Cross-species applicability of an adverse outcome pathway network for thyroid hormone system disruption

Toxicological sciences - ISSN 1096-6080-195:1 (2023) p. 1-27

New approach methods to improve human health risk assessment of thyroid hormone system disruption – a PARC project

Frontiers in toxicology - ISSN 2673-3080-5 (2023) p. 1-10
    Louise Ramhøj, Marta Axelstad, Yoni Baert, Ana I. Cañas-Portilla, Frédéric Chalmel, Lars Dahmen, Antonio De La Vieja, Bertrand Evrard, Ann-Cathrin Haigis, Timo Hamers, Kim Heikamp, Henrik Holbech, Patricia Iglesias-Hernandez, Dries Knapen, Lorna Marchandise, Jane E. Morthorst, Nikolai Georgiev Nikolov, Ana C.V.E. Nissen, Michael Oelgeschlaeger, Kostja Renko, Vera Rogiers, Gerrit Schüürmann, Evelyn Stinckens, Mette H. Stub, Monica Torres-Ruiz, Majorie Van Duursen, Tamara Vanhaecke, Lucia Vergauwen, Eva Bay Wedebye, Terje Svingen