Research team


Our research focuses on low-power localisation and communication. Ranging from the embedded hardware design and implementation over the wireless link to the sensor fusion on the backend. Technologies which are being used are LPWAN (LoraWAN, Sigfox, NB-IoT), DASH7, 5G, BLE and UWB, (low orbit) satellite systems. On the side of the the embedded implementation we focus on low power sensor acquisition, processing and communication, energy harvesting and energy aware systems. In addition, I try to explain things such as electronics, Internet of things, localization and wireless communication to the general public.

Indoor Localization with Low Earth Orbit Satellites. 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2026


Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) has become increasingly important in enabling many Location Based Services (LBS). Undoubtedly, the most used PNT systems are the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), which provide worldwide coverage. Although GNSS has improved significantly over the past decades, multiple shortcomings are inherent to the design of the satellite system. The poor indoor reception and the susceptibility to jamming are a clear illustration of this. Therefore, a novel Low Earth Orbit (LEO) PNT system could provide a solution to these problems. Because these satellites are approximately 20 times closer to Earth, a significant signal strength difference can be observed. However, the topic of indoor localization with LEO satellites remains largely unexplored. To construct a new PNT constellation with good indoor accuracy and coverage the dynamic LEO satellite-to-indoor channel should be taken into account, together with optimizing carrier frequency, modulation, algorithms, and coding techniques within the many constraints. In this work, I quantify the LEO satellite-to-indoor channel characteristics. To achieve this, I will conduct numerous real-world measurements and quantify multipath and signal strength in a variety of indoor environments. This will be achieved by leveraging real LEO-PNT signals provided by ESA. Furthermore, a LEO satellite simulation will be constructed to analyze and optimize the PNT performance for indoor environments.


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  • Research Project

Sustainable and Energy Neutral Soil Sensing. 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025


Greenhouse gas emission is causing the Earth's climate to deteriorate at an alarming rate. Greenhouse gas traps the heat in the atmosphere, causing global warming, extreme weather conditions and environmental changes such as rising sea levels. Agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emission, with a contribution of around one-third of total emissions. Considering this, many recent sustainability regulations such as the Flemish Nitrogen Decree and EU Green Deal try to tackle the emission from agriculture. A major portion of agricultural emissions arise from the unscientific use of fertilizers which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. As a result, farmers are urged to follow sustainable agriculture practices and reduce emission. However, implementing sustainable farming requires allowing farmers to determine the optimum measurement of both soil nutrient content and emission in real time. But there is a lack of cost-effective devices that can measure both soil nitrogen content and emission in real time and can assist farmers in deciding on optimum fertilizer application. Such a device should be of low cost and with limited maintenance requirements, putting no extra financial pressure on farmers. Moreover, they should be deploy-and-forget architecture so that no maintenance and management is required from the farmers. This POC proposal Sustainable and Energy Neutral Soil Sensing (SENSS) aims to fill this gap by innovating novel soil sensing devices that work seamlessly in agricultural environments. The device will incorporate novel energy harvesting and energy-aware techniques along with low-power wireless connectivity and onboard intelligence to achieve long-term operation and in-device data processing and inference. The project will further leverage the ecology and environmental knowledge of the Global Change Ecology Center of Excellence and the low-power electronic and communication knowledge of IDLab.


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  • Research Project

IMEC-A holistic flagship towards the 6G network platform and system, to inspire digital transformation, for the world to act together in meeting needs in society and ecosystems with novel 6G services (Hexa-X-II) 01/01/2023 - 30/06/2025


To deliver on our European 6G vision for the 2030s, and to tackle opportunities and challenges of increasing magnitude, e.g.,sustainability, trustworthiness, green deal efficiency, digital inclusion, there is need for a flagship project, towards the elaboration of aholistic 6G network platform and system. To fill this need, Hexa-X-II is proposed with the ambition of being this flagship project, andof inspiring the world for digital transformation through novel 6G services. Hexa-X-II will work, beyond enabler-oriented research, tooptimized systemization, early validation, and proof-of-concept; work will progress from the 6G key enablers that connect the human,physical, and digital worlds, as explored in Hexa-X, to advanced technology readiness levels, including key aspects of modules /protocols / interfaces / data.Hexa-X II includes: (a) the provision of advanced / refined use cases, services, and requirements, ensuring value for society; (b) thedelivery of the 6G platform blueprint, which will encompass enhanced connectivity for 6G services, mechanisms realizing the"networks beyond communications" vision (sensing, computing, trustworthy AI), efficient network management schemes; (c) therealization of extended validation at system and component level; (d) actions for global impact, while assuring strategic autonomy incritical areas for the EU.Europe is starting from the pole position with 6G research and is leading wireless network technologies today. Now is the time toleverage our joint research ambition with a flagship project that will lead the R&D effort towards end-to-end systemization andvalidation. The Hexa-X-II flagship is a unique effort and a holistic vision, of a 6G system of integrated technology enablers, whichaccomplish "beyond the sum of the parts", and of a "network beyond communications" platform for disruptive economic /environmental / societal impact; these are vital for establishing the European 6G technology leadership!


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Passive Environment Sensing through Signals of Opportunity. 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2025


The radio frequency part of the spectrum is filled with various energy sources that are transmitted, reflected, refracted, diffracted, absorbed and scattered by objects and persons in the real world. The energy is transmitted for other reasons than interpreting the environment: it is transmitting information, data that people or machines are sharing. However, like a lighthouse that signals the location of the shore and simultaneously intermittently lights up that shore, radio frequency transmissions carry both data and information about the environment. In the most generic sense, our objective is to be able to look at the radio frequency spectrum like our eyes look at the visual light spectrum and 'see' what is happening. The major research hypothesis of this proposal is that devices and persons can be counted, identified and tracked between rooms by studying changes in received yet unknown radio signals. If we can prove this hypothesis, the academic breakthrough will lead to a novel class of research focusing on interpreting the real world using the below visual light ambient electromagnetic spectrum.


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  • Research Project

Low Latency Communication for Energy Harvesting Robot Swarms (LOCUSTS). 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2025


Swarm robotics enables large groups of robots to collaborate on complex tasks, which requires low latency many-to-many wireless communication among them. Enabling such communication is still an open issue and is complicated by the fact that robots need to rely on unpredictable ambient energy harvesting for long-term autonomy. Traditionally, multi-hop wireless networks rely on packet-based store-and-forward protocols, where packets are fully transmitted to the next hop, temporarily stored, and then forwarded further towards the destination. Such protocols require a lot of coordination among nodes, are energy hungry, and have a high latency. This makes them ill-suited to satisfy the requirements of mobile and ambiently-powered robot swarms. We instead propose a radically different solution, based on symbol-synchronous wireless transmission, where nodes forward each received data symbol immediately. This allows all nodes in the network to transmit the packet in parallel, reducing latency by several orders of magnitude. This project is the first attempt to apply symbol-synchronous transmissions in a highly mobile environment with severe energy constraints. We will design two energy efficient symbol-synchronous transceivers, based on infrared (IR) and radio frequency (RF) waves respectively. Additionally, we will investigate energy efficient symbol-synchronous network protocols for ambiently-powered robot swarms and develop a robot prototype using both the IR and RF transceivers.


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  • Research Project

Wireless self-sufficient implantable sensor system design and characterisation. 01/10/2021 - 30/09/2025


This BOF Docpro project aims to design and characterise a wireless self-sufficient implantable sensor system. This system can be used both for continuous health monitoring as for the specific detection of biomarkers. More specifically, this research project will focus on lactate detection since it is a well-known biomarker for cancer, fatigue, infections and during anaesthesia. In order for the proposed system to thrive, three main aspects should be taken into consideration: in-body energy harvesting, communication, and biosensing. Each of these aspects has its own challenges. Communication needs to be ultra-low power and wireless and able to transmit the sensor data from within the body to a data sink outside the body. Self-sufficiency is also a very important aspect to keep the in-body devices up and running for an extensive amount of time without the need for an external battery source. Using in-body energy harvesting life-long monitoring becomes feasible. The energy harvesting and communication should also match with the biosensors that need to be designed specifically for the biomarker that needs to be monitored. This challenge is accompanied by the fact that the sensors need to be particularly small and low-power and match the energy capabilities of the self-sufficient system. Finally, the complete system should be designed in such a way that the human body does not reject its presence. The combination of these three main aspects introduces countless possibilities in many medical branches where current detection techniques are too shallow and often associated with excessive radiation exposure. Moreover, abnormalities can be detected at an early stage which implies a higher possibility of effective treatment. In the state of the art some individual aspects are already investigated and show great potential. The main challenge and innovation of this DOCPRO proposal is the system design integrating both the in-body energy harvesting (using a hybrid triboelectric nanogenerator and biofuel cell), the in-body communication (ideally using Bluetooth low energy) and the integration of the biosensor (lactate will be used for this investigation). The prototype needs to be characterised, so we have a clear view of the potential for further research. The proposed project will form the initial foundation for a new research-track within IDLab. It will be the first step in a trajectory of interdisciplinary research concerning IDLab (Internet Data Lab) and AXES (Antwerp X-ray analysis, Electrochemistry and Speciation).


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  • Research Project

IDLab - Internet and Data Lab 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2026


The IOF consortium IDLab is composed of academic supervisors at the IDLab Research Group, a UAntwerp research group with members from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Applied Engineering. IDLab develops innovative digital solutions in the area of two main research lines: (1) Internet technologies, focusing on wireless networking and Internet of Things (IoT), and (2) Data science, focussing on distributed intelligence and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The mission of the IDLab consortium is to be the number one research and innovation partner in Flanders and leading partner worldwide, in the above research areas, especially applied in a city and its metropolitan surroundings (industry, ports & roads). To realize its mission, IDLab looks at integrated solutions from an application and technology perspective. From an application point of view, we explicitly provide solutions for all stakeholders in metropolitan areas aiming to cross-fertilize these applications. From a technological point of view, our research includes hardware prototyping, connectivity and AI, enabling us to provide a complete integrated solution to our industrial partners from sensor to software. Over the past years, IDLab has been connecting the city and its surroundings with sensors and actuators. It is time to (1) reliably and efficiently connect the data in an integrated way to (2) turn them into knowledgeable insights and intelligent actions. This perfectly matches with our two main research lines that we want to extensively valorise the upcoming years. The IDLab consortium has a unique position in the Flemish eco-system to realize this mission as it is strategically placed across different research and innovation stakeholders: (1) IDLab is a research group embedded in the Strategic Research Centre imec, a leading research institute in the domain of nano-electronics, and more recently through groups such as IDLab, in the domain of digital technology. (2) IDLab has a strategic link with IDLab Ghent, a research group at Ghent University. While each group has its own research activities, we define a common strategy and for the Flemish ecosystem, we are perceived as the leading partner in the research we are performing. (3) IDLab is the co-founder of The Beacon, an Antwerp-based eco-system on innovation where start-ups, scale ups, etc. that work on IoT and AI solutions for the city, logistics, mobility and industry 4.0 come together. (4) Within the valorisation at UAntwerp, IDLab contributes to the valorisation within the domain 'Metropolitanism, Smart City and Mobility'. To realize our valorisation targets, IDLab will define four valorisation programs: VP1: Emerging technologies for next-generation IoT; VP2: Human-like artificial Intelligence; VP3: Learning at the edge; VP4: Deterministic communication networks. Each of these valorisation programs is led by one of the (co-)promoters of the IDLab consortium, and every program is composed of two or three innovation lines. This way, the IDLab research will be translated into a clear program offer towards our (industrial) partners, allowing us to build a tailored offer. Each valorisation program will contribute to the different IOF objectives, but in a differentiated manner. Based on our current experience, some valorisation programs are focusing more on local partners, while others are mainly targeting international and EU funded research projects.


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  • Research Project

Subsidy for the support of young researchers. 01/10/2016 - 31/12/2025


The funds are allocated for activities relating to the support and supervision of young researchers. The grant will be used to create a framework for and the development, implementation and strengthening of activities related to the following objectives: Training of young researchers; Career development and promotion of career prospects of young researchers; Strengthening the international orientation in the careers of young researchers.


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    • Research Project

    Sustainable AI Adaption on Energy Aware IoT Systems (Saints). 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2023


    In recent years, edge computing has emerged as a novel computing paradigm for the Internet of Things (IoT). It reduces end-to-end latency, congestion, bandwidth consumption, and improves local load balancing capabilities and scalability in terms of resource and energy consumption. On the other hand, when pushing this model to the far edge, sensors and other computing devices have severely constrained capabilities (i.e., computational power, storage, and energy) compared to traditional edge or cloud servers. This significantly complicates the deployment and execution of machine learning (ML) algorithms at the edge. This problem is being addressed by the TinyML community, by allowing individual low-power sensors and other far edge devices to run basic ML algorithms. However, this progress is insufficient to implement complex far edge applications, where edge device is in an environment or context that slowly changes over time. At the same time, due to the massive increase in IoT devices, more and more materials and batteries are being used. The combination of these two trends will require new methods to continue processing sensor data in an optimal way without further burdening the earth and the environment. The IOF POC Saints project aims to fill this gap by enabling sensors and peripherals with limited resources (materials, energy, and environmental impact) to learn and make decisions by aligning their activities with the availability of computing and energy sources on sensor equipment with limited resources. This by bringing together various innovations that have been developed within IDLab, applying them to these application domains and taking the first steps to valorize this in various domains.


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    • Research Project

    Design of energy harvesting and energy-aware systems for low power wireless sensors. 01/11/2022 - 31/10/2023


    Current Internet of Things (IoT) devices are not designed to be sustainable. For example, large batteries are often equipped to guarantee that sensing and transmitting tasks can be performed at fixed intervals for years on end. This significantly affects the form factor, cost, and ecological footprint of IoT devices. In this project, we will design and develop sustainable systems that are able to harvest various renewable energy sources , including but not limited to solar, thermal and kinetic energy. The system will consist of (1) a power management module that includes energy harvesting hardware and energy storage units (i.e. batteries or supercapacitors), (2) sensors for environmental monitoring, (3) a low-power microcontroller unit (MCU) and (4) a low power communication module. Additionally, we will implement intelligent algorithms on this system to make it energy-aware. This will allow the system to adapt its behaviour based on its current and future available energy, effectively improving its reliability and energy efficiency. The sustainable system has a broad application potential, ranging from solar-powered air quality measurement units in Belgium to low-power thermal energy harvesting devices for climate research in Iceland. In this project, we will evaluate our sustainable system with the latter use case.


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    Services under direction with Association of Belgian Large Construction Contractors 01/08/2022 - 31/07/2023


    Exploring the transformative power of real-time localization services (RTLS) in the construction industry. Our sessions delve into RTLS applications for equipment and personnel tracking, enabling improved project coordination and safety measures. We create valuable insights on implementation strategies, operational benefits, and industry case studies.


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    IMEC-ESA Leonard. 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022


    The main objective of the study is to sustain and justify current and future answers to the following question: assuming GNSS-like ranging signals but broadcast from LEO satellites, and with freedom to select different carrier frequencies and signals, what are the main benefits and challenges to ensure PVT, in a parametric way, from the UE perspective.


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    • Research Project

    (i-bollards) Intelligent early-warning system of interconnected bollards to monitor port infrastructure. 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021


    This project originates from the known interest of the Port of Antwerp in finding an innovative and cost-effective way to detect and prevent overloading of the bollards since the quay walls need to be able to cope with the ever-increasing loads and operational times. Overloaded bollards can become a danger to port operations, resulting in e.g. ship ropes that come loose and vessels hitting the docks or bollards that are pulled from the quay towards the vessels. The port initially searched for existing solutions on the market but rapidly realized that there was not such a "market-ready" solution available to tackle this challenge and therefore launched a call for proposals. ID lab proposed an intelligent early-warning system of interconnected bollards to monitor port infrastructure solution, which went beyond expectations in terms of operational value, by combining two of our expertise domains (i) sensors and energy efficient wireless communication protocol and (ii) intelligent data processing with machine learning techniques. While the solution holds great potential some research activities are still needed to test the set-up of such a system in an operational environment. We have state of the art sensing technology that can be applied everywhere but the anomaly detection methods demand fine-tuning on real data from the operational environment. Within this POC we will start a trajectory to gain insights into the breadth of the use and market potential for the technology and get an accurate picture of the technological and contextual requirements that can enhance its adoption by a technology provider that scales it up to the port. Market niches opportunities in the short and long term will be identified by working in close collaboration with the port and its chainport network (e.g. Ports of Rotterdam, Hamburg and LA).


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    IMEC-Breadboard Low-Pow. 01/01/2021 - 30/04/2021


    The growing demand and the respective standardization for low power mass-market user equipment (UEs) in many industries including the positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) sector demands innovative methods and technologies from all stakeholders. OHB Digital Solutions (OHB DS) is active in the field of GNSS navigation and precise and robust positioning. Peopletrust (PT) has a consolidated expertise in the design and manufacturing of tracking/IoT solutions that include positioning functions. IMEC has a thorough understanding and expertise in terrestrial-based low power LPWAN localization algorithms. They have united in a consortium to address the BreadboardPos project using both their existing expertise and technologies as well as development of innovative tools. The BreadboardPos project aims at designing and building of breadboard UE demonstrators for innovative very low energy positioning concepts for mass-market IoT localisation. In particular, the following issues are the most relevant for the project: * Reviewing and characterizing the relevant modern GNSS-related, terrestrial- and space-based IoT low energy user positioning techniques. Selecting the most promising available technologies. * Defining the relevant use cases for ultra-low power positioning (with battery lifetime up to several years). Selecting benchmark routines and defining figures of merit to assess the performance of developed UE breadboards. * Designing and implementing breadboards demonstrators integrating the selected low power positioning techniques. * Assessing the breadboards performance in the terms of power consumption according to defined benchmarks The consortium has received letters from manufacturers such as u-blox, Rock Seven, Telespazio, ORBCOMM, Lacuna Space, and CLS Argos/Kinéis in support of the project. They agree to provide the tenders with technical information and support, facilitate the procurement of hardware modules (when deemed desirable), and grant access to satellite network capacity (when supported by the manufacturer) in order to facilitate project activities for testing and analysis. These services will be offered to the tenderers free of charge or at favourable commercial conditions. The activities and the developed technologies in this project will contribute to each respective partner's roadmap by bringing specialized know-how in addition to establishing a path for further expansions. Dissemination of results to the scientific and engineering community at large will also foster more progress in these areas.


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    • Research Project

    Accuracy of crowd counting on events. 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2022


    In places where crowds gather, it is especially important for event organisers to be able to make an accurate estimate of the number of people present. In order to invest in a particular method, a fair comparison of the counting methods is necessary.  Our earlier research strongly pointed to the need for calibration of different counting methods and a pooling and exploitation of knowledge and expertise among these organisers in order to help them professionalise and enable (further) growth. The project will result in a better understanding of technologies for visitor counting through a decision tree based on a fair comparison of (1) the number of attendees at a given time and (2) the number of unique visitors during the event which also provides guidelines for extrapolating the counts. The decision tree will result in, among other things, more accurate predictions, impact analyses, deployment of resources and a better choice of visitor counts based on accuracy.  Results Context and objective Mapping visitor numbers at events has become more important than ever since the corona crisis. Having a clear view of how many visitors are present at a venue is the basis of crowd management. However, measuring crowds is challenging. Organisers, security personnel, security forces and other stakeholders often talk about varying visitor numbers at the same event. Technological counting methods also contradict each other. The need for calibrations for different counting methods is high. This project systematically checked the accuracy of different counting methods. More specifically, this project investigated the employability and accuracy of manual click and quadrant counts, as well as that of four technological counting methods commonly used at events: camera counting, Wi-Fi counting, mobile data counting and radio wave counting. Test events Due to the corona crisis, the events sector went on lockdown for a long time and events could not take place at various times during the course of project. When the sector was allowed to restart, it was first in the form of test events that required government approval. In the next phase, events could go ahead subject to compliance with a limited maximum capacity. Since the summer, the deployment of a Covid Safe Ticket (CST) ensured that events could once again proceed in as normal a manner as possible at full capacity. The research team, together with the various counting method providers, chose to pool their knowledge and expertise and deploy them to ensure a safe restart of the events sector. For this reason, we conducted measurements at test events, events with limited capacity as well as events that used a CST. Moreover, different types of events participated as test cases in this project, which also resulted in a lot of variation in terms of content. In this way, the difficult situation the events sector was in gave an extra dimension to this project and (often in consultation with the National Crisis Centre) we were able to support the events sector in difficult and uncertain times. Counting Guide The results of the research were compiled in a handy tool available on the website You can use the Counting Guide to determine the most appropriate counting method(s) for your event.


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    IoSA (Internet of Small Animals): Miniaturised contact loggers for small animals. 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021


    In order to understand biological processes such as migration, dispersal and disease transmission, we need to know where animals are moving and who they are meeting. While this has been achieved for a lot of larger animals, the vast majority of animals are too small to effectively monitor without compromising on data accuracy or acquisition rates. This has implications not only for research into animal movement and behaviour, but also for applied applications such as better welfare for captive animals and livestock, and environmental monitoring. The recent advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) which has revolutionized various aspects of daily life have enormous potential in the field of wildlife tracking, but as yet have been little exploited, particularly when considering miniaturized options. We developed ProxLogs, an integrated, flexible and accessible monitoring system for small animals, based around recent improvements to Bluetooth Low Energy protocols. This project aims to develop the Minimum Viable Product, test it in operational environments, and investigate the appropriate business model of the system. This will be a state-of-the-art system which will allow the monitoring of far smaller wild and domestic animals at a greatly improved spatiotemporal scale than has previously been achieved, all while ensuring the system remains low cost and accessible for end users through our use of the widely available Bluetooth protocols. In this project we will further validate the prototype and investigate different potential business models.


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    B-budget IMEC - Localization UWB. 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022


    When you want to go somewhere, you first need to know where you are. Autonomous driving or flying requires real-time, reliable and accurate location information. We explored if Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) communication can provide this information in dynamic environments. In this project, we applied Monte Carlo sampled Bayesian filtering to create robust measurement models embedded on the autonomous platform. We find that we can achieve real-time cm-level accuracies in a warehouse lab setup. These filters will enable autonomous operation in warehouses of the future.


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    • Research Project

    Device-free crowd sensing at large music festivals using radio frequency signal features. 01/11/2019 - 31/10/2023


    Large music festivals such as Studio Brussels' 'De Warmste Week' and Tomorrowland have a need for privacy conscious systems and algorithms that measure and analyse the density and flow of crowds for safety and security purposes. Such systems and algorithms for automated crowd status (density, flow, activity) assessments can alleviate the currently difficult task presented to trained staff and police forces. Our research group was the first to attempt to estimate large numbers of people through passive, radio frequency device free localization, at a venue supporting at least seven thousand attendees at the Tomorrowland music festival. Our preliminary data correlates with the rough density estimates currently available to event organisers, mainly coming from expert opinion based on a limited amount of cameras. My research will focus on three crucial aspects, which I will elaborate upon in this proposal: first, accurately model the relationship between crowd density and radio frequency signal features; second, estimate crowd flows in the environment; and finally, investigate if it is possible to relate crowd activity to the radio frequency signal features. By using radio signal features, the proposed system respects the privacy of individuals by design, making it truly non-intrusive.


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    • Research Project

    Valorization of a large-scale crowd-density system. 01/11/2019 - 30/10/2020


    Automatic crowd density estimation can be highly useful for a multitude of applications, examples of which are traffic control, gauging interest at a trade fair and crowd control systems during large-scale events. Classic camera-based setups have several shortcomings, the most notorious of which is the potential for privacyrelated issues to occur. The use of a passive crowd estimator which makes use of an RF-based wireless sensor network (WSN) could provide a solution to this problem. A series of experiments which we performed by installing WSNs in large-scale music festival environments containing thousands of individuals indicated that the influence of the crowd on radio frequency communication within these networks can be used to obtain accurate crowd size estimates. In this project, we seek to validate this core principle for different types and sizes of environments. Furthermore, we wish to investigate how the environment type is related to the network size and the amount of training that is required to obtain accurate results. Finally, an in-depth analysis regarding the crowd density within subregions of these environments and the potential for this approach to allow for crowd flows to be determined, will be investigated as well. Furthermore, to commercialize this proof-of-concept, a go-to-market strategy will be further finetuned. This includes the identification of the different application sectors and to address the different benefits for customers.


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    • Research Project

    SmartWaterGrid. 01/10/2019 - 30/09/2021


    Availability of water resources is under stress due to climatic changes, visible in the recent period of prolonged drought in Belgium, but also elsewhere. However, each year more than 60 mio m3drinking water is lost in Flanders. Leak localization today is very time consuming and labor intensive as operators have to manually place equipment that 'listens' to the water flow during the night. SmartWaterGrid will substantiate, facilitate and automate leak localization to respond more quickly to detected leaks by using innovative modelling to significantly reduce the number of costly sensors needed. To do so, hybrid digital twins of real-time flow and pressure measurements will be augmented with GIS data, physical models, and human feedback from customers and experts. This way, leak localization can be brought from +/- 70km, and weeks to months to exactly localize a leak, up to a soft real-time solution of less than 1 km (street level). Additionally, optimal operating parameters of the wireless sensor network will be determined to minimize battery energy consumption while feeding sufficient data into the digital twin. The type of field service order and required field service skills will also be determined to effectively resolve problems for end customers.


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    Tasks as vice-chair of the IRIAG (Industrial Research and Innovation Agenda Group) of SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency). 01/07/2019 - 31/12/2024


    The assignment includes fulfilling the duties of Ludo Diels as vice-chair of the IRIAG (Industrial Research and Innovation Agenda Group) of SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency).


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      • Research Project

      IMEC-A glimpse into the Arctic future: equipping a unique natural experiment for next-generation ecosystem research (FutureArctic). 01/06/2019 - 31/05/2022


      Climate change will affect Arctic ecosystems more than any other ecosystem worldwide, with temperature increases expected up to 4-6°C. While this is threatening the integrity and biodiversity of the ecosystems in itself, the larger ecosystem feedbacks triggered by this change are even more worrisome. During millions of years, atmospheric carbon has been stored in the Arctic soils. With warming, the carbon can rapidly escape the soils in the form of CO2 and (even worse) the strong greenhouse agent CH4. Despite decades of research, scientists still struggle to unveil the scale of this carbon exchange, and especially how it will interact with climate change. An overarching question remains: how much carbon will potentially escape the Arctic in the future climate, and how will this affect climate change? FutureArctic embeds this research challenge directly in an inter-sectoral training initiative for early stage researchers, that aims to form "ecosystem-of-things" scientists and engineers at the ForHot site. The FORHOT site in Iceland offers a geothermally controlled soil temperature warming gradient, to study how Arctic ecosystem processes are affected by temperature increases as expected through climate change.


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      • Research Project

      IMEC-Internet of Water. 01/05/2019 - 30/04/2023


      Across Flanders, 2,500 small, energy-efficient and wireless sensors will continuously monitor the quality and quantity of water in Flanders in real time. The intention is to prevent flooding, scarcity and pollution. Researchers are developing a network of 2,500 sensors throughout Flanders, also known as the Internet of Water. They will monitor the quality and quantity of soil, ground and surface water and purified sewage water. These sensors will transmit the current measurement data permanently and in real time to an intelligent water management system. Sensors pass on real-time data to self-learning software, which in turn can make realistic predictions. That, in turn, enables us to take the correct measures in time. With Internet of Water, we provide our water managers with an innovative instrument that will enable them to better protect Flanders against flooding, scarcity or pollution.


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      • Research Project

      Active passive water pollution sampling device (WATERSIDE). 01/05/2019 - 31/08/2020


      Previously an active passive sampler for accumulation of pollutants from water was developed into a laboratory prototype. Its n°1 feature is controlled flow through the device, such that sampling is independent of hydrodynamic flow in the water body. This project will establish a field-deployable prototype. Its valorization value lies in standardization and the replacement of biota sampling.


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        • Research Project

        Reliable error estimation of signal feature-based localization in LPWAN. 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2022


        In recent years, Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) have received much attention, due to the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the need to localize devices in these long-range networks, using minimal power consumption. Asset tracking is one of the classic applications of LPWAN localization. However, the more accurate a localization algorithm, the more application potential (e.g. home automation, health care solutions and smart cities) there is to use this algorithm. Therefore, we need advanced technologies and algorithms to improve the accuracy and reliability of LPWAN localization. Although feature-based localization is widely used in indoor environments, we will extend the use of this methodology to outdoor environments. Features are defined as signal characteristics, such as signal strength. The class of feature-based localization can be subdivided into different subclasses. Fingerprinting and ranging are two of the most important techniques in the featurebased class. In this research, we will investigate new and existing algorithms to increase the accuracy and reliability of feature-based localization techniques in LPWAN. A comparative study between the accuracy and reliability of LPWAN technologies (Sigfox, LoRaWAN and NB-IoT) will be made as well.


        Research team(s)

        Project type(s)

        • Research Project

        IMEC-POSTFORWARD. 01/07/2018 - 31/12/2021


        PortForward is applying a holistic and modular approach for the development of a port operations management platform for small and medium sized ports. The expected outcome will lead to a smarter, greener and more sustainable port ecosystem. For PortForward, the Port of the Future will be: i. Smart, using state of the art Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) solutions, such as Internet of Things (IoT) for port assets, smart sensors and networks, the Virtual Port concept, Augmented Reality for port operations; ii. Interconnected, with other transportation modes, e.g. road transport, railway, focusing on short sea shipping and inland waterways; iii. Green, through the adoption of green technologies, through the novel Green Yard Scheduler and Life Cycle Analysis for sustainable port operations. PortForward envisions a 10% reduction in port emissions, combined with a 10% reduction of its total operational costs. 5 use cases have been selected in Italy, Spain and Germany. An Advisory Board will be formed by field experts, who will provide feedback and guidance to the consortium.


        Research team(s)

        Project type(s)

        • Research Project

        Screen printing facilities and high resolution Raman imaging of (printed) surfaces and materials. 01/05/2018 - 30/04/2021


        This Hercules proposal concerns screen printing facilities. Screen printing facilities enable UAntwerp to pioneer in the field of electronics, sensors and photocatalysis by (1) developing unique (photo)sensors/detectors (e.g. electrochemical sensors, photovoltaics, photocatalysis) by printing (semi)conducting materials on substrates, (2) designing parts of Internet of Things modules with more flexibility and more dynamically, meanwhile creating a unique valorization potential and IP position.


        Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          A-budget IMEC . 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2021


          This project combines the USP of different imec groups on localisation and focusses on massive localisation systems (long range, large density) using sub-Ghz, but also includes large density accurate localisation using UWB.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          GROW!th optimatisation in horticulture towards big data sensing. Grow! 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020


          The greenhouse horticulture sector in the border region Flanders - the Netherlands has a very high productivity, is innovative and takes second place as the exporting region in the world. Smart crossovers between greenhouse horticulture with high-tech systems and materials can ensure a strengthened and future-oriented position. The specific cross-over between sensor technology and horticulture offers great opportunities but is still insufficiently used. GROW! changes that.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          IMEC-Smart Highway 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2019


          Within the Smart Highway project, MOW and imec will build a high tech test environment to support automated driving along (a part of) a highway [10-20 km E313 and a part of the ring of Antwerp R01] combined with a regional road [Turnhoutsebaan N12 towards the city centre of Antwerp]. These roads will be equipped with wireless communication (both 802.11p and LTE-V) and sensor technologies, and concrete test cases will be set up to test these technologies for supporting connected and automated vehicles, based on real-life monitoring and analysis. Besides imec and MOW, also KU Leuven and Flanders Make will contribute to the project.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          IMEC-City of Things projects. 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2019


          In the City of Things initiative, imec, the city of Antwerp and the Flemish Region are working together to make Antwerp a large-scale testbed for the testing and development of smart city technology. With this unique project we want to become a driving force for research into - and the development of - smart cities.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          B budget IMEC - Localization. 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2019


          This project combines the USP of different imec groups on localisation and focusses on massive localisation systems (long range, large density) using sub-Ghz, but also includes large density accurate localisation using UWB.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          Roll-out OCTA-Platform City of things 01/01/2018 - 30/06/2019


          OCTA is hardware/software fast prototyping platform for Internet-of-Things applications. In this project the platform is further designed and developed to support interdisciplinary research with Internet-of-Things.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          A-budget 2018: Localization. 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2018


          This project combines the USP of different imec groups on localisation and focusses on massive localisation systems (long range, large density) using sub-Ghz, but also includes large density accurate localisation using UWB.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          Manual valve position monitoring device. 01/12/2017 - 30/11/2018


          In this project we develop and validate an IoT pre-commercial product in the area of industry 4.0 for the (petro)chemical sector. The project focusses on algorithm optimization, power consumption optimization, communication energy budget classification, validation and demonstration in an operational industrial environment and potential patent application.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          Mission-critical applications go into cellular IoT networks (MAGICIAN). 01/10/2017 - 30/09/2019


          The goal of MAGICIaN is to overcome the limitations of out-of-the-box NB-IoT that prevent it from being used for mission-critical applications. Specifically, the standard does not natively support QoS differentiation or seamless handover mechanisms. We will design and develop an end-to-end network management solution that brings QoS guarantees on top of out-of-the-box best-effort NB-IoT networks. The MAGICIaN solution consists of two parts. The network controller interfaces and interacts with the NB-IoT access network (i.e., eNodeBs) and the different components in the Evolved Packet Core (EPC) to bring valueadded services on top of the best effort network.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          IMEC-Observer: smart crossing 01/10/2017 - 31/03/2019


          Observer aims to make the traffic lights in the city so smart that they can also "think around" unforeseen problems. We gather information about moving and stationary vehicles using cameras and traffic counters, about how many vulnerable road users there are, about any priority vehicles on the road, etc. We then combine this data with known statistics about normal and abnormal traffic volumes so that we can create a clear picture of how the traffic should be when all of these variables are taken into account. Should some traffic lights stay longer on green? Or shorter? Should the speed limit be adjusted? Day and night, without anyone having to keep an eye on things.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          Multimodal Sub-Gigahertz Communication and Localisation for Low-Power IoT applications (MuSCLe-loT). 01/04/2017 - 31/03/2019


          The goal of MuSCLe-IoT is to design the necessary algorithms and protocols for both IoT devices and backend systems to support such multimodal communication and localization. Key innovations are planned in terms of inter-technology load balancing and routing, as well as multimodal GPS-less accurate indoor and outdoor localization. Particular attention will be paid to restrict the resulting footprint, signaling overhead and application impact to a bare minimum. A prototype solution will demonstrate the combined use of Sigfox, LoRa, DASH7 and 802.15.4g


          Research team(s)

          Project website

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          IMEC-HI2-project. 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017


          Project with imec funding on the High Impact topic of wireless communication, specific focus on LPWAN (DASH7, Lora, LoraWAN and Sigfox) and localization (mostly signal strength based). Moreover cooperation with other groups by using OCTA fast prototyping tools.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          IMEC-City of Things 2017. 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017


          In the City of Things initiative, imec, the city of Antwerp and the Flemish Region are working together to make Antwerp a large-scale testbed for the testing and development of smart city technology. With this unique project we want to become a driving force for research into - and the development of - smart cities.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          IMEC-Aloxy. 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017


          Proof of Concept Cofunding for Aloxy, which has the ambition to improve safety and efficiency, to automate processes eand to deliver actionable insights into industrial operations by means of a modular Internet of things platform targeting the petrochemical industry.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          IMEC-Win4Track advisory. 10/12/2016 - 28/02/2017


          Service assignment for Flemish Institute for Logistics in function of the Win4Track project: inventory of LPWAN systems and matching on the applications and criteria developed by the partners in this project.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          MIoT - Multimodal Internet of Things Communication. 01/10/2016 - 30/09/2017


          The goal of the project is to integrate three complementary, low power wireless technologies. This combination makes energy efficient, multimodal Internet-of -Things communications possible to mobile applications that typically do not stay in the same environment.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          City of Things (CoT). 01/05/2016 - 30/04/2020


          As everyday devices are being connected to the Internet, research on large-scale wireless sensors networks specifically and Internet of Things (IoT) generally are becoming more and more important. There is a considerable research and innovation effort related to the deployment of smart cities using this IoT technology. However, there are still plenty of hurdles to move from R&D to implementation and real mass-scale deployment of wireless sensors networks. Moreover, the city itself is a treasure of data to be explored if the right sensors can be installed. Testbeds are the preferred tools for academic and industrial researchers to evaluate their research but a large-scale multi-technology smart city research infrastructure is currently the missing link. The City of Things research infrastructure will build a multi-technology and multi-level testbed in the city of Antwerp. As a result, 100 locations around the city of Antwerp and its harbour will be equipped with gateways supporting multiple wireless IoT protocols. These gateways will connect with hundreds of wireless sensors and actuators, measuring smart city parameters such as traffic flows, noise, air pollution, etc.


          Research team(s)

          Project website

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          IMEC-SRA-HI2-project 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2016


          Project with imec funding on the High Impact topic of wireless communication, specific focus on LPWAN (DASH7, Lora, LoraWAN and Sigfox) and localization (mostly signal strength based). Moreover cooperation with other groups by using OCTA fast prototyping tools.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          Device-Free Localization using Multi-Frequency Radio Tomographic Imaging. 01/10/2015 - 30/09/2019


          This project proposal investigates multi-frequency radio tomographic imaging to advance the accuracy of current device-free localization systems and aims to identify the tracked object using influence of human presence on the combination of different frequencies.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          WATERSIDE: Active Passive Water Pollution Sampling Device. 01/10/2015 - 30/09/2017


          The project aims to develop an active passive water sampler for inorganic and organic pollutants. The apparatus allows the time integrated monitoring of surface waters and waste streams. A controlled water flux is directed across an array of sorbents which accumulate different classes of pollutants. The operational and kinetic characteristics of the sampler will be determined experimentally and the results compared with biota in lab and field conditions.


          Research team(s)

            Project type(s)

            • Research Project

            Cert-7: DASH7 certification and pre-compliance testing. 01/04/2015 - 31/03/2016


            The DASH7 Alliance Protocol is an evolution of the ISO 18000-7 standard for active RFID using 433 MHz, initially promoted by the US Department of Defense for container inventory. DASH7 targets wireless machine-to-machine communication for low-power, mid-range applications. This project aims to set up a certification lab for the wireless communication standard DASH7 with an accompanying pre-compliance testing system.


            Research team(s)

            Project type(s)

            • Research Project

            Next generation of heterogeneous sensor networks (NEXOR). 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2020


            This project represents a research contract awarded by the University of Antwerp. The supervisor provides the Antwerp University research mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions stipulated by the university.


            Research team(s)

            Project type(s)

            • Research Project

            iFEST. 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2016


            The goal of the iFEST project is to improve the digital experience at large events such as festivals by developing a new generation of bracelets, which will be integrated with advanced communication and sensor capabilities. Moreover, the necessary festival software platform to both manage the bracelets and analyse the data they generate will be designed. This provides an answer to the "analog way" festival organizers and festivalgoers still experience a festival (i.e., limitedc interaction & communication mechanisms) and will help the market of live entertainment to maintain its strong position within the entertainment sector.


            Research team(s)

            Project type(s)

            • Research Project

            Inventory optimization of the trade stock in sales points by EPC RFID and the EPC Network. 01/10/2013 - 30/06/2014


            This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand MMS. UA provides MMS research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


            Research team(s)

            Project type(s)

            • Research Project

            Real-time localization system for population studies of small birds. 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2014


            This project will develop a new real-time localization system for large-scale monitoring of movements of small free-living birds. The ultimate aim is to develop small miniaturised tags (max 1g) that send spatial information to detection modules in the field, which in turn send this information to a central receiving system. The objective of the current proposal is to clarify the limits and possibilities of this system.


            Research team(s)

            Project type(s)

            • Research Project