Study programme
Model Path part 1
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Classic and Modern Methods of Epidemiology
Data Management and Statistical Software
Introduction to Statistics
Research Project part 1
Classic and Modern Methods of Data Analysis
Metrics: Exposure and Outcome Assessment
Research Project 2
Applied Research Methods
Introduction to Qualitative Research
Environmental Epidemiology
Seminars 1
Model Path part 2
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Public Health, Policy and Practice
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Clinical Epidemiology
Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health
Master Thesis 1: Data Collection and Management
Seminars in Epidemiology 2
Advanced Methods in Epidemiology
Genetic Epidemiology
- Kristel Van Steen
Master Thesis 2: Analysis and Writing
Health Economics
Model Path part 1
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Classic and Modern Methods of Epidemiology
Data Management and Statistical Software
Introduction to Statistics
Research Project part 1
Classic and Modern Methods of Data Analysis
Metrics: Exposure and Outcome Assessment
Research Project 2
Workplace Visits
Introduction to Qualitative Research
Genetic Epidemiology
- Kristel Van Steen
Applied Research Methods
Seminars in Epidemiology 1
Model Path part 2
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Public Health, Policy and Practice
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Clinical Epidemiology
Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health
Master Thesis 1: Data Collection and Management
Seminars in Epidemiology 2
Advanced Methods in Epidemiology
Environmental Epidemiology
Master Thesis 2: Analysis and Writing
Model Path part 1
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Classic and Modern Methods of Epidemiology
Data Management and Statistical Software
Introduction to Statistics
Research Project part 1
Classic and Modern Methods of Data Analysis
Metrics: Exposure and Outcome Assessment
Research Project 2
Workplace Visits
Introduction to Qualitative Research
Genetic Epidemiology
- Kristel Van Steen
Applied Research Methods
Seminars in Epidemiology 1
Model Path part 2
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Public Health, Policy and Practice
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Clinical Epidemiology
Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health
Master Thesis 1: Data Collection and Management
Seminars in Epidemiology 2
Advanced Methods in Epidemiology
Environmental Epidemiology
Master Thesis 2: Analysis and Writing
Model Path part 1
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Classic and Modern Methods of Epidemiology
Data Management and Statistical Software
Introduction to Statistics
Research Project part 1
Classic and Modern Methods of Data Analysis
Metrics: Exposure and Outcome Assessment
Research Project 2
Workplace Visits
Introduction to Qualitative Research
Genetic Epidemiology
- Kristel Van Steen
Applied Research Methods
Seminars in Epidemiology 1
Model Path part 2
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Public Health, Policy and Practice
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Clinical Epidemiology
Epidemiology of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases
Master Thesis 1: Data Collection and Management
Seminars in Epidemiology 2
Advanced Methods in Epidemiology
Environmental Epidemiology
Master Thesis 2: Analysis and Writing
Model Path part 1
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Classic and Modern Methods of Epidemiology
Data Management and Statistical Software
Introduction to Statistics
Research Project part 1
Classic and Modern Methods of Data Analysis
Metrics: Exposure and Outcome Assessment
Research Project 2
Workplace Visits
Introduction to Qualitative Research
Genetic Epidemiology
- Kristel Van Steen
Applied Research Methods
Seminars in Epidemiology 1
Model Path part 2
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Public Health, Policy and Practice
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Clinical Epidemiology
Epidemiology of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases
Master Thesis 1: Data Collection and Management
Seminars in Epidemiology 2
Advanced Methods in Epidemiology
Environmental Epidemiology
Master Thesis 2: Analysis and Writing
Model Path part 1
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Introduction to Epidemiology
Introduction to Statistics
Study Design
Research Project part 1
Data Management and Statistical Software
- Steven Abrams
- Jan Aerts
- Francesca Solmi
Research Project 2
Metrics: Exposure and Outcome Assessment
Classic and Modern Methods of Data Analysis
Workplace Visits
Seminars in Epidemiology 1
Topics in Epidemiology
- Lidia Casas Ruiz
- Samuel Coenen
- Niel Hens
- Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden
- Kristel Van Steen
Introduction to Qualitative Research
Model Path part 2
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 51 ECTS-credits
Public Health, Policy and Practice
Master Thesis 1: Data Collection and Management
Seminars in Epidemiology 2
Advanced Methods in Epidemiology
Master Thesis 2: Analysis and Writing
Track 1: Clinical Epidemiology
Students choose one from three tracks during the first semester (9 ECTS-credits)
Intervention Research, including Clinical Trials
Prognostic Research
Diagnostic Research
Track 2: Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Students choose one from three tracks during the first semester (9 ECTS-credits)
Surveillance and Outbreak Detection
Modelling Infectious Diseases
Epidemiology of Tropical Diseases
Track 3: Environmental, Genetic and Chronic Epidemiology
Students choose one from three tracks during the first semester (9 ECTS-credits)
Environmental Epidemiology
Chronic Disease Epidemiology
- - NNB
Genetic Epidemiology
- Kristel Van Steen
Model Path part 1
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 60 ECTS-credits
Introduction to Epidemiology
Introduction to Statistics
Study Design
Research Project part 1
Data Management and Statistical Software
- Steven Abrams
- Jan Aerts
- Francesca Solmi
Research Project 2
Metrics: Exposure and Outcome Assessment
- Annelies Van Rie
- Jarl Kampen
- Guido Van Hal
Classic and Modern Methods of Data Analysis
Workplace Visits
- Koen De Schrijver
- Guido Van Hal
Seminars in Epidemiology 1
Topics in Epidemiology
- Lidia Casas Ruiz
- Samuel Coenen
- Niel Hens
- Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden
- Kristel Van Steen
Introduction to Qualitative Research
Model Path part 2
Compulsory courses
All courses are compulsory - 51 ECTS-credits
Public Health, Policy and Practice
Master Thesis 1: Data Collection and Management
Seminars in Epidemiology 2
Advanced Methods in Epidemiology
Master Thesis 2: Analysis and Writing
Introduction to Qualitative Research
- Jessica Fraeyman
Track 1: Clinical Epidemiology
Students choose one from three tracks during the first semester (9 ECTS-credits)
Intervention Research, including Clinical Trials
Prognostic Research
Diagnostic Research
Track 2: Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Students choose one from three tracks during the first semester (9 ECTS-credits)
Surveillance and Outbreak Detection
- - NNB
Modelling Infectious Diseases
Epidemiology of Tropical Diseases
Track 3: Environmental, Genetic and Chronic Epidemiology
Students choose one from three tracks during the first semester (9 ECTS-credits)
Environmental Epidemiology
Chronic Disease Epidemiology
- - NNB
Genetic Epidemiology
- Kristel Van Steen