108 results found
Publications | Computational Mathematics | University of Antwerp
Computational Mathematics search menu search content Publications Refereed proceedings Ridalise Louw, Ferre Knaepkens, Annie Cuyt, Wen-shin Lee, Stefan J. Wijnholds, Dirk I.L. de Villiers, and Rina-Mari Weideman. Antenna position estimation through sub-sampled exponential analysis of harmonically re…
Expedition Social Sciences | Social Sciences | University of Antwerp
Social Sciences Expedition Social Sciences November 2021 Expedition Social Sciences November 2021 Looking for statues Expedition Social Sciences - November 2021 Petra Meier talks about her research on 'The Significance of Symbolic Representation for Gender Issues in Politics' Expedition Social Scien…
Francqui Chair - Prof Luc De Raedt | Science | University of Antwerp
Science Francqui Chair - Prof Luc De Raedt Francqui Chair - Prof Luc De Raedt The artificial intelligence and machine learning revolutions Recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are revolutionizing our society. They form the core of new technologies such as self-dr…
Research Veerle Vanden Daelen | Veerle Vanden Daelen | University of Antwerp
Veerle Vanden Daelen unpaid staff Research Veerle Vanden Daelen Research team Power in History - Centre for Political History Institute of Jewish Studies The "Jewish neighborhood" in Antwerp. Geographical and symbolic uses of space by Jewish foreigners in an urban context (ca. 1900 - 1950) 01/10/200…
25 October 2022 | Great Lakes of Africa Centre | University of Antwerp
Great Lakes of Africa Centre search menu search content 25 October 2022 from 12:30 until 14:00 (CET) Political representation in the aftermath of ethnic violence: a comparative analysis of Rwanda and Burundi (1985-2015) Réginas Ndayiragije and Marijke Verpoorten The lack of political representation…
Computational Mathematics | Computational Mathematics | University of Antwerp
Computational Mathematics search menu search content Computational Mathematics About our group Computational Mathematics involves mathematical research in areas of science where computing plays a central and essential role, emphasizing algorithms, numerical methods, symbolic methods and scientific c…
Current Affairs debate | Law and Development | University of Antwerp
Law and Development search menu search content Current Affairs debate Current Affairs Debate The Rise and Fall of Referendums in Europe (and Beyond): The Law and Politics of Secession and Self-determination On the 16th of November 2017 the Law and Development research Group, under the impulse of pro…
Research Christ'l De Landtsheer | Christ'l De Landtsheer | University of Antwerp
Christ'l De Landtsheer emeritus occasional assignment Research Christ'l De Landtsheer Research team Expertise Lectures and project research on the role of communication (including personality, language and symbols, new media) in political processes and where special attention is paid to psychologica…
Doctoral Seminars | Henry van de Velde | University of Antwerp
Henry van de Velde search menu search content Doctoral Seminars inviting academic scholars Architecture, and the Politics of Materiality How can architecture be political? Until recently, the most common type of answer to this question appeared as a combination of two main lines of argument. First, …
Passion: Histories of the Heart | Research centre Ruusbroec Institute | University of Antwerp
Research centre Ruusbroec Institute search menu search content Passion: Histories of the Heart Exhibition (1 April - 20 May) and city walk in Antwerp (14 February - 20 May 2021) Passion: Histories of the Heart tells some of the many histories of our most intimate muscle. The heart pumps blood and ox…
News and events | Computational Mathematics | University of Antwerp
Computational Mathematics search menu search content News and events News and events — 2021 August 28 - September 4 The XXXIV General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS 2021) at Rome, Italy is held as a hybrid conference. Ridalise Louw presents…
Publications | Computational Mathematics | University of Antwerp
Computational Mathematics search menu search content Publications Selected talks A. Cuyt and W.-s. Lee. Sparse interpolation. A. Cuyt, B. Benouahmane and I. Yaman. Radial orthogonality, symbolic-numeric integration, Padé approximation and Lebesgue constants. A. Cuyt. Nonlinear multidimensional mode…
Joint Panel at IFTR Conference (20-24 June 2022) | Cultures of Dance | University of Antwerp
Cultures of Dance search menu search content Joint Panel at IFTR Conference (20-24 June 2022) The yearly conference of the International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR), which took place from 20 to 24 June 2022 in Reykjavik (Iceland), was dedicated to the theme "Shifting Centres — in the Mi…
Political Communication | Political Communication | University of Antwerp
Political Communication search menu search content Political Communication Political Communication Research Unit The Political Communication Research Unit studies psychological, linguistic, (new) media, socialization and marketing aspects of political communication. Political communication is symbol…
About Computational Mathematics | Computational Mathematics | University of Antwerp
Computational Mathematics search menu search content About Computational Mathematics About our group Computational Mathematics involves mathematical research in areas of science where computing plays a central and essential role, emphasizing algorithms, numerical methods, symbolic methods and scient…
About Annie Cuyt | Annie Cuyt | University of Antwerp
Annie Cuyt emeritus with assignment About Annie Cuyt Annie Cuyt Contact Campus Middelheim Show email address Tel. +3232653898 Middelheimlaan 1 2020 Antwerpen, BEL Annie Cuyt is head of the research group Computational Mathematics at the University of Antwerp. She is involved in mathematical research…
Publications Franky Backeljauw | Franky Backeljauw | University of Antwerp
Franky Backeljauw HPC system administrator CalcUA Publications Franky Backeljauw Validated evaluation of special mathematical functions Source Science of computer programming - ISSN 0167-6423-90:A (2014) p. 2-20 Author(s) Franky Backeljauw, Stefan Becuwe, Annie A.M. Cuyt, Joris Van Deun, Daniel W. L…
Publications Stefan Becuwe | Stefan Becuwe | University of Antwerp
Stefan Becuwe senior researcher Publications Stefan Becuwe Validated evaluation of special mathematical functions Source Science of computer programming - ISSN 0167-6423-90:A (2014) p. 2-20 Author(s) Franky Backeljauw, Stefan Becuwe, Annie A.M. Cuyt, Joris Van Deun, Daniel W. Lozier Citation link Va…
Ionas Sklavounos | Henry van de Velde | University of Antwerp
Henry van de Velde search menu search content Ionas Sklavounos 2020 - 2024 Building Insights: Architectural modalities between craftmanship and city-making (1831 – 1914, 2020s) Promotor: Lara Schrijver By situating architecture between craftsmanship and the city, this research aims to provide arch…
Ionas Sklavounos | Henry van de Velde | University of Antwerp
Henry van de Velde search menu search content Ionas Sklavounos Bio Ionas graduated in Architecture at the University of Patras in Greece and completed his post-graduate studies in Epistemology of Architecture at the National Technical University of Athens. During that time he worked as Teaching Assi…
The Religious and the Spiritual | B-MAGIC | University of Antwerp
B-MAGIC search menu search content The Religious and the Spiritual The Magic Lantern in the Hands of the Freemasons Postdoc: LENK Sabine (UA/ULB) Supervisor: VANHAESEBROUCK Karel (ULB) Different Belgian interest groups used the lantern to disseminate their convictions. Some operated publicly, trying…
#PaarsToday | Diversity and inclusion | University of Antwerp
Diversity and inclusion search menu search content #PaarsToday Raise your voice for our LGBTQI+ community We value your opinion! Let us know what you think. We would love to hear from you about your experiences at UAntwerp! What works for you? What could be improved? What are the needs you have? She…
Paul-Henri Spaak Building | Henry van de Velde | University of Antwerp
Henry van de Velde search menu search content Paul-Henri Spaak Building Nexus Teaching-Research Project: students create out-of-the-box sustainable re-design of European democratic landmark Project The nexus teaching-research project (NTR) EP is focused on the sustainable re-design of the so-called …
Research Imane Kostet | Imane Kostet | University of Antwerp
Imane Kostet Guest Professor & FWO Postdoctoral Researcher Research Imane Kostet Research team Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change Expertise Imane Kostet conducts research on symbolic boundaries in super-diverse societies, with a focus on ‘ethnicisation’ of social differences.…
Research Louis Volont | Louis Volont | University of Antwerp
Louis Volont guest professor Research Louis Volont Research team Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change Expertise My research is situated in the fields of art sociology and cultural sociology, with a specific focus on cultural life in the late-modern European metropolis. I analyze fo…