Unraveling the immune signature of herpes zoster : insights into the pathophysiology and human leukocyte antigen risk profile

The journal of infectious diseases - ISSN 0022-1899- (2024) p.

TCR_Explore : a novel webtool for T cell receptor repertoire analysis

Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal - ISSN 2001-0370-21 (2023) p. 1272-1282
    Kerry Mullan, Justin B. Zhang, Claerwen M. Jones, Shawn J.R. Goh, Jerico Revote, Patricia T. Illing, Anthony W. Purcell, Nicole L. La Gruta, Chen Li, Nicole A. Mifsud

The allopurinol metabolite, oxypurinol, drives oligoclonal expansions of drug‐reactive T cells in resolved hypersensitivity cases and drug‐naïve healthy donors

Allergy: European journal of allergy and clinical immunology - ISSN 0105-4538-78:11 (2023) p. 2980-2993
    Nicole A. Mifsud, Patricia T. Illing, Rebecca Ho, Johanna E. Tuomisto, Heidi Fettke, Kerry Mullan, James McCluskey, Jamie Rossjohn, Julian Vivian, Rangsima Reantragoon, Anthony W. Purcell