Cultural Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

Cultural Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management


Enter the world of innovation and creativity with this course, where we explore the power of innovation in the cultural and creative sectors.


Discover how cultural entrepreneurship and sustainable business models are the keys to future transitions. Learn about the dynamics of innovation within ecosystems and the impact of design thinking on problem-solving. This course also provides deep insights into social innovation and the essential role of digitalization. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or an experienced professional, this course is your springboard to business models and entrepreneurship.

This micro-credential offers a deep dive into essential themes, including the influence of innovation in creative industries, the practice of cultural entrepreneurship, the design of sustainable business models, and the nuances of innovation ecosystems. You'll also explore design thinking, navigate the realms of social innovation, and harness the power of digitalization. Through hands-on collaboration with the Antwerp Conservatory and Sint Lukas Antwerp, you'll have the unique opportunity to develop practical business models, positioning you at the forefront of cultural enterprise and innovation.

Who for?

This course is specifically designed for professionals with a passion for culture and creativity. Whether you are an established cultural entrepreneur, an artist seeking new perspectives, a content creator eager to push the boundaries of innovation, or simply deeply interested in the intersection of creativity and entrepreneurship – this course will elevate your skills to a higher level. You should have at least a bachelor's degree. You are able to read and understand English. You got a general knowledge of the cultural and creative sector. You can critically process English-language scientific literature, apply theoretical frameworks to cases, write scientific papers and possess presentation skills.

Combining with work

Do you want to combine a micro-credential with your work? No problem! 

For information and advice on combining work and study, you can contact Centrum West. Students who register for a micro-credential in combination with a job can also register as working students to apply for additional facilities.