Hybrid framework for surrogate modelling of massive solar collectors in road pavements
Geomechanics for energy and the environment - ISSN 2352-3808-40 (2024) p. 1-10
Long-term Thermal Performance of Large-scale Pavement Solar Collectors
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Applied Engineering, 2024,234 p.
Mechanical response assessment of pavement solar collectors
Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements VIII : 8th International Conference Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements: 8th ICONFBMP, 12-14 June, 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece-p. 408-414
IEA ES Task 38 : ground source de-icing and snow melting systems for infrastructure
International Ground Source Heat Pump Association Research Conference Proceedings, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 28-30, 2024- () p. 219-226
Construction of resilient pavement using proper interface layers and pavement solar collectors
Transportation research record - ISSN 0361-1981-2678:11 (2024) p. 2032-2045