
Experimental studies, surveysUsers
Researchers, practitioners, policy-makersKeywords
Consumer psychology, Social psychology, Consumer behaviour, Marketing, Advertising effectiveness, Social cognition
Briers Barbara
Barbara Briers is Professor of Marketing at the University of Antwerp, and affiliated Professor at Ghent University. She holds a PhD in Marketing from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the University of Leuven and was previously on the faculty at HEC Paris (2006-2009), Tilburg University (2009-2015 tenured), and Vlerick Business School (2015-2021). She teaches Market Research, Consumer Behavior, and Behavioral Economics. Barbara’ s research focuses on social marketing, persuasion and influence, food consumption, and wealth inequality. Her work has been published, among others, in the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, and Psychological Science. She serves as a member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Consumer Psychology and International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Experimental design Survey designUsers
Market and Consumer Researchers Marketing managers PolicymakersKeywords
Experimental study
Buzeta Riquelme Cristian
My main research lines relate to social media marketing and brand communication in social media. I investigate individuals’ motivations to use social media and their impact on consumers’ brand-related activities across different types of social media platforms. Also, my current interests include the study of cross-cultural differences and multi-country commonalities impacting the effectiveness of social media marketing activities.
PLS-based structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) Univariate, Biviariate and Multivariate data analysis Experimental research Correlational research Qualitative researchUsers
For-profit organizations Non-profit organizations Public sectorKeywords
Marketing management, Influencer marketing, Digital media, Marketing research, Marketing, Social media
Callebaut Timpe
I research consumer behavior and retail marketing, focusing on how marketing decisions—especially packaging—affect consumer decision-making and product sales. I analyze large secondary datasets using econometric models. My work covers pricing strategies like shrinkflation, visual packaging design and retail interventions. I have also conducted meta-analyses to synthesize findings on marketing effectiveness.
I use econometric modeling, causal inference techniques (e.g., difference-in-differences), and meta-analysis to analyze large-scale secondary datasets. My expertise includes data cleaning, preparation, and advanced statistical analysis to measure the impact of marketing decisions on consumer behavior and sales. Additionally, I work with retail and experimental data to study pricing strategies, packaging effects, and marketing interventions.Users
Companies and organizations in retail, consumer goods, and packaging industries looking to optimize marketing strategies and understand consumer behavior. Academic researchers and policymakers interested in marketing analytics, pricing strategies, and the impact of packaging on decision-making. Market research firms and consultancy agencies seeking data-driven insights on consumer responses to marketing interventions.Keywords
Packaging, Marketing, Marketing research, Retail
Cutello Clara
Applied psychology, social psychology, health psychology, persuasive communication, behaviour economics
Experimental studies, surveys, qualitative studies, applied longitudinal studiesUsers
Fellow researchers, students, policy-makers, organisations, organisationsKeywords
Marketing, Psychology
Daems Kristien
- Research on co-creation within innovations in greenhouse horticulture in the context of the GLITCH-project (Greenhouse horticulture innovates by means of co-creative techniques towards low CO2 high-tech) funded by Interreg which subsidises research projects between Flanders and The Netherlands. - Advertising research and marketing communication research.
Qualitative research methods: workshops, in-depth interviews Quantitative research methods: surveys, experiments, beschrijvende analysesUsers
researchers, students, policy makers, companies, consumersKeywords
Marketing, Co-creation, Advertising
De Keyzer Freya
Market research Consumer behavior Marketing communications Persuasive communication
Survey research Experimental designUsers
Companies, public government, consumersKeywords
Marketing, Marketing research
Dens Nathalie
Market research Consumer behavior Marketing communications Persuasive communications
Survey research Experimental research Focus group research In-depth interviews Content analysis Conjoint analysis Descriptive analyses Multi-variate research methodsUsers
Fellow researchers Students Industrial organisations Non-commercial organisations PressKeywords
Marketing, Advertisement
De Pelsmacker Patrick
Marketing research, marketingcommunication consumer behavior.
- Marketing research - Statistical analysis - Decision support systemsUsers
- Firms - Associations of firms - Public authorities - ConsumersKeywords
Sales promotions, Online reviews, Product placement, Marketing, Advertising, Marketing research, Consumer behaviour
Keeble Matthew
Meal delivery service platforms Consumer food purchasing practices Food marketing Home cooking Digital food environments Public Health Public Health Geography
Local governmentKeywords
Focus group, Interview, Behavioural observations, Experimental study
Lievens Annouk
Multistakeholder innovation and value creation within services and sustainability contexts
- Marketing research - Statistical analysis - Decision support systemsUsers
- Firms - Associations of firms - Public authorities - ConsumersKeywords
Services marketing, Marketing research, E-commerce, Consumer behaviour, Sales promotions, Innovation through customer co-creation
Moons Ingrid
Keywords : consumerbehaviour- sustainability- innovation- co-creation- multi method research My work consists of 80% collaboration at the Faculty of Business Economics (FBE) and 20% at the Faculty of Design Sciences. The research in which I specialized focuses on the adoption of sustainable innovations. On the one hand, this research is about motivational drivers in various market segments. Research was conducted for various product types, products with a high involvement (electric transport), low involvement (food) and services (travel). On the other hand, I engage in investigating how co-creation with different stakeholders can contribute to more sustainable solutions. These studies are part of VLAO and INTERREG projects (the adoption of co-creation and GLITCH). I further refine and specify my research together with five l PhD students. A user perspective looks at how innovations can contribute to the circular economy. Integrating the user experience and perception of materials with a technological view on materials to achieve more sustainable design solutions from the early start of the design process onwards is one example. Achieving more connection in society through urban agriculture and ensuring a more fair access to sustainable food through urban agriculture is a study that started in collaboration with the province and is now being continued in a doctoral project. Examples of other studies are: forms of cooperation that lead to sustainable innovation among SMEs, insights into the co-creative design process for hybrid products, more adapted forms of communication to children, which are increasingly being addressed by advertising in an integrated and interactive way, development of research methods that fit with today's fast-changing world in which we communicate in a more 'mobile' way. Journals in which I published an article are amongst others: Journal of cleaner production, IBR, Sustainability, Journal of Marketing Management, International Marketing Review, Ecological Economics , Journal of Marketing Communications, Young Consumers, Food Quality and Preference, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Journal of Marketing Trends Journal of Brand Management.
The use of different methods is specific to the way I approach research. This goes beyond combining desk research with qualitative and quantitative research. In my research I combine research techniques from different disciplines, such as for example: a systemic approach, design research, (co-) creative tools, in-depth research with projective techniques, as well as large-scale research (surveys) which include model building (eg. with SEM).Users
students other universities companies and organizations start-ups specific: companies in an innovation process companies that want to co-create with other stakeholders companies aiming for innovative marketresearch market research agencies looking for innovative research technologiesKeywords
Sustainable growth, Marketing research, Marketing, Innovation through customer co-creation, Marketing strategy
Thornton Lukar
The environments in which we live our daily lives can have a profound influence over our short- and long-term health. I have over 20 years’ experience investigating the links between environments, society and health. Much of this work centers on food behaviors however I also investigate determinants of other health behaviors such as physical activity. My work targets inequalities in recognition that many determinants of health disproportionately impact vulnerable populations.
quantitative study designs and analysis; geospatial data collection and analysisUsers
Anyone with an interest in creating health-promoting environmentsKeywords
Health behaviour, Food, Healthy cities, Neighborhoods