Exploratory investigation of historical decorative laminates by means of vibrational spectroscopic techniques
Heritage science - ISSN 2050-7445-11:1 (2023) p. 1-11
zwarte verftechnologieën in de Bourgondisch-Habsburgse Nederlanden tot de zeventiende eeuw en de herbewerking van verschillenden soorten zwart in Noord-Europa
Studies in textiel : Leidse weefsels-p. 102-127
Reworking black dye technologies of the Burgundian-Habsburg Netherlands : three types of black dyeing
Burgundian Black / Boulboullé, Jenny [edit.]; Dupré, Sven [edit.]
Quality control of natural resins used in historical European lacquer reconstructions with some reflections on the composition of sandarac resin (Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Mast.)
Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis - ISSN 0165-2370-158 (2021) p. 1-10
European lacquers : historical sources, recipes, and practices in early modern Europe
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