Research team


The central research theme is photo(electro)chemistry for various energy and environmental applications. An important fundamental research line is that of plasmonic materials. This technology is approached holistically. The focus is on the fundamental level of surface chemistry (catalyst synthesis, surface modification (e.g. coatings), morphological design, simulating light-matter interaction, etc.), but other aspects such as reactor design, activity testing, social and economic aspects are also extensively studied. The main goal is to improve the photocatalytic activity of transition metal oxides by increasing their photon efficiency under sunlight. This can be done by modifying them with plasmonic nanoparticles. It is crucial to understand the underlying principles of this technology in order to develop successful applications. In addition, various energy and environmental applications of photo(electro)catalytic technology are studied. A very important application is that of energy conversion through hydrogen production, with a specific interest in the use of abundant or polluted sources, such as seawater or wastewater. Photocatalytic, photoelectrocatalytic and membraneless electrolytic technologies are studied in this context. In the field of environmental applications, the role of photo(electro)catalytic technology is studied in air purification (VOC, soot, NOx,...), CO2 conversion, and self-cleaning surfaces.

Design of plasmonic photocatalysts for CO2 conversion based on multi-metallic clusters. 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2028


Artificial photosynthesis converting CO2 into high-value C1 and C2 chemicals (e.g. CO, methanol, ethanol) using solar energy as a renewable abundant energy source is one of the most appealing strategies to address global climate change and shortage of energy supply. A bottleneck to make this conversion economical and sustainable is the high stability of the linear CO2 molecule requiring highly efficient photocatalysts for activation. We will design novel CO2 reduction photocatalysts based on ultra-small gas-phase bi- and multi-metallic clusters that combine plasmonic coinage metals (Au, Ag, Cu) with catalytic metals (Pt, Pd, Ni). These clusters will be deposited with high control over size and composition using cluster beam deposition on morphologically engineered TiO2 nanotubes. The most efficient catalysts will be characterized ex situ by STEM and XPS, and under operating conditions by XAFS and high resolution Raman and DRIFTS to unravel charge transfer mechanisms, active sites and intermediate molecules in the reaction pathway. Additionally, finite element theoretical modeling and DFT calculations will be used to further increase our understanding of the photoreduction mechanism. Correlating these theoretical insights with morphology, structure, oxidation state, charge of the clusters and plasmon-mediated photocatalytic activity and selectivity, will contribute to the rational design of a novel generation of CO2 photoreduction catalysts.


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  • Research Project

COFLIGHT: Mastering the Light-Matter Interactions driving Photocatalysis in Co-valent Organic Frameworks through Precision Synthesis and Defect Control. 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2028


Photocatalysis uses (sun)light to create new molecules or to break down pollutants. It is key to building a sustainable future. We need to improve the efficiency, selectivity and durability of this process. Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) are a new family of crystalline, porous polymers, that can be prepared in many structures and compositions to tune them in principle to any given photocatalytic reaction. A thorough understanding of the dynamics of the "excited state" of the irradiated catalyst is a crucial but challenging frontier to develop novel photocatalysts. Insights from this examination at extremely small time and length scales (up to femtoseconds and nanometers) will enable us to create a set of robust design rules to create potent COF-based photocatalysts and to validate them in the degradation of pollutants in air and in synthesizing hydrogen peroxide from air and water.


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  • Research Project

Microfluidics for sustainable photo(electro)catalysis and sensing. 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2026


This year, the new research group A-PECS was founded around the expertise of four PIs working on engineering, photo(electro)chemistry and sensing. In order to accomplish more performant reactors and sensors, a driving force towards miniaturization is noticed. Due to the possibility of a small device footprint, low reagent and sample consumption, high-throughput handling, short time-to-result, fascinating prospects for microfluidic devices have emerged. However, specific know-how on microfluidics is not up to level in the new research group. This leaves a challenging opportunity for a senior researcher to develop a microfluidics research line, synergistically with the A-PECS PIs. The major challenge will be to translate generic concepts of microfluidic devices into specific applications within the fields of excellence of A-PECS. Important examples for which microfluidics can have a groundbreaking impact in our group, include plasmon particle synthesis and its applications1,2, air pollution sensing3, portable multidrug detectors6,7, phenol detection4, wearable sensors for pointof- care diagnostics5, amongst others.


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  • Research Project

Marine Diesel Engine Exhaust Reduction (MADIENER). 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2026


The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set targets to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in international shipping. Innovative solutions to convert exhaust gases in less harmful ones are highly needed. Therefore, this project focuses on the evaluation of exhaust gas treatment catalysts to abate Marine Diesel Engines emissions. The project specifically evaluates how the catalytic systems perform when operating the Marine Diesel Engines at different loads, in line with current practices to reduce fuel consumption as a part of emission control. In this project, Antwerp Maritime Academy (AMA), specialized in Marine Engine exhaust studies joins forces with the catalyst development groups of UAntwerp (LADCA and DuEL) to couple and develop Marine Diesel engine efficiency and exhaust abatement technology.


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  • Research Project

Plasma-photocatalytic CO2 conversion with earth-abundant plasmonic catalysts. 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2026


Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) combines a series of technologies to address the problem of excessive carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere, by capturing and converting CO2 into valuable products. One technology is photocatalysis, in which freely available solar photons are converted into an electrochemical driving force using semiconducting catalysts. The solar light harvesting efficiency can be improved through the modification of the catalytic surface using plasmonic nanostructures, but these comprise typically of expensive noble metals. On the other hand, plasma catalysis utilizes a reactive chemical cocktail driven by electrical energy in combination with a catalyst. This emerging technology excels in energy efficiency and conversion, currently undergoing upscale in a spin-off. I will combine the best of both technologies in this PhD project, by researching plasma-photocatalysis. The project emphasizes the use of inexpensive, earth-abundant elements for nanostructure fabrication, employing core-shell and Janus-type heterojunctions to enhance plasmonic efficiency. Novel porous supports with increased surface basicity will contribute to improving CO2 sorption and conversion selectivity. The ultimate goal is to surpass current standards, achieving over 50% conversion and 95% selectivity to CO. A working lab-scale plasma-photocatalysis reactor will be constructed, providing groundbreaking insights for the plasmon, plasma, and photocatalysis communities.


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  • Research Project

Nanoparticles in the spotlight: light-driven nanoscience from lab to society (Nano-Light). 01/09/2024 - 31/12/2030


Nanomaterials already have become indispensable in numerous modern technologies that impact our society. It recently became clear that their coupling with light holds significant promise for innovative developments that may open the route to novel light-driven applications in energy storage, photoelectrochemical sensing, photovoltaics, photocatalysis, drug delivery, and more. Incorporation in actual applications will, however, strongly depend on a deep understanding of the factors that influence the structure-property connection, an improved stability as well as on their technoeconomic and environmental performance. To tackle these crucial challenges, the Nano-Light consortium emerges as a unique and multidisciplinary platform. The consortium brings together extensive expertise in nanoscience covering the synthesis of photoactive nanostructures, advanced electron microscopy and X-ray characterisation, computational materials science, applied nanoengineering and techno-sustainability assessments. By combining cutting-edge (3D) transmission electron microscopy with advanced light sources and environmental holders, the consortium aims to optimize the interaction between nanomaterials and light under working conditions. Such experiments are extremely challenging, but if successful, they will yield unprecedented insights into the fundamental mechanisms governing light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. By exploiting a synergistic approach, one of the primary objectives of the consortium is to obtain comprehensive understanding on how nanomaterials absorb, scatter, emit, or manipulate light, thereby providing crucial knowledge for the design and optimization of next-generation technologies. Such understanding will be crucial for applications in which light plays a beneficial enabling role or, conversely, in scenarios where light accelerates the degradation of the behaviour of the nanomaterials. These areas include the plasmonic chiroptic nanoparticles for early disease detection, overcoming light degradation of pigments in art conservation or (perovskite) photovoltaic nanomaterials for solar cells or X-ray detectors, plasmon-enabled biosensing and light–driven drug delivery in nano-medicine applications, photo(-electro)catalytic hydrogen production or CO2 conversion. Furthermore, the consortium will develop techno-economic and environmental assessments at early technology readiness levels for the envisioned nanotechnological applications to promote safe and sustainable technological solutions. These goals of Nano-Light are in excellent agreement with the sustainable research and innovation goals put forward by the EU. As such, the research conducted under the Nano-Light consortium will strengthen the position of UAntwerp on the European map as an established nanoscience centre leading to further collaborations in the field of nanotechnology and related technologies.


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Project website

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  • Research Project

Low-cost Hydrogen through Photoelectrolysis. 01/06/2024 - 31/05/2026


Novel electrolyser technologies that improve cost-efficiency through reductions in electricity and component costs will be needed for delivering hydrogen from renewables at scale. In this project we aim to develop a breakthrough photoelectrolysis device that will (a) reduce the electricity demand of clean hydrogen production; (b) eliminate use of critical raw materials (CRM) in electrodes/electrocatalysts; and (c) couple hydrogen generation to valorization of a biomass- derived stream, thus improving technoeconomic performance and circularity. The aim is to deliver plasmon-enhanced, hybrid photoelectrolysis under alkaline conditions for hydrogen generation. Cell voltages will be lowered, first, via replacement of oxygen evolution at the anode with an organic oxidation reaction (OOR) that will offer thermodynamic advantages, benefits associated with component and operational costs and added-value chemicals from bio-waste via selective anodic processes. Second, photoelectrolysis enhanced by plasmon-ENZ (Epsilon Near- Zero) systems will be adopted to reduce cell overpotential and enhance energy efficiency. Third, computationally guided design of CRM-free plasmon-enhanced electrocatalysts will enable delivery of activity and selectivity without reliance on precious and/or scarce metals. We will demonstrate breakthrough improvements relative to state-of-the-art using three key performance indicators defined to accurately reflect trade-offs in energy efficiency and cost arising from the OOR and from materials choices that depart from state-of-the-art, while weighting the benefits of a transition to CRM-free strategies and consequent improvements in criticality. The mainstreaming of technoeconomic and life cycle analysis will guide materials choices to deliver a prototype CRM-free photoelectrolyser at lab scale, and will chart a path to cost-competitive application scenarios for exploitation beyond proof-of-concept. Within this project, the UAntwerp partner will particularly focus on the synthesis of noble metal- free plasmonic nanostructures based on ZrN, and explore new types of photoelectrochemical cell design. In close interaction with the EnvEcon research group, a detailed techno-economic assessment will be performed, which will reveal the best opportunities towards valorization. Unique in the setting of the valorization roadmap is that not only cost reductions in device construction or sales volumes of produced hydrogen will be accounted for, but also profits made by up-conversion of bio-waste streams used a the feed, and environmental and related cost impacts by avoiding the use of critical raw materials.


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  • Research Project

Hightech systems and materials for a sunlight-driven sustainable industry (FOTON) 01/02/2024 - 31/01/2027


As a society, we currently face two major challenges: securing our future energy supply by transferring from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources and reducing emissions of the greenhouse gas CO2. Only in this way can we achieve the objectives of the Paris climate agreement; limiting global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C in the 21st century and achieving net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. The FOTON project addresses both challenges. In the INTERREG project FOTON, 9 project partners have the ambition to develop high-tech systems and materials for sunlight-driven sustainable processes that contribute to a climate-neutral industry. The direct use of sunlight as an energy source for chemical processes has a number of advantages compared to the conventional use of sustainably generated electricity. First, the high energy efficiency when using sunlight directly: there is no energy loss when converting sunlight into electricity, or less energy loss if the electricity is generated in the chemical reactor itself. Transport of electricity is not necessary and direct use is made of sunlight for the local production of green hydrogen and methanol. This decentralized production prevents high costs associated with infrastructure. Three pilot demonstrators show that sunlight can be used as a sustainable energy source for the production of green methanol and green hydrogen in a technologically efficient, energy-efficient and financially feasible way. The research within FOTON forms the basis for the future translation into an industrial process and offers commercial opportunities for manufacturers of materials and equipment and chemical companies in the region.


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  • Research Project

PICaSSo: Plasmon-Induced Catalysis?for Stimulating the?Solar-powered reverse water gas shift reaction. 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2027


The reverse water-gas shift rWGS reaction can effectively convert CO2 into CO, a crucial building block for the chemical industry. While this endothermic reaction is typically performed at high temperatures, photocatalysis is presented as a low-temperature alternative. PICaSSo will focus on plasmon catalysis: Through localized surface plasma resonance (LSPR), a collective oscillation of conduction electrons at the surface of metal nanoparticles (NP), can increase yield and improve local control of chemical reactions. NPs with LSPR can give rise to three beneficial effects: Near-field reinforcement, excitation of load carriers and local heat generation. To date, it is not known which of these are decisive, to what extent they contribute, and how the composition of the catalyst and nanotechnology can lead to a more effective rWGS reaction. Our goal is to identify the decisive contribution to plasmon-induced catalytic rWGS reaction by specially designed plasmonic POIs and then quantify them via a unique reactor with integrated sensors that measure reaction temperature locally. The scientific findings thus obtained will lead to design rules to develop new generations of catalysts with improved performance, increased durability, and cost-effectiveness by using more widely available metals and optimized plastic metal carrier interactions.


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  • Research Project

Designing of multifunctional nanomaterials for light-driven innovation technologies (DELIGHT). 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2027


DELIGHT aims at excellence of Europe in nanoscience and impact in research and development at the highest level. The project focuses on multifunctional nanomaterials based on colloidal particles, organic/inorganic perovskites, and organic and biomaterials. Design and fabrication of these materials for state-of-the-art applications requires a high level of interdisciplinarity with expertise from chemistry, physics, material science, engineering, nanofabrication and biology, combined with the most advanced spectroscopy tools. The scientific objectives of DELIGHT are to establish a platform of highly versatile functional nanomaterials, with the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence for material/device development and characterization. The focus is on multifunctional hybrids, heterostructures, and assemblies, and to fully exploit their potential for catalysis, energy, lighting, plasmonics, and theranostics. The research is organized in 3 work packages (WPs) that target nanomaterial development, functional composites and in-depth characterization, and device applications. Social and training objectives are the education of young researchers in Europe on the highest level, with emphasis on interdisciplinarity that is fundamental in modern nanoscience, the advancement of technological know-how that enables a sustainable and eco-friendly modern society, and promotion of gender equality in the scientific landscape at all levels. These goals are implemented in a WP dedicated to training, organizing lectures, workshops, technology transfer, and outreach and dissemination events. DELIGHT assembled an academic team of outstanding excellence, which links key players in the EU working on state-of-the-art nanomaterials with world leading universities in the US, Canada, and Argentina that are known for their unique scientific and technological capabilities and efficient technology transfer.


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  • Research Project

Mapping and evaluation of carbon capture and utilization technologies for low-flow or low-concentration industrial CO2 emissions (Map-it CCU). 01/01/2024 - 30/06/2025


The overall goal of the "Map-it CCU"-project is to centralize knowledge concerning the valorisation of industrial CO2 waste streams in a knowledge matrix and afterwards translate it (partly within and partly outside the Map-it CCU project) in a decision framework that can be used by companies with their technology choice. The following steps from the value chain will be taken up in the knowledge matrix: 1) Evaluation of existing and novel CO2 capture technologies in function of their applicability (e.g. CO2 concentration range and typical impurities); 2) Identification of purification- and conditioning steps to treat the captured stream to desired specifications. These depend on the destination of the stream. Within Map-it CCU delivery to a central CO2 pipeline and direct conversion to desired products are foreseen; 3) Conversion possibilities of purified and conditioned CO2 streams in end products (CCU, e.g. chemicals and fuels) or their final storage (e.g. CCS and mineralisation). In the decision framework we will search for differential parameters that allow companies to, given their specific situation, make a selection of technically feasible technologies. To this end, a couple of parameters that allow to take the specific situation of the company in question into consideration, will also be included, like the availability of local rest heat, available space, etc. The Map-it CCU project focuses in first instance on CO2 emitters and besides on companies that have an interest in CO2 conversion.


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  • Research Project

Membraneless photo-electrolyzer for solar hydrogen production. 01/11/2023 - 31/10/2026


Conventional electrolyzers for green hydrogen production comprise membranes or dividers that add to the overall complexity, cost, and maintenance of such systems. In addition, they impose stringent water purity requirements, while fresh water is (becoming a) scarce resource. As a solution, I propose an alternative reactor design that is simpler, robust and more cost-effective. Specifically, in this project I will study a membraneless photo-electrolyzer that produces hydrogen gas from (sea)water, solar light and/or renewable electricity sources. This new cell design is based on flow-mediated separation of the hydrogen and oxygen gas evolving from the photo-electrodes. This concept has recently been patented by the applicant. First advances will be made at the level of the photo-electrodes, by applying nanostructuring of the surface to decrease the bubble size, which in turn will favor gas separation and product purity (set at 99.5%). Secondly, for efficient photo-electrolysis, new optical enhancement mechanisms will be studied to push the solar-to-hydrogen efficiency towards the 10% target. Finally, to exploit the robustness of the cell design, the aim is to demonstrate the cell operation for both electrolysis and photo-electrolysis of sea-water through careful understanding of the crucial process parameters (e.g. pH).


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  • Research Project

A novel plasmonic nanoparticle amplified photoelectrochemical detection platform for dengue diagnosis (DeNPec). 01/11/2023 - 31/10/2025


Dengue virus is one of the 10 major threats to global health according to World Health Organization (2019). This (sub)tropical disease is transmitted by mosquitos and has a huge economic and societal impact worldwide. Predictions suggest that 60% of the world population will be at risk of infection by 2080 as a result of urbanization, population growth and rising temperatures. Hence, the availability of an affordable diagnostic tool with excellent analytical performances is essential. Current diagnostics, however, are expensive or lack in sensitivity and specificity. This project aims to develop a technology for RNA virus detection that is fast and cost-effective and has an outstanding specificity and sensitivity. Moreover, it will allow point-of-care testing, enabling its usage as an early warning system for potential outbreaks. To achieve this goal, photo-electrochemistry, in which the signal is triggered by light, will be combined with plasmonic nanoparticles. In this way the limit of detection will decrease to sub-femtomolar ranges. Finally, the laboratory technology will be validated on clinical serum samples and its performances will be compared to the gold standard reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction. Although this project is focused on dengue diagnosis, its underlying technology can be extended to detect other pathogens and has therefore the potential to play a key role in pandemic preparedness.


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  • Research Project

Fast Forward on PFAS removal - gathering, observing, neutralising (FF-PFAS). 01/01/2023 - 30/09/2025


Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a very large class of man-made chemicals that include PFOA, PFOS and GenX chemicals. Since the 1940s, PFAS have been manufactured and used in a variety of industries in Europe and around the globe. PFAS are found in everyday items such as food packaging, non-stick stain repellent, and waterproof products, including clothes and other products used by outdoor enthusiasts. PFAS are also widely used in industrial applications and for firefighting. PFAS can enter the environment during production, or through the wide variety of waste streams where they can end up. As they are persistent in the environment and the human body, safe and ultimate disposal is challenging. Selecting the appropriate method for ultimate disposal of PFAS is further complicated by the volatility of PFAS, their water solubility, environmental mobility and persistence. Large amounts of the hazardous PFOS, or perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, have been detected in the Zwijndrecht area but also at numerous other locations in Flanders. It is therefore crucial that PFAS are destroyed in an efficient way, to provide the chemical industry in Flanders with the appropriate tools to solve these problems. Therefore, the research groups in FF-PFAS have joined forces to improve general understanding of PFAS remediation and provide independent data regarding which techniques and process conditions could breakdown PFAS and could completely mineralize them, thus solving the problem for good.


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  • Research Project

IMproved Photocatalytic Activity of asphalt pavements with modified TiO2 Nano Technology (IMPATiO2NT). 01/10/2022 - 30/09/2026


Industrial activities and road traffic are the main causes of the emission of pollutants such as SO2, NOx, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). According to the World Health Organization, more than 90% of the world's population lives in places where pollutant concentrations exceed their limits. Devoted to the field of environmental remediation, heterogeneous photocatalysis mediated by semiconductors, such as TiO2, has recently attracted significant interest due to its capacity to efficiently convert solar energy into chemical energy which can photodegrade harmful pollutants. Several research studies achieved promising results related to the degradation of different pollutants emitted by fossil fuels used by road vehicles. Due to the huge surface area of photocatalytic asphalt pavements and its vicinity to the exhaust gases from automobiles, they are quoted as promising surfaces for the reduction of SO2, NOx, hydrocarbons and other VOCs present in the atmosphere, but also to photodegrade soot as the accumulation of cars' fuel combustion in areas with heavy traffic. For TiO2, this only occurs in the presence of Ultraviolet (UV) light from sun irradiation and moisture/O2. However, the sunlight is mostly composed of visible and infrared photons, with only about 3%–5% of the solar spectrum comprising the UV range. In this sense, one of the most important concerns reported in recent literature to obtain improved photocatalytic materials is the doping of TiO2 particles with different materials, such as Ce, Cu, and Fe. To obtain photocatalytic asphalt mixtures, three main techniques can be mentioned for applying the semiconductor materials to the asphalt mixtures: (i) spray coating, (ii) volume incorporation, and (iii) binder modification. Spray coating is most likely the most efficient functionalization technique, as it uses smaller amounts of semiconductor material that are all situated at the surface of the pavement. However, the immobilization of the semiconductor particles over the asphalt mixtures surface is still a major challenge. Binder modification leads to a lower photocatalytic efficiency, but it will provide a better immobilization and also improved rheological properties. A significant concern that should be considered as well in both application methods, is the dispersion of the TiO2 nanoparticles. Otherwise, they may agglomerate and, consequently, decrease the photocatalytic efficiency even further. In conclusion, the main objective of this project is to study the major challenges towards a solar-active photocatalytic asphalt mixture which is both efficient and durable. This includes implementing the latest developments regarding modified TiO2 nanoparticles and studying important aspects as dispersion and immobilization.


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  • Research Project

Femtosecond pulsed laser micromachining for engineering, materials, and catalysis research. 01/05/2022 - 30/04/2026


Through femtosecond pulsed laser micromachining a wide variety of materials such as ceramics (e.g. glass), hard metals (e.g. Hastelloy), and polymers can be processed with microscale resolution, offering innovation and beyond state-of-the-art research opportunities. To name a few, the planned research infrastructure would allow to tune the catalytic properties of surfaces, to enhance flow distribution, heat transfer and mass transfer in chemical reactors, to increase detection limit of photoelectrochemical sensors, to facilitate flow chemistry, to tailor-make EPR and TEM measurement cells, and to allow machine learning for hybrid additive manufacturing. Currently, the University of Antwerp lacks the necessary research infrastructure capable of processing such materials and surfaces with microscale precision. Access to femtosecond pulsed laser micromachining would yield enormous impact on ongoing and planned research both for the thirteen involved professors and ten research groups as for industry, essential to conduct research at the highest international level.


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  • Research Project

Photoelectrochemical cell optimization for environmental remediation and hydrogen production from waste gas using sunlight. 01/10/2021 - 30/09/2025


The production of alternative fuels, and protection of our living environment are two of the most intensively studied topics. Efficient generation of fossil-free fuels at low cost requires the development of new materials and implementation of novel methodologies. On the other hand, cleaning of hazardous substances from waste gasses and air requires ecofriendly technologies. In this project we will tackle both issues simultaneously, by developing fully functional photoelectrochemical systems that degrade organic pollutants in waste gas on one side of the device (photo anode), while producing hydrogen gas on the other side (cathode). Where the oxygen evolution reaction is often the bottleneck in standard photoelectrochemical water splitting, here this issue is circumvented by using organic pollutants as electron donors, that are more easily oxidized than water. The driving force behind the entire process is direct sunlight. Therefore, firstly more solar-responsive photo anode materials will be prepared. After rigorous characterization and screening of the photo-activity, these catalysts are integrated in a fully functional photoelectrochemical test setup, that will enable to deduce all relevant intrinsic kinetic and mass transfer parameters. The latter are used as the input of a multiphysics computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model that will enable to improve the overall process operation and the photoelectrochemical cell design in a convenient way and at low cost. Eventually, based on the outcome of the CFD study a laboratory scale demonstration unit will be constructed to showcase the application potential of this multi-purpose sunlight-driven technology.


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  • Research Project

InSusChem - Consortium for Integrated Sustainable Chemistry Antwerp. 15/10/2020 - 31/12/2026


This IOF consortium connects chemists, engineers, economic and environmental oriented researchers in an integrated team to maximize impact in key enabling sustainable chemical technologies, materials and reactors that are able to play a crucial role in a sustainable chemistry and economic transition to a circular, resource efficient and carbon neutral economy (part of the 2030 and 2050 goals in which Europe aims to lead). Innovative materials, renewable chemical feedstocks, new/alternative reactors, technologies and production methods are essential and central elements to achieve this goal. Due to their mutual interplay, a multidisciplinary, concerted effort is crucial to be successful. Furthermore, early on prediction and identification of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats in life cycles, techno-economics and sustainability are key to allow sustainability by design and create effective knowledge-based decision-making and focus. The consortium focuses on sustainable chemical production through efficient and alternative energy use connected to circularity, new chemical pathways, technologies, reactors and materials, that allow the use of alternative feedstock and energy supply. These core technical aspects are supported by expertise in simulation, techno-economic and environmental impact assessment and uncertainty identification to accelerate technological development via knowledge-based design and early stage identified key research, needed for accelerated growth and maximum impact on sustainability. To achieve these goals, the consortium members are grouped in 4 interconnected valorisation programs focusing on key performance elements that thrive the chemical industry and technology: 1) renewable building blocks; 2) sustainable materials and materials for sustainable processes; 3) sustainable processes, efficiently using alternative renewable energy sources and/or circular chemical building blocks; 4) innovative reactors for sustainable processes. In addition, cross-cutting integrated enablers are present, providing expertise and essential support to the 4 valorisation programs through simulation, techno-economic and environmental impact assessment and uncertainty analysis.


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  • Research Project

Bringing nanoscience from the lab to society (NANOLAB). 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2025


Nanomaterials play a key role in modern technology and society, because of their unique physical and chemical characteristics. The synthesis of nanomaterials is maturing but surprisingly little is known about the exact roles that different experimental parameters have in tuning their final properties. It is hereby of crucial importance to understand the connection between these properties and the (three-dimensional) structure or composition of nanomaterials. The proposed consortium will focus on the design and use of nanomaterials in fields as diverse as plasmonics, electrosensing, nanomagnetism and in applications such as art conservation, environment and sustainable energy. In all of these studies, the consortium will integrate (3D) quantitative transmission electron microscopy and X-ray spectroscopy with density functional calculations of the structural stability and optoelectronic properties as well as with accelerated molecular dynamics for chemical reactivity. The major challenge will be to link the different time and length scales of the complementary techniques in order to arrive at a complete understanding of the structure-functionality correlation. Through such knowledge, the design of nanostructures with desired functionalities and the incorporation of such structures in actual applications, such as e.g. highly selective sensing and air purification will become feasible. In addition, the techno-economic and environmental performance will be assessed to support the further development of those applications. Since the ultimate aim of this interdisciplinary consortium is to contribute to the societal impact of nanotechnology, the NanoLab will go beyond the study of simplified test materials and will focus on nanostructures for real-life, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly applications.


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  • Research Project

Environmental impact of refrigerants 29/03/2024 - 29/04/2024


This project represents a formal research agreement between UAntwerp (Antwerp engineering, photoelectrochemistry and sensing, A-PECS) and on the other hand the client. A-PECS provides the client research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


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    • Research Project

    Support maintenance scientific equipment (Sustainable Energy, Air and Water Technology - DuEL). 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024


    Support and maintenance of scientific equipment intended for gas phase testing within the research group A-PECS (Antwerp engineering, photoelectrochemistry and sensing). This ranges from gas distribution systems, over reactor technologies, up to various types of detectors.


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    • Research Project

    Reductant free NOx abatement: catalyst development for direct decomposition. 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024


    Direct decomposition is an excellent approach to reduce NOx exhaust gases, decreasing emissions in industry and providing a positive impact on climate change abatement. Nitrous oxide (N2O), also known as laughing gas, is characterized by a Global Warming Potential (GWP) 273 times that of CO2 over a 100 year's period, which clearly illustrates its impact on climate change. Moreover, problems such as premature death and financial impact on society clearly indicate the need for a reduction in its emissions. Using direct decomposition, the use of additional chemicals such as urea or ammonia is avoided during the decomposition of NOx to N2 and oxygen. Direct decomposition is an excellent option to achieve the abatement of NOx, but the following challenges should be solved before the catalysts are interesting for industrial settings: avoiding by-products, a low (hydro)thermal stability and poisoning by other gas components. Consequently, this project focuses on the development of innovative catalysts through an iterative synthesis-properties-performance development.


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    • Research Project

    Raw materials in electrical appliances. 15/09/2023 - 31/10/2023


    This project represents a formal research agreement between UAntwerp (research group on Sustainable Energy, Air & Water Technology, DuEL) and on the other hand the client. UAntwerp provides the client research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


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      • Research Project

      A 1kW membraneless electrolyzer demonstrator for pure green hydrogen gas production in flow. 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024


      Conventional compartmentalized electrolyzers, which split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas using electricity represent the mainstream technology for generating fully carbon-neutral 'green hydrogen' when powered by renewable energy sources. However, common electrolyzers have notable drawbacks including high fabrication costs, maintenance challenges (especially related to membrane stability), and the necessity of ultrapure aqueous electrolyte feed streams dependent on limited freshwater resources. As an alternative technology tackling these problems, a novel membraneless electrolyzer has been studied in the on-going IOF-POC CREATE project. The constructed lab-scale membraneless electrolyzer cell (patent pending) delivers >99.5% pure hydrogen and oxygen gas, and is constructed using affordable and versatile 3D printing tools. In this IOF-POC DEVELOP project, the goal is to scale up our lab unit of 1 W, up to a 1 kW demonstrator. The project primarily focuses on the design of the 1 kW stack, further efficiency improvement of the system and a performance demonstration over a prolonged period of time. This first 1 kW membraneless electrolyzer prototype will serve as a proof-of-concept for the feasibility to scale up our technology to higher capacities by modular integration. During this project, business development initiatives will also be taken through collaborations with interested industrial partners.


      Research team(s)

      Project type(s)

      • Research Project

      Low-cost Hydrogen through highly Efficient Photoelectrolysis (HyLEeP). 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2024


      Novel electrolyzer technologies that improve cost-efficiency through reductions in electricity and component costs will be needed for delivering hydrogen from renewables at scale. HyLEeP will develop a breakthrough photoelectrolysis device that will (a) reduce the electricity demand of clean hydrogen production; (b) eliminate use of critical raw materials (CRM) in electrodes/electrocatalysts; and (c) couple hydrogen generation to valorization of a biomassderived stream, thus improving technoeconomic performance and circularity. HyLEeP aims to deliver plasmon-enhanced, hybrid photoelectrolysis under alkaline conditions for hydrogen generation. Within this project, the research group DuEL will particularly focus on the synthesis of noblemetal-free plasmonic nanostructures based on ZrN, and explore new types of photoelectrochemical cell design. In close interaction with the EnvEcon research group, a detailed techno-economic assessment will be performed, which will reveal the best opportunities towards valorization. Unique in the setting of the valorization roadmap is that not only cost reductions in device construction or sales volumes of produced hydrogen will be accounted for, but also profits made by up-conversion of bio-waste streams used a the feed, and environmental and related costimpacts by avoiding the use of critical raw materials.


      Research team(s)

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      • Research Project

      Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy (FLUORATE). 01/06/2022 - 31/05/2024


      Optical materials are ubiquitous in present society. From the building blocks of displays and LEDs, to fibre optic communication for ultrafast internet, (plasmonic) nanostructures for photocatalysis, bulk heterojunctions for photovoltaics, probes for imaging, sensing and revealing reaction mechanisms in chemistry and catalysis and various nanostructures for nanophotonics applications. The in-depth knowledge on the nature and dynamics of the surface and bulk properties of these materials, such as the fate of electrons and holes that arise after optical excitation requires dedicated spectroscopic techniques that can reveal both steady-state and time-resolved properties of such materials. Fluorescence spectroscopy is one of the most versatile and sensitive techniques that can provide such information. Modern detectors are able to detect single photons that are emitted at time scales ranging from several picoseconds to seconds, and with energies spanning the entire UV, visible and NIR optical range. The system applied for is a versatile steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectrometer, that is highly modular and when combined with the already available infrastructure, provides a unique configuration allowing a wide range of experiments that provide information on a.o. ultrafast processes at picosecond timescales, delayed fluorescence from for example triplet states and with a sensitivity over a very broad wavelength range (200 – 1700nm) and accessibility to both ensemble and single-molecule detection from solutions, powders, nanoparticles, films and devices. The infrastructure will be applied in very different research fields, from photocatalysis to excitonic properties of nanomaterials, and from chemical reaction kinetics to photovoltaic and LED applications, which is also confirmed by the very diverse research topics of the 5 involved research teams.


      Research team(s)

      Project website

      Project type(s)

      • Research Project

      (Photo)electrolyzer for pure hydrogen gas production in flow. 01/05/2022 - 30/04/2023


      Water electrolysis in compartmentalized electrolyzers to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas, is the most mature technology for producing fully carbon-neutral 'green hydrogen', when powered by green energy sources. The major advantage of this approach over "one-pot" reactions, is that the reaction products are readily available in their pure form. The major disadvantages of common electrolyzers are the costs associated with their fabrication, the maintenance (especially related to the (in)stability of the membrane), and the requirement of well-defined aqueous electrolyte feed streams based on fresh water, which is a scarce resource. In this project, a new type of (photo)electrolyzer is developed that combines the ease and low maintenance of one-pot reactions, with the benefits of continuous operation and product gas separation as offered by compartmentalized electrolyzers, in a new type of membraneless (photo)electrolyzer run in a continuous flow regime. The electrolyzer design facilitates both electro- and photo(electro)chemical water splitting. The project focusses on optimization of the geometrical design of the reactor, the experimental validation of a product purity of at least 95%, and aimed at even surpassing 99%, and a demonstration of the design's compatibility with using solar light as a driving force.


      Research team(s)

        Project type(s)

        • Research Project

        Artificial clathrates for safe storage, transport and delivery of hydrogen II (ARCLATH II). 01/07/2021 - 31/12/2023


        The ARCLATH-2 project aims to overcome current drawbacks in hydrogen transportation and storage by developing a radically new transportation and storage concept based on clathrates. After a year of research, ARCLATH-1 already provided a proof of concept that shows hydrogen can indeed be encapsulated in clathrates under technically and economically relevant conditions, in terms of both pressure and temperature. A follow-up project ARCLATH-2 has now been initiated to maximise the hydrogen storage capacity of the clathrates under similar pressure and temperature conditions. At the same time, ARCLATH-2 will define a practical process of reversible hydrogen storage and delivery based on pressure swing cycling at lab-scale.


        Research team(s)

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        • Research Project

        True colours of titanium dioxide - coloured titania and their advanced characterisation for use in CO2 reduction and sensing applications 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2024


        Titanium-dioxide-based materials (titania) are semiconductors with many versatile applications in chemical catalysis, electrochemical sensing, food industry, energy conversion and many more. A considerable part of these applications rely on the electron-hole formation in titania by the absorption of light in the UV range. However, this restricts many practical applications, since sunlight has a limited UV content. Coloured titania, such as grey and black titania, can be formed via thermal, chemical or sonochemical reduction pathways. Although these materials absorb light in the visible range, there is many conflicting data reported about their activity and involved mechanistic pathways. There is also no consensus on the optimal synthesis routes to enhance specific favorable material characteristics. The large heterogeneity in coloured titania materials and their syntheses used in literature hampers a clear correlation between synthesis, electronic structure and activity. In this concerted action, we aim at a controlled alteration of the reduction conditions of porous titania linked to a direct determination of a variety of properties, such as electron traps, surface-adsorbed and surface-reacted species, bulk defects, band gap, polymorphs and pore sizes, and to activity measurements. For the latter we will test their capacity for photocatalytic reduction of CO2 and their applicability as electrode material in the electrochemical sensing of phenolic compounds in water. With this approach we guarantee that the results of the different experiments can be directly compared and correlated. This will allow determining the key factors governing the relation between synthesis, electronic and geometric structure and activity of coloured titania. This knowledge will be translated in optimal synthesis conditions for the here proposed applications, of importance in sustainable chemistry and development. The project makes use of the unique complementary expertise in the synthesis, experimental and theoretical characterization and application of titanium-dioxide-based materials available at UAntwerp.


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        Project type(s)

        • Research Project

        Zinc-co-Sink, dual pathway for safe rubber granulate recycling. 01/01/2021 - 01/05/2023


        This project is being carried out by the University of Antwerp and VITO, and supported by the Belgian Road Research Centre (BRRC). Two possible solutions are being investigated to prevent the release of zinc from rubber granules; on the one hand by coating the rubber granules (UAntwerp) and on the other hand by trapping the released harmful components in a sorbent before they are released into the environment (VITO). Possible solutions can, be developed further at a later stage (phase II) and can be used for many applications of rubber granulates where environmental problems play a role. In the follow-up research, attention will also be paid to the recyclability and durability of both solutions (influence of ageing and/or exceptional weather conditions).


        Research team(s)

        Project type(s)

        • Research Project

        Plasmonic sensors for the sensitive and selective detection of volatile organic compounds. 01/11/2020 - 31/10/2024


        The quantitative detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is an essential but challenging task with a broad range of applications: diagnosing disease via breath analysis, monitoring indoor air quality, checking food freshness, detecting explosives, etc. Because of the shortcomings of current gas sensors, the demand for a new generation of selective and sensitive VOC sensors is pressing. This PhD project targets a new type of spectroscopic sensors that tackle this challenge through the combination of (1) nanoscale engineering of light-matter interactions, (2) the growth of thin porous films with a high VOC adsorption affinity, and (3) a biomimetic method to leverage the combined data from an array of partially selective sensors. These concepts will be brought together for the first time through the close collaboration of researchers at two universities and will be demonstrated in the detection of three harmful VOCs in simulated indoor air.


        Research team(s)

        Project type(s)

        • Research Project

        Covalent Organic Frameworks: Electrodes for Photoelectrocatalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide and VOCs into Ecofriendly Fuels. 01/11/2020 - 31/10/2023


        The two biggest challenges of the 21st century are: i) air pollution and global warming, and ii) seeking alternative energy sources. To address both these issues, we plan to combine air-treatment with generation of green energy/chemicals as end products, using solar power. In particular, we will focus on photoelectrocatalytic decomposition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and CO2 to produce hydrogen and formic acid respectively. The efficiency of these reactions is limited with conventionally used aqueous phase with TiO2 or noble metal-based electrodes. We propose to overcome these issues by running a gas phase photoelectrocatalytic cell by metal-free, highly porous and electrochemically stable photoelectrodes. In that context, we will explore the possibility of using Covalent Organic Frameworks (COF) as photoelectrodes. Apart from their high surface area and tunable bandgap, the metal-free COFs are cheap and devoid of leaching. However, their low electrical conductivity presents a hurdle. Here, we will focus on enhancing the optical and electrical conductivity of COFs simultaneously by synthesizing highly conjugated COFs and growing them on carbon fibre cloth (CFC) as binder-free COF-CFC hybrid electrodes. Combining the expertise and facilities of COMOC (UGent) and DuEL groups (UAntwerpen), we plan to optimize the photoelectrochemical reactions with COF-based electrodes. Such optimizations will facilitate the future adoption of our work in a larger industrial setting.


        Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          Photoelectrochemical abatement of methane waste with simultaneous energy recovery. 01/10/2020 - 30/09/2022


          Methane has recently been under attention as the atmospheric methane concentration is increasing more rapidly than initially expected. As methane is the second largest contributor to the enhanced greenhouse effect, this increases the urge for sustainable methane mitigation strategies in contrast to the current handling of methane emissions (e.g. venting). In this project a sustainable methane mitigation strategy, namely photoelectrochemical (PEC) methane degradation, is presented, which has not been studied before. In a PEC cell both mineralization of methane (at the photo-anode) and hydrogen evolution (at the cathode) are combined in a single device that runs solely on (solar) light as the energy input. First, the PEC cell will be optimized by selecting the best performing photo-anode material using the knowledge attained at the Wuhan University of Technology (China), also studying less conventional materials, nanostructures and synthesis strategies. As methane-rich waste streams are often gas mixtures, the influence of different common chemical compounds will be investigated both on overall cell performance, as well as in-situ. Finally, the effect of different reaction conditions will also be studied, as these factors are known to strongly influence photodriven processes. In summary, this project will allow us to evaluate the promise of PEC-technology for energy-efficient abatement of methane waste, while providing valuable new insight into the reaction mechanisms.


          Research team(s)

            Project type(s)

            • Research Project

            Study of material composition in power tools. 01/06/2020 - 30/06/2020


            This project represents a formal research agreement between UAntwerp (research group on Sustainable Energy, Air & Water Technology, DuEL) and on the other hand the client. UAntwerp provides the client research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


            Research team(s)

              Project type(s)

              • Research Project

              High resolution Raman spectroscopy and imaging. 01/05/2020 - 30/04/2024


              High resolution Raman imaging is a versatile imaging technique that generates detailed maps of the chemical composition of technical as well as biological samples. The equipment with given specifications is not yet available at UAntwerp, and will crucially complement the high-end chemical imaging techniques (XRF, XRD, IR, SEM-EDX-WDX, LA-ICP-MS) that are already available at UAntwerp for material characterization. High resolution Raman imaging will expose, with high resolution, the final details (structural fingerprint) of the material of interest. In first instance, we aim to boost the following research lines: electrochemistry, photocatalysis, marine microbiology, environmental analysis and cultural heritage. The Raman microscope should be as versatile as possible, to support potential future technological enhancements.


              Research team(s)

                Project type(s)

                • Research Project

                High-end electron paramagnetic resonance instrumentation for catalysis and materials characterization. 01/05/2020 - 30/04/2024


                Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) offers a unique tool for the characterization of paramagnetic systems found in biological and synthetic materials. It is used in very diverse fields, such as biology, chemistry, physics, medicine and materials sciences. EPR is a global name for many different techniques, of which the pulsed EPR spectroscopies are the most versatile ones, able to reveal very detailed structural information. The University of Antwerp hosts a pulsed and high-field EPR facility that is unique in Belgium. However, the basic continuous-wave EPR instrumentation that underlies this facility needs urgent upgrade. Moreover in recent years, the technical realization of arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs) with clock rates higher than a gigahertz has initiated a new era in EPR spectroscopy. These AWGs allow for novel experiments with shaped pulses through which more detailed information about the systems under study can be obtained. Use of these shaped pulses avails enormously increased sensitivity and spectral width. This is particularly important for the study of nanostructured materials and the detection of transiently formed active sites during catalysis, device operation or biological in-cell reactions, topics of major interest for the consortium. The requested extension of the EPR facility is essential to assure that EPR at UAntwerp remains at the forefront in this rapidly changing field.


                Research team(s)

                Project type(s)

                • Research Project

                Photocatalytic coated hygienic wall protection materials. 01/03/2020 - 01/11/2021


                The goal of this POC project is to evaluate and improve the photocatalytic properties of hygienic wall protection materials. The photocatalytic activity relates to four specific properties: (1) the self-cleaning character ('anti-fouling'), (2) air purifying character, (3) antibacterial properties, and (4) color resistance. In order to test and compare various photocatalytic modification strategies, four (ISO) standardized testing procedures will be installed and benchmark experiments on the existing materials will be performed. Next, three different modification strategies will be applied, of which one is based on an existing patented coating protocol developed at DuEL, and two others are completely novel strategies. The modification is considered successful if it results in a firmly attached coating that does not disrupt the original wall protection material properties. If at least one strategy proves to be promising, the project will be continued in phase 2, during which the modified materials will be characterized in more detail, modified with plasmonic materials and tested after which the valorization campaign will be initiated, driven by the industrial partner's business case. Successful application of the results from this POC project will enable to comply with even stricter safety regulations and introduce the modified products in new market segments related to food, pharmacy and healthcare.


                Research team(s)

                  Project type(s)

                  • Research Project

                  Study of possible CO2 savings by cell phone recycling. 20/02/2020 - 29/02/2020


                  This project represents a formal research agreement between UAntwerp (research group on Sustainable Energy, Air & Water Technology, DuEL) and on the other hand the client. UAntwerp provides the client research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


                  Research team(s)

                    Project type(s)

                    • Research Project

                    Dioxide to monoxide (D2M): innovative catalysis for CO2 to CO conversion (D2M). 01/01/2020 - 30/09/2021


                    The aim of this project is to study, explore and develop various (catalytic) technologies for the production of CO as platform chemical via conversion of CO2. A technology assessment will subsequently be carried out to evaluate the potential of each technology, pinpointing promising strategies for further development and upscaling. Concrete objectives and criteria The efficiency/productivity of existing homogeneous catalytic systems for CO2 reduction to CO will be mapped out and evaluated to identify the most promising systems to achieve this reduction and to explore ways to improve its larger scale viability through detailed catalyst modification studies. The focus will be on cobalt and nickel systems containing N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) species as ligands. The goal of the heterogeneous catalytic conversion of CO2 to CO is to assess the potential of the oxidative propane dehydrogenation (OPD) reaction with CO2 as a soft oxidant. The main purpose here is to focus on and maximize CO2 reduction and CO formation via novel catalyst synthesis, surface engineering and investigation of catalyst support. In the field of electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to CO we aim to (1) develop metal-based electrodes (electrocatalysts integrated in gas diffusion electrodes) exhibiting enhanced stability, (2) to investigate a novel type of metal-free electrocatalyst that can tackle the current challenges witnessed in N-doped carbons and (3) to demonstrate the continuous production of CO from CO2 by the development of a prototype lab scale reactor including the best-performing electrocatalysts developed in this project Another goal of this project is providing a proof-of-concept for plasmonic enhanced CO2 conversion into CO in an energy-lean process involving only solar light at ambient pressure as energy input i.e. without external heating. The objective of the plasma catalytic route for CO production is to enhance the conversion and energy efficiency of CO2 conversion in different plasma reactor types, with major focus on Gliding Arc plasma and Nanosecond pulsed discharges (NPD) plasma reactors. The project also takes up the challenge to activate CO2 and bio-CH4 and turn them into CO by combining chemical looping processes, into which catalysis is integrated, mediated by multifunctional materials (combine different functionalities into one smartly engineered material) and/or spatial organization of materials in dynamically operated packed-bed reactors.


                    Research team(s)

                      Project website

                      Project type(s)

                      • Research Project

                      Artificial clathrates for safe storage, transport and delivery of hydrogen (ARCLATH). 01/01/2020 - 30/06/2021


                      In this project a proof-of-concept will be delivered for hydrogen storage in clathrates, an estimation of the application potential and an interdisciplinary research consortium on clathrate research will be established. The feasibility of hydrogen storage in clathrate materials will be studied in technological and economical relevant conditions of temperature and pressure. The central research question is to synthesize and stabilize hydrogen clathrates by catalytic processes in order to develop a new hydrogen storage technology. The concrete aim is to achieve 5 wt% and 30 g/l storage of hydrogen by temperatures above 2C and pressures below 100 bar.


                      Research team(s)

                        Project type(s)

                        • Research Project

                        Solar hydrogen production from seawater using stabilized plasmonic photocatalysts. 01/11/2019 - 31/10/2023


                        In 2012 international shipping emitted about 800 Mton CO2, 18.6 Mton NOx and 10.6 Mton SOx. It is expected that by 2050 these emissions will increase by 250% if no actions are taken. Therefore, scientific research for greener fuel alternatives is highly needed, and hydrogen has been identified as a promising candidate in that context. In this project, abundant seawater (rather than scarce pure water) will be split into hydrogen and oxygen gas using TiO2-based photocatalysts. The major drawback of TiO2 is the fact that it is only activated by ultraviolet (UV) light, corresponding to less than 5% of the incident solar spectrum on Earth. As a solution, the photocatalysts will be modified with ordered bimetallic gold-silver nanoparticles that strongly interact with sunlight. To ensure stability on the long term, even in the presence of a saline reaction environment, the plasmonic nanoparticles will be capped by a protective shell using wet-chemical synthesis techniques. The shell also acts as a spacer layer between the plasmonic cores that tunes the resulting interparticle distance and hot-spot formation. All structures will be thoroughly characterized down to the nanoscale, and action spectrum analysis will be performed in collaboration with Hokkaido University. Seawater splitting is only a very recently studied application. The use of plasmonic nanostructures in that regard is unprecedented, meaning the results from this project will move well beyond the state-of-the-art.


                        Research team(s)

                          Project type(s)

                          • Research Project

                          Solar active self-cleaning and air purifying coatings using plasmon embedded titania. 01/11/2019 - 31/10/2023


                          Soot is considered to be the second-largest contributor to global excess radiative forcing after CO2 and deemed responsible for 7 million premature deaths annually according to WHO. We propose an efficient photocatalyst for soot degradation (with simultaneous NOx reduction), using solar light as energy input. Photocatalytic oxidation is often achieved with TiO2 as photo-active material. The main drawback of TiO2 is its large band gap, which limits the overall solar light response to the UV region of the spectrum. Plasmonic photocatalysis using noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) has emerged as a promising technology to expand the activity window of traditional photocatalysts to the entire UV-visible light region of the solar spectrum. In this project, gold and silver NPs will be merged to overcome their individual limitations and form stable bimetallic NPs with highly tuneable plasmonic properties over a wide wavelength range. These plasmonic NPs will be embedded in TiO2 coatings. The plasmonic enhancement of photocatalytic air purifying and selfcleaning coatings will be studied in the laboratory by FTIR spectroscopy, contact angle measurements, digital imaging analysis and action spectrum analysis, as well as through real-life validation experiments in different cities, that illustrate the relevance of this research to the broader audience and potential investors. The proposed technology will be developed from TRL 2/3 to 5 including a CEA and possible recycling options.


                          Research team(s)

                            Project type(s)

                            • Research Project

                            Semi-active photocatalysis technology for abatement of urban air pollution. 01/10/2019 - 30/04/2022


                            The goal of this project is to develop semi-active photocatalytic systems for mitigating air pollution in urban environments. With semi-active systems is meant photocatalytic systems with (i) improved functionality (enhanced activity under solar light conditions), (ii) in which the transfer of pollutants to the photocatalytic surfaces is increased (by inducing natural or forced convection) and (iii) where the sunlight is optimally utilized by optimizing the received light intensity. The hypothesis is that systems that meet these conditions are superior to so-called passive photocatalytic systems. In this project, a promising plasmon-enhanced photocatalytic material, developed by our research group, will be characterized in terms of its sensitivity to sunlight. The relevant reaction kinetic parameters will hereby be determined and will be used for designing semi-active air purification systems based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models, thus limiting the need for extensive experiments. The most promising system will then be built on scale model and will be extensively tested under controlled conditions. Finally, a demonstration model will be built in a realistic environment. The ultimate goal of the IOF-POC project is to demonstrate the feasibility of semi-active photocatalytic systems and thus to awaken the interest of potential industrial partners and other stakeholders.


                            Research team(s)

                              Project type(s)

                              • Research Project

                              In-line quantization of the hydrogen gas yield from photoelectrochemical treatment of volatile organic compounds. 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021


                              The goal of this project is to simultaneously address two persistent needs of today's society: sustainable energy production and good air quality. TiO2-based photocatalysis has proven to be successful in both light-driven hydrogen production as well as the degradation of organic pollutants. In this project the intention is to couple both applications in a single device, this way recovering part of the energy stored in the organic molecules as hydrogen gas, while mineralizing the carbon fraction to CO2. This process can be performed in a photoelectrochemical cell. Oxidation of VOCs occurs at the photo-anode, while hydrogen is produced at the cathode on the opposite side of a proton-conducting solid electrolyte membrane. Accurate and in-line detection of hydrogen gas as the desired reaction product is crucial for a thorough understanding of the cell operation. This grant is thus intended for purchasing a gas chromatograph with a state-of-the-art Barrier Ionization Discharge (BID) trace detection system for accurate analysis of hydrogen gas production at the cathode, that will complement existing infrastructure used to analyze photocatalytic VOC degradation at the photo-anode.


                              Research team(s)

                                Project type(s)

                                • Research Project

                                Ordered bimetallic plasmonic nanostructures for photocatalytic soot degradation. 01/10/2018 - 30/09/2022


                                Soot is considered to be the second-largest contributor to global excess radiative forcing after CO2 and deemed responsible for tripling the amount of premature deaths by 2060. We therefore propose a fundamental study to develop an efficient photocatalyst for the degradation of soot deposits, using (solar) light as the energy input. Photocatalytic oxidation is often achieved with TiO2 as the photoactive material. The main drawback of TiO2 is its large band gap, which limits the overall solar light response to the UV region of the spectrum. As a solution, plasmonic photocatalysis using noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) has emerged as a promising technology to expand the activity window of traditional photocatalysts to the entire UV-visible light region of the solar spectrum. In this project gold and silver NPs will be merged to overcome their individual limitations and form stable bimetallic NPs with highly tunable plasmonic properties over a wide wavelength range. These bimetallic NPs will be organized as an ordered plasmonic nanostructure, that will be characterized from bulk to nanoscale, a part of which in collaboration with the Institute for Catalysis at Hokkaido University, Japan. The effect of plasmonic enhancement on the photocatalytic soot degradation mechanism will be studied on a fundamental level by in-situ FTIR spectroscopy, but also through larger scale demonstration experiments that illustrate the relevance of this research to the broader audience.


                                Research team(s)

                                  Project type(s)

                                  • Research Project

                                  Photoelectrochemical abatement of methane waste with simultaneous energy recovery. 01/10/2018 - 30/09/2020


                                  Methane has recently been under attention as the atmospheric methane concentration is increasing more rapidly than initially expected. As methane is the second largest contributor to the enhanced greenhouse effect, this increases the urge for sustainable methane mitigation strategies in contrast to the current handling of methane emissions (e.g. venting). In this project a sustainable methane mitigation strategy, namely photoelectrochemical (PEC) methane degradation, is presented, which has not been studied before. In a PEC cell both mineralization of methane (at the photo-anode) and hydrogen evolution (at the cathode) are combined in a single device that runs solely on (solar) light as the energy input. First, the PEC cell will be optimized by selecting the best performing photo-anode material using the knowledge attained at the Wuhan University of Technology (China), also studying less conventional materials, nanostructures and synthesis strategies. As methane-rich waste streams are often gas mixtures, the influence of different common chemical compounds will be investigated both on overall cell performance, as well as in-situ. Finally, the effect of different reaction conditions will also be studied, as these factors are known to strongly influence photodriven processes. In summary, this project will allow us to evaluate the promise of PEC-technology for energy-efficient abatement of methane waste, while providing valuable new insight into the reaction mechanisms.


                                  Research team(s)

                                    Project website

                                    Project type(s)

                                    • Research Project

                                    Synergy of plasmonic structures, affinity elements and photosensitizers for electrosensing of pharmaceuticals 01/08/2018 - 31/07/2021


                                    The main objective of the PLASMON-ELECTROLIGHT project is to elaborate an efficient sensing strategy to measure pharmaceuticals. The detection technique will be developed from an original photoelectrochemical detection strategy that is boosted by advanced photosensitizers, plasmonic enhancement, and affinity recognition. The photoactive hybrid materials must be designed carefully through rational choice of photosensitizers and metallic nanostructures, theoretical modeling, and experimental correlations. Next, the materials will be combined with biorecognition elements and employed as photoelectrochemical sensor. Our objectives also include a better understanding of the mechanism for plasmonic enhancement of photosensitizers' activity, developing new photoreactive materials and better methods to tests them. This will contribute to different field of chemical sensing, material science, and energy conversion.


                                    Research team(s)

                                      Project type(s)

                                      • Research Project

                                      Screen printing facilities and high resolution Raman imaging of (printed) surfaces and materials. 01/05/2018 - 30/04/2021


                                      This Hercules proposal concerns screen printing facilities. Screen printing facilities enable UAntwerp to pioneer in the field of electronics, sensors and photocatalysis by (1) developing unique (photo)sensors/detectors (e.g. electrochemical sensors, photovoltaics, photocatalysis) by printing (semi)conducting materials on substrates, (2) designing parts of Internet of Things modules with more flexibility and more dynamically, meanwhile creating a unique valorization potential and IP position.


                                      Research team(s)

                                        Project type(s)

                                        • Research Project

                                        Infrastructure for imaging nanoscale processes in gas/vapour or liquid environments. 01/05/2018 - 30/04/2021


                                        Processes in energy applications and catalysis as well as biological processes become increasingly important as society's focus shifts to sustainable resources and technology. A thorough understanding of these processes needs their detailed observation at a nano or atomic scale. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is the optimal tool for this, but in its conventional form it requires the study object to be placed in ultrahigh vacuum, which makes most processes impossible. Using environmental TEM holders, the objects can be placed in a gas/vapour or liquid environment within the microscope, enabling the real time imaging, spectroscopic and diffraction analysis of the ongoing processes. This infrastructure will enable different research groups within the University of Antwerp to perform a wide range of novel research experiments involving the knowledge on processes and interactions, including among others the growth and evolution of biological matter, interaction of solids with gasses/vapours or liquid for catalysis, processes occurring upon charging and discharging rechargeable batteries, the nucleation and growth of nanoparticles and the detailed elucidation of intracellular pathways in biological processes relevant for future drug delivery therapies and treatments.


                                        Research team(s)

                                        Project type(s)

                                        • Research Project

                                        Plasmon-enhanced photocatalytic self-cleaning coatings. 02/04/2018 - 30/09/2019


                                        The goal of this IOF-POC project is to develop a market viable self-cleaning coating. The self-cleaning effect relies on the concept of photocatalysis; an advanced oxidation technology that enables the degradation of organic pollutants with light as an energy input and a semiconductor (here TiO2) as the catalyst. The main challenge of the project is to significantly increase the light-efficiency of the coating, while keeping the coating as transparent and cost-effective as possible. After optimizing the coating parameters and evaluating its cost-effectiveness, the ultimate target is to develop several prototypes that demonstrate the applicability in the building sector (e.g. skyscraper windows), as solar panel cover plates, or self-cleaning fish tanks.


                                        Research team(s)

                                          Project type(s)

                                          • Research Project

                                          Research Council Award 2017 - Award Verbeure: Applied & Exact Sciences 01/12/2017 - 31/12/2018


                                          Research Council Award 2017 - Award Verbeure: Applied & Exact Sciences The award will be used for funding the further development and dissemination of the research on plasmonics for improving photocatalysis. Elucidation of the fundamental operating principle, as well as the actual application of the technology, are both key aspects.


                                          Research team(s)

                                            Project type(s)

                                            • Research Project

                                            Energy from methane waste: catalyst selection, parameter study and in-situ investigation of a photo-electrochemical cell. 01/10/2017 - 30/09/2018


                                            Methane has recently been under attention as the atmospheric methane concentration is increasing more rapidly than initially expected. As methane is the second largest contributor to the enhanced greenhouse effect, this increases the urge for sustainable methane mitigation strategies in contrast to the current handling of methane emissions (e.g. venting). In this project a sustainable methane mitigation strategy, namely photo-electrochemical (PEC) methane degradation, is presented, which has not been studied before. In a PEC cell both mineralization of methane (at the photo-anode) and hydrogen evolution (at the cathode) are combined in a single device that runs solely on (solar) light as the energy input. First, the PEC cell will be optimized by selecting the best performing photo-anode material, also studying less conventional materials, nanostructures and synthesis strategies. As methane-rich waste streams are often gas mixtures, the influence of different common chemical compounds (O2, CO2, NOx, H2O, NH3) will be investigated both on overall cell performance, as well as in-situ. Finally, the effect of different reaction conditions (temperature, flow rate and light intensity) will also be studied, as these factors are known to strongly influence photo-driven processes. In summary, this project will allow us to evaluate the promise of PEC-technology for energy-efficient abatement of methane waste, while providing valuable new insight into the reaction mechanisms.


                                            Research team(s)

                                              Project type(s)

                                              • Research Project

                                              Magnetized Plasmonic Catalysts for Photochemical Applications. 01/04/2017 - 31/03/2018


                                              Practical applications of liquid solar light-driven photocatalytic reactions are hampered by two main factors: (i) limited (visible) light absorption and (ii) problematic post-separation due to the nano-sized dimensions of the catalysts involved. In this BOF-KP a technological solution is developed to address both problems simultaneously. In a first stage stabilized magnetic nanoclusters will be prepared that can be separated fast and effectively. Secondly, UV-visible light responsive plasmonic nanoparticles/photocatalysts are anchored to these stabilized magnetic nanoclusters. This will reduce operation costs since freely available solar light can be utilized more effectively. Additionally, costs are avoided associated with down-stream catalyst separation. Magnetized plasmonic photocatalysts will be tested toward waste water purification (phenol degradation), whereas pure magnetized plasmonic nanoparticles will be tested as catalysts toward the direct selective photo-conversion of aniline to di-azobenzene. Using plasmonic metal nanoparticles for direct photochemical selective transformations provides an alternative 'green' synthesis process. Traditionally such reactions require elevated temperature or pressure, as well as the addition of stoichiometric quantities of specific chemicals that lead to unwanted waste streams. The method proposed in this BOF-KP only involves free sunlight as the energy source, a nano-catalyst that can be easily recovered, no additional chemicals are required and the entire reaction is carried out at room temperature.


                                              Research team(s)

                                                Project type(s)

                                                • Research Project

                                                Photocatalytic gas scrubber as innovative air purification technology. 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2016


                                                Air pollution is one of the problems that has attracted specific attention since the start of the 21st century. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), originating from furniture or building materials amongst others, are an important class of pollutants and the concentration indoors are often several times higher than outdoors. The main goal is the complete mineralization of VOCs based on a photocatalytic oxidation process which can be carried out under mild reaction conditions (low pressure and temperature). The methodology that will be used is to transfer the VOCs from the gas phase to the aqueous phase by means of a scrubber to ensure an efficient photocatalytic degradation under UV light. The light efficiency will be optimized based on two different methods. The first method is via modification of standard TiO2 with plasmonic silver nanostructures. These nanostructures display surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in the UV part of the spectrum, which entails a significant electric near-field enhancement. The build-up of these intense local electric fields allows an efficient concentration of the incident photon energy in small volumes near the nanostructures. Since the rate of electron-hole pair formation is proportional to the intensity of the electric field, a drastic increase in charge carrier formation occurs. In order for this plasmonic "lens effect" to work, an energy match between the bandgap energy of the semiconductor and the energy associated with the SPR is required, which is the case for silver nanostructures. A second method to increase the UV light efficiency is by means of an innovative reactor design. A scrubber will be used to transfer the contaminated air flow to the aqueous phase leading to an enrichment of the VOCs in the aqueous phase. After that, the VOCs will be photocatalytically degraded in the aqueous phase, which is a better known concept than degradation in gas phase. The VOC degradation will occur via an optimized reactor design in which a UV transparent capillary tube is coated on the inside with photoactive material. This tube will be winded around a UV light source. In this way, there is a large contact time between pollutant and catalyst. Furthermore, this design ensures an active washing of the catalyst surface avoiding possible deactivation of the catalyst.


                                                Research team(s)

                                                  Project type(s)

                                                  • Research Project

                                                  Fabrication and characterization of plasmonic TiO2 anodes for energy recovery from contaminated air. 01/02/2015 - 31/12/2015


                                                  In this BOF KP TiO2-based photo-anodes are modified with plasmonic noble metal nanoparticles that shift the window of operation towards the visible light region of the solar spectrum. The main objectives are the detailed photo-electrochemical characterization of these plasmonic TiO2 photo-anodes and the fundamental elucidation of the plasmon-mediated working mechanism.


                                                  Research team(s)

                                                    Project type(s)

                                                    • Research Project

                                                    Sunlight-driven photo-electrochemical hydrogen production from air contaminated with volatile organic compounds. 01/10/2014 - 30/09/2017


                                                    Today's society has to cope with two persistent demands: sustainable energy production and a clean, healthy environment. This project aims at addressing both issues simultaneously in a single device. Air contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOC) is administered to the photoanode compartment of a photo-electrochemical (PEC) cell. The photo-anode consists of a photocatalyst (TiO2) that mineralizes those VOCs under illumination. Protons formed during photoreaction diffuse through a solid electrolyte membrane towards the cathode side of the PEC cell. At the cathode protons are reduced with photogenerated electrons that are externally conducted from anode to cathode and hydrogen fuel is recovered. A big challenge of the proposed concept is to make the photo-anode visible light active. Photocatalysts such as TiO2 are activated only by UV light, which represents but 5% of the solar spectrum. In this project the photo-anode will be modified with unconventional and ffordable 'plasmonic' metal nanostructures with photoresponse tuned to the solar spectrum. They are expected to boost the PEC cell's efficiency by expanding the activity window of the photo-anode towards visible light or by improving the performance in the available wavelength range. Physico-chemical characterization, theoretical simulations of the light-matter interaction and actual PEC cell performance tests will lead to fundamental understanding and efficiency improvement of this sunlight-driven process.


                                                    Research team(s)

                                                      Project type(s)

                                                      • Research Project

                                                      Noble metal nanoparticle antenna based plasmonics to improve photocatalysis. 01/10/2012 - 30/09/2014


                                                      Millions of people are currently suffering from the consequences of poor indoor air quality. Photocatalysis is a promising approach to remove harmful components from the air. The bottleneck thus far is the low efficiency of the photocatalytic reactions. A big step forward can be achieved by light harvesting antenna systems based on metal nanoparticles. They capture light of lower energy (in the visible light region) and with a higher efficiency. Photocatalytic ceramic foams with nanoparticle antennas are synthesized, characterized and tested towards their air purification properties.


                                                      Research team(s)

                                                        Project type(s)

                                                        • Research Project

                                                        Noble metal nanoparticle antenna based plasmonics to improve photocatalysis. 01/10/2010 - 30/09/2012


                                                        Millions of people are currently suffering from the consequences of poor indoor air quality. Photocatalysis is a promising approach to remove harmful components from the air. The bottleneck thus far is the low efficiency of the photocatalytic reactions. A big step forward can be achieved by light harvesting antenna systems based on metal nanoparticles. They capture light of lower energy (in the visible light region) and with a higher efficiency. Photocatalytic ceramic foams with nanoparticle antennas are synthesized, characterized and tested towards their air purification properties.


                                                        Research team(s)

                                                          Project type(s)

                                                          • Research Project