Study programme
Dutch-taught Bachelor of Applied Economics
Model Path part 1
Part 1 of the model path is the standard initial package.
Business Economics
Financial markets
Information systems
International environment
Economic Analysis
Quantitative Methods
Descriptive statistics and probability theory
Mathematics with applications in (business) economics 1
Professional Communication
In part one students select 6 ECTS-credits of the offered languages. In part 2 students again select 6 ECTS-credits of languages, obtaining level 2 for at least 1 language. You also choose whether to obtain level 2 for a second language or level 1 for a third language.
German for business and economics 1
English for business and economics 1
French for business and economics 1
Spanish for business and economics 1
Broadening Courses
Behaviour and Organisation
Law and Corporation
Model Path part 2
Business Economics
Financial reporting and analysis
'Accounting', 'Introduction to financial reporting' or 'Financial reporting: principles and analysis'
Logistics and transport
Choose 1 from
Introduction to managing and organising
Market and strategy
'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 ECTS)
Economic Analysis
'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 ECTS)
'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 ECTS)
Quantitative Methods
Students choose 'Verklarende statistiek' or 'Statisitek II'. This choice determines your statistics track in the 3rd part of the bachelor's degree. Students taking 'Statsitiek II' , do not take 'Bedrijfsfiscaliteit' compulory.
Statistics 2
Inferential statistics
Mathematics with applications in (business) economics 2
'Mathematics with applications in (business) economics 1'
Research Methodology
Research methodology for (business)economics
Professional Communication
In part one students select 6 ECTS-credits of the offered languages. In part 2 students again select 6 ECTS-credits of languages, obtaining level 2 for at least 1 language. You also choose whether to obtain level 2 for a second language or level 1 for a third language.
German for business and economics 1
German for business and economics 2
'German for business and economics 1'
English for business and economics 1
English for business and economics 2
'English for business and economics 1'
French for business and economics 1
French for business and economics 2
'French for business and economics 1'
Spanish for business and economics 1
Spanish for business and economics 2
'Spanish for business and economics 1'
Broadening Courses
Students taken (Statistiek II) do not take 'Bedrijfsfiscaliteit' compulsory.
Corporate taxation
Corporation law
Model Path Part 3
Business Economics
I-week on sustainability
(This does not apply to exchange students or non-degree students)
Choose 1 major from 'Business Economics' and 'Economic Analysis'
Major Business Economics
Digital organisation
Financial management
'Accounting', 'Introduction to financial reporting' or 'Financial reporting: principles and analysis'
Human resource management
Management accounting and control
'Accounting', 'Introduction to financial reporting' or 'Financial reporting: principles and analysis'
Major Economic Analysis
Economic policy
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
History of economic thought
'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 ECTS)
International economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Public economics and public finances
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Quantitative Methods
Choose 1 from
Introduction to econometrics
- 'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 sp.)
- 'Statistics II' or 'Multivariate analysis'
Quantitative methods of management
'Inferential statistics'
Research Methodology
1 bachelor project to choose from
Bachelor project Business economics - Accountancy
Bachelor project Business economics - International business
Bachelor project Business economics - Finance
Bachelor project Business economics - Marketing
Bachelor project Business economics - Strategy and organisation
Bachelor project Business economics - Transport economy and logistics
Bachelor project: Current issues in economic policy
Broadening Courses
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the following list of interdisciplinary courses
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
Artificial intelligence: societal challenges
Optional courses (or teaching component)
Choose 18 ECTS-credits
- from the lists below
- from the languages of the 1st and 2nd bachelor
- from the other major not choosen
- from the list of university-wide, interdisciplinary courses, except 'Levensbeschouwing' (max 1)
- credits already acquired in related programs, after consultation with a study programme counsellor
- from a foreign university in the context of exchange
- from a selection of courses from the YUFE Student Journey
- from a selection of blended intensive programs, summer and winter schools offered by partners (after approval and selection). For summer schools and some blended intensive programs you have to be selected the previous academic year, you formally include them in your study program in the academic year following the summer school attended.
Students who choose the teaching component of 15 ECTS-credits use 15 ECTS-credits of the optional choice for this purpose.
1. Business Economics
Choose from the Major Business economics or from the list below
Business-to-business marketing
Foundations of international business
Introduction to managing and organising
Marketing business game
Real estate finance and economics
Risk management and internal control
'Financial reporting and analysis'
- Kris Hardies
- Jo Mentens
Social psychology
Internship (sem 1)
Internship (sem 2)
2. Digital Business and Engineering
Foundations of sustainable engineering
Lecture series 'Kékulé'
Design of information systems
'Information systems' or 'Digital information systems'
Operations management
System analysis and databases
'Information systems' or 'Digital information systems'
3. Economic Analysis
Choose from the Major Economic Analysis or from the list below
Issues in global economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
Market and strategy
'Economics' or 'Introduction to economics' (6 ECTS)
Regional and urban economics
Transport economics
Topics in public economics
- 'Microeconomics'
- 'Macroeconomics'
4. Research Methodology
Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods (part 2)
5. Professional Communication
Choose from the offer of German, English, French and Spanish in 1st and 2nd bachelor or from the list below.
German for business and economics 3
'German for business and economics 2'
English for business and economics 3
'English for business and economics 2'
French for business and economics 3
'French for business and economics 2'
Spanish for business and economics 3
'Spanish for business and economics 2'
6. Broadening Courses
Corporate taxation
Introduction to World History
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
International Relations
World History of Belgium
Teaching component
Students can choose to follow the compulsory courses in the 1st or in the 2nd semester.
'Algemene didactiek' is required to be taken in the 1st semester. Only students who do not take 'Introductie vakdidactiek' can take 'Algemene didactiek' in the 2nd semester.
General Didactics
General didactics (2nd semester)
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion
In-school Training: Orientation
In-school Training: Orientation
Students choose 1 or 2 introduction teaching methodologies. In case of 1 introduction teaching methodology, students have to follow 'Krachtige leeromgevingen' (1st or 2nd semester).
'Seminarie vakkennis wiskunde' is compulsory for students choosing 'Introductie vakdidactiek wiskunde'.
'Introductie vakdidactiek economie' is compulsory for the 'Educatieve master Economie'.