41 results found

Publications Henk de Smaele | Henk de Smaele | University of Antwerp

Henk de Smaele professor Publications Henk de Smaele To kill a sultan: a transnational history of the attempt on Abdülhamid II (1905) Source London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017,281 p. Author(s) Houssine Alloul, Edhem Eldem, Henk de Smaele Citation link Sign or Symptom? Exceptional corporeal phenomena …


Patrice Lumumba lecture hall inauguration | Diversity and inclusion | University of Antwerp

Diversity and inclusion search menu search content Patrice Lumumba lecture hall inauguration Friday 31 March 2023 On 31 March, the ‘Patrice Lumumba lecture hall’ was inaugurated as a tribute to the first prime minister of an independent Congo. Patrice Lumumba was murdered on 17 January 1961 – …


Publications Maarten Weyn | Maarten Weyn | University of Antwerp

Maarten Weyn full professor - vice-rector Publications Maarten Weyn Low-latency symbol-synchronous communication for multi-hop sensor networks Source Networks and Communications (EuCNC), European Conference on- (2024) p. 1096-1101 Author(s) Xinlei Liu, Andrei Belogaev, Jonathan Oostvogels, Bingwu Fa…


Patrice Lumumba lecture hall inauguration | Aula Lumumba | University of Antwerp

Aula Lumumba search menu search content Patrice Lumumba lecture hall inauguration Friday 31 March 2023 On 31 March, the ‘Patrice Lumumba lecture hall’ was inaugurated as a tribute to the first prime minister of an independent Congo. Patrice Lumumba was murdered on 17 January 1961 – a murder th…


Publications Jeroen Famaey | Jeroen Famaey | University of Antwerp

Jeroen Famaey associate research professor Publications Jeroen Famaey Location optimization and resource allocation of IRS in a multi-user indoor mmWave VR network Source IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference : WCNC- (2024) p. 1-6 Author(s) Jalal Jalali, Maria Bustamante Madrid, Fil…


How to reach us | Antwerp X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy laboratory | University of Antwerp

Antwerp X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy laboratory search menu search content How to reach us By car Our campus is located south of Antwerp, close to the E19 and A12 highways. As there are several parking lots around the building, our offices are easily accesible by car. However, please bear in mind …


How to reach A-PECS | A-PECS | University of Antwerp

A-PECS search menu search content How to reach A-PECS How to reach us By car Our campus is located south of Antwerp, close to the E19 and A12 highways. As there are several parking lots around the building, our offices are easily accesible by car. However, please bear in mind that the ring road (R1)…


Technical Information | 3-Dimensional DYnamic MOrphology using X-rays (3D2YMOX) | University of Antwerp

3-Dimensional DYnamic MOrphology using X-rays (3D2YMOX) search menu search content Technical Information Hardware components x-ray generator: Philips Super CP80 x-ray tubes: SRM 0511 ROT 500 x collimators: Philips XD6028 image intensifiers: Philips Imagica HC 36 cm monitoring camera: XTV11 high-spee…


Ethnic-cultural diversity | Diversity and inclusion | University of Antwerp

Diversity and inclusion search menu search content Ethnic-cultural diversity On this page you will find information about the policies and initiatives that UAntwerp has in place to promote ethnic-cultural diversity. 1. Policy 1.1. Strategic Framework for Global Engagement During 2021 and 2022, sever…


Publications | IDLab | University of Antwerp

IDLab search menu search content Publications Optimized resource allocation for cloud-native 6G networks: zero-touch ML models in microservices-based VNF deployments Source IEEE network - ISSN 0890-8044- (2024) p. 1-8 Author(s) Swarna Bindu Chetty, Avishek Nag, Ahmed Al-Tahmeesschi, Qiao Wang, Berk …


Research José Luis Penalvo | José Luis Penalvo | University of Antwerp

José Luis Penalvo unpaid guest prof. Research José Luis Penalvo Research team Global Health Institute (GHI) Scientific research on the impact of the 'Smakelijke School' project. 01/02/2023 - 31/01/2026 Abstract Background: Providing children with healthy meals at schools can benefit the health of …


Passion: Histories of the Heart | Research centre Ruusbroec Institute | University of Antwerp

Research centre Ruusbroec Institute search menu search content Passion: Histories of the Heart Exhibition (1 April - 20 May) and city walk in Antwerp (14 February - 20 May 2021) Passion: Histories of the Heart tells some of the many histories of our most intimate muscle. The heart pumps blood and ox…


Message from the Rector | Aula Lumumba | University of Antwerp

Aula Lumumba search menu search content Message from the Rector Dear all The debate around decolonisation is alive and well in general society, including at this university – the University of Antwerp. This is no surprise, because those with a migration background in Belgium, from Africa or elsewh…


Research Emilio Vivó Capdevila | Emilio Vivó Capdevila | University of Antwerp

Emilio Vivó Capdevila unpaid staff Research Emilio Vivó Capdevila Research team Antwerp Centre for Digital humanities and literary Criticism (ACDC) The Philippines and Equatorial Guinea in the Spanish Literary Production of the Early Francoism (1939-1955). 01/10/2019 - 30/09/2023 Abstract This dis…


About Elina Vrijsen | Elina Vrijsen | University of Antwerp

Elina Vrijsen doctoral scholarship holder About Elina Vrijsen Meat, Media, and Masculinities Beyond the grill: Exploring the cultural construction of meat-eating manhood through media Although an over-consumption of meat relates to health- and sustainability problems, many people, men in particular,…


Speech Herman Van Goethem | Diversity and inclusion | University of Antwerp

Diversity and inclusion search menu search content Speech Herman Van Goethem Rector UAntwerp Esteemed representatives of the family of the late Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, esteemed representatives of the African community in general and representatives of the Congolese community in particular, e…


Speech Herman Van Goethem | Aula Lumumba | University of Antwerp

Aula Lumumba search menu search content Speech Herman Van Goethem Rector UAntwerp Esteemed representatives of the family of the late Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, esteemed representatives of the African community in general and representatives of the Congolese community in particular, esteemed att…


Research Andrea Marchetti | Andrea Marchetti | University of Antwerp

Andrea Marchetti assistant professor - senior researcher Research Andrea Marchetti Research team Antwerp X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy (AXIS) Antwerp Cultural Heritage Sciences (ARCHES) Expertise The aim of my research career has always been to advance the understanding of history, composition and …


Research Jeroen Famaey | Jeroen Famaey | University of Antwerp

Jeroen Famaey associate research professor Research Jeroen Famaey Research team Internet Data Lab (IDLab) Expertise My research is situated in the broad area of wireless communications and networks. I study the performance and develop protocols for various emerging wireless network technologies. Thi…


Research Maarten Weyn | Maarten Weyn | University of Antwerp

Maarten Weyn full professor - vice-rector Research Maarten Weyn Research team Internet Data Lab (IDLab) Expertise Our research focuses on low-power localisation and communication. Ranging from the embedded hardware design and implementation over the wireless link to the sensor fusion on the backend.…


Research Lidia Casas Ruiz | Lidia Casas Ruiz | University of Antwerp

Lidia Casas Ruiz tenure track asst. professor - guest prof. external funds Research Lidia Casas Ruiz Research team Social Epidemiology & Health Policy (SEHPO) Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (LAMB) Expertise Environmental epidemiology. Health effects of air pollution, green spac…


Research Walter Van Herck | Walter Van Herck | University of Antwerp

Walter Van Herck professor Research Walter Van Herck Research team Center for European Philosophy Expertise Research and referee assignments concerning philosophy in general, philosophy of religion, world views and their interactions with culture and society. Marguerite Porete and Simone Weil on aff…


Research Kees Schepers | Kees Schepers | University of Antwerp

Kees Schepers associate professor Research Kees Schepers Research team Research centre Ruusbroec Institute Expertise My expertise lies in the field of mediëval and earl-modern spiritual literature in The Low Countries. I have published studies and critical editions of spiritual literature both in M…


Research John Arblaster | John Arblaster | University of Antwerp

John Arblaster associate professor Research John Arblaster Research team Research centre Ruusbroec Institute Institute for the Study of Literature in the Low Countries (ISLN) Expertise John Arblaster mainly conducts research into medieval and early modern mystics from the Low Countries, with a parti…


Research Inge Glazemakers | Inge Glazemakers | University of Antwerp

Inge Glazemakers associate professor Research Inge Glazemakers Research team Collaborative Antwerp Psychiatric Research Institute (CAPRI) Expertise Studies about child and adolescent mental health. -Cross-sectoral collaboration for children and adolescents with multiple and complex needs/multiple pr…
