Lodgings located: mapping hospitality in an urbanizing port city, Antwerp, 1850-1914
Arrival neighborhoods in Europe since the mid-19th century. Migrations, cities, infrastructures / Templin, David [edit.]-p. 53-78
The democratization of long-distance migration : trajectories and flows during the “Mobility Transition,” 1850–1910
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Burgerwetenschap in stadsgeschiedenis. Reflecties vanuit de historische praktijk (Dossier)
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‘t Stad in de kijker. Tien jaar historisch onderzoek over Antwerpen aan de universiteiten: enkele krachtlijnen en trends
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Grasping opportunities in times of crisis? The community of Dutch maritime traders in the port of Antwerp during the French period
The early modern state: drivers, beneficiaries and discontents: essays in honour of Prof. Dr. Marjolein 't Hart / Brandon, Pepijn [edit.]; et al. [edit.]-p. 227-246