Study programme
Model path: two year programme
In general, the Oceans & Lakes programme puts strong emphasis on acquiring skills, both in marine and lacustrine research and management. It requires full-time attendance and active participation in lectures and practical exercises, visits to marine research centers, field trips and excursions.
The course programme consists of 6 parts:
- Foundation courses (for 27 ECTS) with compulsory courses covering disciplines which are considered as essential knowledge for a marine and lacustrine scientist
- Toolbox professional skills (23 ECTS), including Monsoon School and Internship
- Toolbox supporting skills (6 ECTS)
- Toolbox research skills (10 ECTS), including field courses
- One major (24 ECTS) to choose out of 4 specialisations:
- The master thesis stands for 30 ECTS and consists of a a literature review (3 ECTS), and of an individual research project (27 ECTS) related to ongoing research in one of the associated research groups.
An internship period of 3-4 weeks (or 7-8 weeks with the 11 ECTS variant) allows the student to get professional experience in marine and lacustrine related fields. In addition to classes, fieldwork is an essential part of the programme.
Foundation courses
From the compulsory courses listed below, students must obtain 27 ECTS-credits.
You follow these courses in year 1.
Analysis of Biological Data
- Bram Vanschoenwinkel
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Stijn Temmerman
- Jean-Philippe Belliard
- Tom Van der Stocken
Fundamental Oceans and Lakes Biology
- Marleen De Troch
- Han Asard
- Kristien Brans
- Ann Vanreusel
- Natacha Brion
Environmental modelling
- Karoline Soetaert
- Dries Bonte
Law and Ethics on Conservation of Aquatic Systems
- An Cliquet
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
Toolbox professional skills year 1
You follow these courses in year 1.
Seminars: case studies on biodiversity management
- Ann Vanreusel
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part I
- N. Koedam
- Jean Hugé
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part II
- Ann Vanreusel
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Electives: choose 3 ECTS
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Science communication
Toolbox professional skills year 2
In this module the student needs to follow 11 ECTS-credits.
The Internship of 11 ECTS is only possible if a student does not take up Monsoon School or Summer School.
Monsoon School is mandatory for VLIR-UOS scholars.
Monsoon school
- Ann Vanreusel
- Gudrun De Boeck
- N. Koedam
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Summer school
- Ann Vanreusel
- Gudrun De Boeck
- N. Koedam
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Internship 5 ECTS
Internship 11 ECTS
Toolbox supporting skills
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 6 ECTS-credits.
Scientific Presentation Skills and Career Planning
- Farid Dahdouh-Guebas
Analysis of Biological Data
- Bram Vanschoenwinkel
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
Applied Geomorphology
- Matthieu Kervyn De Meerendre
Conservation Genetics
- Marc Kochzius
Introduction to GIS
- Frank Canters
Methods of Scientific Diving
- Alain Norro
- Marc Kochzius
- Sven Van Haelst
- Valérie Woit
Natural Risk management
- Matthieu Kervyn De Meerendre
Toolbox research skills
You follow all courses from the list below.
Integrated marine coastal ecology field course
- Marc Kochzius
- Thimo Groffen
In-situ and Remote Sensing Tools in Aquatic Sciences
- Vera Van Lancker
- - NNB
You also follow 3 ECTS from the list below.
Integrated Estuarine field Course
- Natacha Brion
Integrated field course at sea
- Jan Vanaverbeke
- Ann Vanreusel
Integrated limnological field course
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
In year 2, you choose one major, consisting of 24 ECTS-credits compulsory courses.
You can only choose the major 4 'Marine and Lacustrine Geosciences' if you have a Bachelor of Science in Geology!
Major 1 - Global Change Impacts on Ecology and Biodiversity
Aquatic Food Web Ecology
- Marleen De Troch
Aquatic microbial ecology
- Wim Vyverman
- Koen Sabbe
- Elie Verleyen
Major 2: Conservation Biology and Ecosystem Management
Marine Fisheries Ecology and Management
- Marc Kochzius
Freshwater Ecology and Management
Law of the Sea and Protection of Oceans
- Klaas Willaert
Conservation Genetics
- Marc Kochzius
Major 3: Environmental Impact and Remediation
Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Global Change
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Global Change Physiology
Freshwater Ecosystem Functioning
Integrated Practicals
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Lieven Bervoets
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Niko Celis
- Tom Maris
Major 4: Marine and Lacustrine Geosciences
Only accessible for students with a Bachelor of Science in Geology!
Paleoclimatology and Climate Change
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
Advanced sedimentology
- Maarten Van Daele
- Inka Meyer
Integrated offshore exploration
- David Van Rooij
Micropaleontology and paleoenvironmental reconstruction
- Stephen Louwye
Master thesis
Literature Review
- Marc Kochzius
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Master Thesis
Model path: two year programme
In general, the Oceans & Lakes programme puts strong emphasis on acquiring skills, both in marine and lacustrine research and management. It requires full-time attendance and active participation in lectures and practical exercises, visits to marine research centers, field trips and excursions.
The course programme consists of 6 parts:
- Foundation courses (for 27 ECTS) with compulsory courses covering disciplines which are considered as essential knowledge for a marine and lacustrine scientist
- Toolbox professional skills (23 ECTS), including Monsoon School and Internship
- Toolbox supporting skills (6 ECTS)
- Toolbox research skills (10 ECTS), including field courses
- One major (24 ECTS) to choose out of 4 specialisations:
- The master thesis stands for 30 ECTS and consists of a a literature review (3 ECTS), and of an individual research project (27 ECTS) related to ongoing research in one of the associated research groups.
An internship period of 3-4 weeks (or 7-8 weeks with the 11 ECTS variant) allows the student to get professional experience in marine and lacustrine related fields. In addition to classes, fieldwork is an essential part of the programme.
Foundation courses
From the compulsory courses listed below, students must obtain 27 ECTS-credits.
You follow these courses in year 1.
Fundamental Oceans and Lakes Biology
- Marleen De Troch
- Han Asard
- Kristien Brans
- Ann Vanreusel
- Natacha Brion
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Stijn Temmerman
- Jean-Philippe Belliard
- Tom Van der Stocken
Law and Ethics on Conservation of Aquatic Systems
- An Cliquet
Environmental modelling
- Karoline Soetaert
- Dries Bonte
Analysis of Biological Data
- Bram Vanschoenwinkel
Toolbox professional skills year 1
You follow these courses in year 1.
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part I
- N. Koedam
- Jean Hugé
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part II
- Ann Vanreusel
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Seminars: case studies on biodiversity management
- Ann Vanreusel
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Electives: choose 3 ECTS
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Science communication
Toolbox professional skills year 2
In this module the student needs to follow 11 ECTS-credits.
The Internship of 11 ECTS is only possible if a student does not take up Monsoon School or Summer School.
Monsoon School is mandatory for VLIR-UOS scholars.
Internship 5 ECTS
Internship 11 ECTS
Monsoon school
- Ann Vanreusel
- Gudrun De Boeck
- N. Koedam
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Summer school
- Ann Vanreusel
- Gudrun De Boeck
- N. Koedam
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Toolbox supporting skills
From the courses listed below students must choose 6 ECTS-credits or they can choose free elective courses (2x3 ECTS or 1x6 ECTS).
Choice must be approved by head of exam commission, prof. Marc Kochzius. When approved, fill out this form: and attach the approval email to the form (deadline 15 October).
Introduction to GIS
- Frank Canters
Methods of Scientific Diving
- Alain Norro
- Marc Kochzius
- Sven Van Haelst
- Valérie Woit
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
Conservation Genetics
- Marc Kochzius
Analysis of Biological Data
- Bram Vanschoenwinkel
Applied Geomorphology
- Matthieu Kervyn De Meerendre
Natural Risk management
- Matthieu Kervyn De Meerendre
Scientific Presentation Skills and Career Planning
- Farid Dahdouh-Guebas
Integrated marine coastal ecology field course
- Marc Kochzius
- Thimo Groffen
In-situ and Remote Sensing Tools in Aquatic Sciences
- Vera Van Lancker
- - NNB
Integrated field course at sea
- Jan Vanaverbeke
- Ann Vanreusel
Integrated limnological field course
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
Integrated Estuarine field Course
- Natacha Brion
In year 2, you choose one major, consisting of 24 ECTS-credits compulsory courses.
You can only choose the major 4 'Marine and Lacustrine Geosciences' if you have a Bachelor of Science in Geology!
Major 1: Global Change Impacts on Ecology and Biodiversity
Aquatic Food Web Ecology
- Marleen De Troch
Aquatic microbial ecology
- Wim Vyverman
- Koen Sabbe
- Elie Verleyen
Major 2: Conservation Biology and Ecosystem Management
Freshwater Ecology and Management
Marine Fisheries Ecology and Management
- Marc Kochzius
Law of the Sea and Protection of Oceans
- Klaas Willaert
Conservation Genetics
- Marc Kochzius
Major 3: Environmental Impact and Remediation
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Global Change
Global Change Physiology
Integrated Practicals
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Lieven Bervoets
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Niko Celis
- Tom Maris
Freshwater Ecosystem Functioning
Major 4: Marine and Lacustrine Geosciences
Please note: it is only possible to follow this major if you have a Bachelor of Science in Geology.'
Advanced sedimentology
- Maarten Van Daele
- Inka Meyer
Paleoclimatology and Climate Change
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
Integrated offshore exploration
- David Van Rooij
Micropaleontology and paleoenvironmental reconstruction
- Stephen Louwye
Master thesis
Literature Review
- Marc Kochzius
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Master Thesis
Model path: two year programme
The programme consists of 6 parts:
1. Core courses: 45 ECTS-credits
2. Broadening courses: 12 ECTS-credits
3. Supporting courses: 9 ECTS-credits
4. One major (24 ECTS-credits) to choose of 4 specialisations
5. The master thesis: 30 ECTS-credits
Core courses: compulsory courses + Field courses (choice 1) + choice 2
In this module the student needs to finish all the compulsory courses.The compulsory courses cover disciplines which are considered as essential knowledge for a marine and lacustrine scientist.
From the compulsory courses listed below, students must obtain 36 ECTS-credits.
From the field courses (Choice1) listed below students must choose 3 ECTS-credits.
From Choice 2: the student can choose the Monsoon School for 6 ECTS-credits or can follow a summer school for 6 ECTS-credits or chooses to follow 6 ECTS-credits from any master programme offered by a Belgian university, (subject to approval by the chairman of the examination board).
Fundamental Oceans and Lakes Biology
- Marleen De Troch
- Ann Vanreusel
- Natacha Brion
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Stijn Temmerman
- Jean-Philippe Belliard
- Tom Van der Stocken
Law and Ethics on Conservation of Aquatic Systems
- An Cliquet
Environmental modelling
- Karoline Soetaert
- Dries Bonte
Analysis of Biological Data
- Bram Vanschoenwinkel
Broadening courses (12 ECTS-credits)
The broadening courses are compulsory.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 12 ECTS-credits
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part I
- N. Koedam
- Jean Hugé
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part II
- Ann Vanreusel
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Seminars: case studies on biodiversity management
- Ann Vanreusel
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Internship 5 ECTS
Internship 11 ECTS
Monsoon school
- Ann Vanreusel
- Gudrun De Boeck
- N. Koedam
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Summer school
- Ann Vanreusel
- Gudrun De Boeck
- N. Koedam
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Supporting courses (9 ECTS-credits)
Based on student's background and after approval of the chairman of the examination board students must choose 9 ECTS-credits from the courses listed below. At least the level of 'Advanced Applied Statistics' must be reached.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 9 ECTS-credits.
Introduction to GIS
- Frank Canters
Methods of Scientific Diving
- Alain Norro
- Marc Kochzius
- Sven Van Haelst
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
Conservation Genetics
- Marc Kochzius
Analysis of Biological Data
- Bram Vanschoenwinkel
Integrated marine coastal ecology field course
- Marc Kochzius
- Lieven Bervoets
In-situ and Remote Sensing Tools in Aquatic Sciences
- Vera Van Lancker
- - NNB
Integrated field course at sea
- Jan Vanaverbeke
- Ann Vanreusel
Integrated limnological field course
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
Integrated Estuarine field Course
- Natacha Brion
Major Global change impacts on ecology and biodiversity
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Aquatic Food Web Ecology
- Marleen De Troch
Aquatic Genomics
- Olivier De Clerck
Marine Extreme Systems
Lacustrine Systems
Aquatic microbial ecology
- Wim Vyverman
- Koen Sabbe
- Elie Verleyen
Major Conservation Biology and ecosystem Management
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Freshwater Ecology and Management
Marine Fisheries Ecology and Management
- Marc Kochzius
Law of the Sea and Protection of Oceans
- Klaas Willaert
Conservation Genetics
- Marc Kochzius
Major Environmental Impact and Remediation
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. The Integrated Practicals is part of the second year.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS- credits.
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Global Change
Global Change Physiology
Integrated Practicals
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Lieven Bervoets
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Niko Celis
- Tom Maris
Freshwater Ecosystem Functioning
Major Marine and Lacustrine Geosciences
Only available for students with a good geological background, subject to approval by the chairman of the examination board.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Advanced sedimentology
- Maarten Van Daele
- Inka Meyer
Paleoclimatology and Climate Change
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
Integrated offshore exploration
- David Van Rooij
Micropaleontology and paleoenvironmental reconstruction
- Stephen Louwye
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
the master thesis stands for 30 ECTS-credits and consists of an individual research project related to ongoing research in one of the associated research groups. Here students choose a subject related to their major.
Literature Review
- Marc Kochzius
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Master Thesis
Model path: two year programme
The programme consists of 6 parts:
1. Core courses: 45 ECTS-credits
2. Broadening courses: 12 ECTS-credits
3. Supporting courses: 9 ECTS-credits
4. One major (24 ECTS-credits) to choose of 4 specialisations
5. The master thesis: 30 ECTS-credits
Core courses: compulsory courses + Field courses (choice 1) + choice 2
In this module the student needs to finish all the compulsory courses.The compulsory courses cover disciplines which are considered as essential knowledge for a marine and lacustrine scientist.
From the compulsory courses listed below, students must obtain 36 ECTS-credits.
From the field courses (Choice1) listed below students must choose 3 ECTS-credits.
From Choice 2: the student can choose the Monsoon School for 6 ECTS-credits or can follow a summer school for 6 ECTS-credits or chooses to follow 6 ECTS-credits from any master programme offered by a Belgian university, (subject to approval by the chairman of the examination board).
- Ann Vanreusel
- Natacha Brion
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Law and Ethics on Conservation of Aquatic Systems
- An Cliquet
In-situ and Remote Sensing Tools in Aquatic Sciences
- Vera Van Lancker
- - NNB
Environmental modelling
- Karoline Soetaert
- Dries Bonte
Integrated marine coastal ecology field course
- Marc Kochzius
- Lieven Bervoets
Freshwater Ecology
- - NNB
- Iris Stiers
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
Seminars: case studies on biodiversity management
- Ann Vanreusel
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Integrated field course at sea
- Jan Vanaverbeke
- Ann Vanreusel
Integrated limnological field course
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
Integrated Estuarine field Course
- Natacha Brion
Monsoon school
- Ann Vanreusel
- Gudrun De Boeck
- N. Koedam
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
- Ann Vanreusel
- Gudrun De Boeck
- N. Koedam
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Broadening courses (12 ECTS-credits)
The broadening courses are compulsory.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 12 ECTS-credits
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part I
- N. Koedam
- Jean Hugé
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part II
- Ann Vanreusel
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
- Ann Vanreusel
Supporting courses (9 ECTS-credits)
Based on student's background and after approval of the chairman of the examination board students must choose 9 ECTS-credits from the courses listed below. At least the level of 'Advanced Applied Statistics' must be reached.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 9 ECTS-credits.
Introduction to GIS
- Frank Canters
Introduction to data mining
- Marc Elskens
- Marc Elskens
Data and Information Management
- Tim Deprez
Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology
- Marleen De Troch
Advanced Applied Statistics
- Ann Vanreusel
- Koen Sabbe
Analysis of Biological Data
- Bram Vanschoenwinkel
Conservation Genetics
- Marc Kochzius
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
- Steven Goderis
Water Quality
- Marc Elskens
Applied Geomorphology
- Matthieu Kervyn De Meerendre
Natural Risk Management
- Matthieu Kervyn De Meerendre
Methods of Scientific Diving
- Alain Norro
- Marc Kochzius
- Sven Van Haelst
Major Global change impacts on ecology and biodiversity
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Marine Genomics
- Sofie Derycke
- Olivier De Clerck
Marine Food Web Ecology
- Marleen De Troch
Ecology of Coastal Seas
- Marleen De Troch
Lacustrine Systems
- Wim Vyverman
- Elie Verleyen
Aquatic microbial ecology
- Wim Vyverman
- Koen Sabbe
- Elie Verleyen
Marine Extreme Systems
- Ann Vanreusel
- David Van Rooij
Major Conservation Biology and ecosystem Management
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Integrated coastal zone management
- Farid Dahdouh-Guebas
Tropical Marine Ecology and Restoration
- N. Koedam
Conservation Genetics
- Marc Kochzius
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Law of the Sea and Protection of Oceans
- Klaas Willaert
Marine Biodiversity
- Marleen De Troch
- Marc Kochzius
Marine Fisheries Ecology and Management
- Marc Kochzius
Major Environmental Impact and Remediation
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. The Integrated Practicals is part of the second year.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS- credits.
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Integrated Practicals
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Lieven Bervoets
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Niko Celis
- Tom Maris
Major Marine and Lacustrine Geosciences
Only available for students with a good geological background, subject to approval by the chairman of the examination board.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Advanced sedimentology
- Maarten Van Daele
- Inka Meyer
Paleobiology of Micro-organisms
- Stephen Louwye
Paleoclimatology and Climate Change
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
Integrated offshore exploration
- David Van Rooij
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
the master thesis stands for 30 ECTS-credits and consists of an individual research project related to ongoing research in one of the associated research groups. Here students choose a subject related to their major.
Master's thesis
Model path: two year programme
The programme consists of 6 parts:
1. Core courses: 45 ECTS-credits
2. Broadening courses: 12 ECTS-credits
3. Supporting courses: 9 ECTS-credits
4. One major (24 ECTS-credits) to choose of 4 specialisations
5. The master thesis: 30 ECTS-credits
Core courses: compulsory courses + Field courses (choice 1) + choice 2
In this module the student needs to finish all the compulsory courses.The compulsory courses cover disciplines which are considered as essential knowledge for a marine and lacustrine scientist.
From the compulsory courses listed below, students must obtain 36 ECTS-credits.
From the field courses (Choice1) listed below students must choose 3 ECTS-credits.
From Choice 2: the student can choose the Monsoon School for 6 ECTS-credits or can follow a summer school for 6 ECTS-credits or chooses to follow 6 ECTS-credits from any master programme offered by a Belgian university, (subject to approval by the chairman of the examination board).
- Ann Vanreusel
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Law and Ethics on Conservation of Aquatic Systems
- An Cliquet
In-situ and Remote Sensing Tools in Aquatic Sciences
- Vera Van Lancker
- - NNB
Environmental modelling
- Karoline Soetaert
- Dries Bonte
Integrated marine coastal ecology field course
- Marc Kochzius
- Lieven Bervoets
River and Lake Ecology
- L. Triest
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
Seminars: case studies on biodiversity management
- N. Koedam
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Integrated field course at sea
- Jan Vanaverbeke
- Ann Vanreusel
Integrated limnological field course
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
Integrated Estuarine field Course
- Natacha Brion
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Monsoon school
- N. Koedam
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
- Ann Vanreusel
Broadening courses (12 ECTS-credits)
The broadening courses are compulsory.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 12 ECTS-credits
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part I
- N. Koedam
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part II
- N. Koedam
- Ann Vanreusel
Supporting courses (9 ECTS-credits)
Based on student's background and after approval of the chairman of the examination board students must choose 9 ECTS-credits from the courses listed below. At least the level of 'Advanced Applied Statistics' must be reached.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 9 ECTS-credits.
Introduction to GIS
- Frank Canters
Introduction to data mining
- Marc Elskens
- Marc Elskens
Data and Information Management
- Tim Deprez
Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology
- Marleen De Troch
Advanced Applied Statistics
- Ann Vanreusel
- Koen Sabbe
Analysis of Biological Data
- Bram Vanschoenwinkel
Conservation Genetics
- L. Triest
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
- Steven Goderis
Water Quality
- Marc Elskens
Applied Geomorphology
- Matthieu Kervyn De Meerendre
Natural Risk Management
- Matthieu Kervyn De Meerendre
Methods of Scientific Diving
- Alain Norro
- Marc Kochzius
- Sven Van Haelst
Major Global change impacts on ecology and biodiversity
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Marine Genomics
- Sofie Derycke
- Olivier De Clerck
Marine Food Web Ecology
- Marleen De Troch
Ecology of Coastal Seas
- Marleen De Troch
Lacustrine Systems
- Wim Vyverman
- Elie Verleyen
Aquatic microbial ecology
- Wim Vyverman
- Koen Sabbe
- Elie Verleyen
Marine Extreme Systems
- Ann Vanreusel
- David Van Rooij
Major Conservation Biology and ecosystem Management
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Integrated coastal zone management
- Farid Dahdouh-Guebas
Tropical Marine Ecology and Restoration
- N. Koedam
Conservation Genetics
- L. Triest
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Law of the Sea and Protection of Oceans
- Klaas Willaert
Marine Biodiversity
- Marleen De Troch
- Marc Kochzius
Marine Fisheries Ecology and Management
- Marc Kochzius
Major Environmental Impact and Remediation
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. The Integrated Practicals is part of the second year.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS- credits.
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Integrated Practicals
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Lieven Bervoets
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Niko Celis
- Tom Maris
Global change physiology
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Han Asard
- Vyshal Delahaut
Major Marine and Lacustrine Geosciences
Only available for students with a good geological background, subject to approval by the chairman of the examination board.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Advanced sedimentology
- Maarten Van Daele
- Inka Meyer
Paleobiology of Micro-organisms
- Stephen Louwye
Paleoclimatology and Climate Change
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
Integrated offshore exploration
- David Van Rooij
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
the master thesis stands for 30 ECTS-credits and consists of an individual research project related to ongoing research in one of the associated research groups. Here students choose a subject related to their major.
Master's thesis
Model path: two year programme
The programme consists of 6 parts:
1. Core courses: 45 ECTS-credits
2. Broadening courses: 12 ECTS-credits
3. Supporting courses: 9 ECTS-credits
4. One major (24 ECTS-credits) to choose of 4 specialisations
5. The master thesis: 30 ECTS-credits
Core courses
In this module the student needs to finish all the compulsory courses.The compulsory courses cover disciplines which are considered as essential knowledge for a marine and lacustrine scientist.
From the core courses listed below, students must obtain 36 ECTS-credits.
From the field courses (Choice1) listed below students must choose 3 ECTS-credits.
From Choice 2: the student can choose the Monsoon School for 6 ECTS-credits or can follow a summer school for 6 ECTS-credits or chooses to follow 6 ECTS-credits from any master programme offered by a Belgian university, (subject to approval by the chairman of the examination board).
- Ann Vanreusel
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Law and Ethics on Conservation of Aquatic Systems
- Hendrik Schoukens
- An Cliquet
In-situ and Remote Sensing Tools in Aquatic Sciences
- Vera Van Lancker
- - NNB
Environmental modelling
- Karoline Soetaert
- Dries Bonte
Integrated marine coastal ecology field course
- Marc Kochzius
- Lieven Bervoets
River and Lake Ecology
- L. Triest
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
Seminars: case studies on biodiversity management
- N. Koedam
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Integrated field course at sea
- Jan Vanaverbeke
- Ann Vanreusel
Integrated limnological field course
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
- Wim Vyverman
Monsoon school
- N. Koedam
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
- Ann Vanreusel
Broadening courses (12 ECTS-credits)
The broadening courses are compulsory.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 12 ECTS-credits
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part I
- N. Koedam
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part II
- N. Koedam
- Ann Vanreusel
Supporting courses (9 ECTS-credits)
Based on student's background and after approval of the chairman of the examination board students must choose 9 ECTS-credits from the courses listed below. At least the level of 'Advanced Applied Statistics' must be reached.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 9 ECTS-credits.
Introduction to GIS
- Frank Canters
Introduction to data mining
- Marc Elskens
- Marc Elskens
Data and Information Management
- Tim Deprez
Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology
- Marleen De Troch
Advanced Applied Statistics
- Ann Vanreusel
- Koen Sabbe
Analysis of Biological Data
- Bram Vanschoenwinkel
Conservation Genetics
- L. Triest
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
- Steven Goderis
Water Quality
- Marc Elskens
Applied Geomorphology
- Matthieu Kervyn De Meerendre
Natural Risk Management
- Matthieu Kervyn De Meerendre
Major Global change impacts on ecology and biodiversity
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Marine Genomics
- Sofie Derycke
- Olivier De Clerck
Marine Food Web Ecology
- Marleen De Troch
Ecology of Coastal Seas
- Marleen De Troch
Lacustrine Systems
- Wim Vyverman
- Elie Verleyen
Aquatic microbial ecology
- Wim Vyverman
- Koen Sabbe
- Elie Verleyen
Marine Extreme Systems
- Ann Vanreusel
- David Van Rooij
Major Conservation Biology and ecosystem Management
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Integrated coastal zone management
- Farid Dahdouh-Guebas
Tropical Marine Ecology and Restoration
- N. Koedam
Conservation Genetics
- L. Triest
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Law of the Sea and Protection of Oceans
- Andrew Serdy
Marine Biodiversity
- Marleen De Troch
- Marc Kochzius
Marine Fisheries Ecology and Management
- Marc Kochzius
Major Environmental Impact and Remediation
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. The Integrated Practicals is part of the second year.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS- credits.
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Integrated Practicals
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Lieven Bervoets
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Niko Celis
- Tom Maris
Global change physiology
Major Marine and Lacustrine Geosciences
Only available for students with a good geological background, subject to approval by the chairman of the examination board.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Advanced sedimentology
- Maarten Van Daele
Paleobiology of Micro-organisms
- Stephen Louwye
Paleoclimatology and Climate Change
- Marc De Batist
- Dirk Verschuren
Integrated offshore exploration
- David Van Rooij
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
the master thesis stands for 30 ECTS-credits and consists of an individual research project related to ongoing research in one of the associated research groups. Here students choose a subject related to their major.
Master's thesis
Model path: two year programme
The programme consists of 6 parts:
1. Core courses: 45 ECTS-credits
2. Broadening courses: 12 ECTS-credits
3. Supporting courses: 9 ECTS-credits
4. One major (24 ECTS-credits) to choose of 4 specialisations
5. The master thesis: 30 ECTS-credits
Core courses
In this module the student needs to finish all the compulsory courses.The compulsory courses cover disciplines which are considered as essential knowledge for a marine and lacustrine scientist.
From the core courses listed below, students must obtain 36 ECTS-credits.
From the field courses (Choice1) listed below students must choose 3 ECTS-credits.
From Choice 2: 6 ECTS-credits from the list below or students can choose to follow a summer school for 6 ECTS-credits or to follow 6 ECTS-credits from any master programme offered by a Belgian university, (subject to approval by the chairman of the examination board).
- Ann Vanreusel
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Law and Ethics on Conservation of Aquatic Systems
- An Cliquet
In-situ and Remote Sensing Tools in Aquatic Sciences
- Vera Van Lancker
- - NNB
Environmental modelling
- Karoline Soetaert
- Dries Bonte
Integrated marine coastal ecology field course
- Marc Kochzius
- Lieven Bervoets
River and Lake Ecology
- L. Triest
- Wim Vyverman
- Dirk Verschuren
Seminars: case studies on biodiversity management
- N. Koedam
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
Integrated field course at sea
- Jan Vanaverbeke
- Ann Vanreusel
Integrated limnological field course
- Maarten Van Daele
- Wim Vyverman
Monsoon school
- N. Koedam
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Karolien Van Puyvelde
- Ann Vanreusel
Broadening courses (12 ECTS-credits)
The broadening courses are compulsory.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 12 ECTS-credits
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part I
- N. Koedam
Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation Part II
- N. Koedam
- Ann Vanreusel
Supporting courses (9 ECTS-credits)
Based on student's background and after approval of the chairman of the examination board students must choose 9 ECTS-credits from the courses listed below. At least the level of 'Advanced Applied Statistics' must be reached.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 9 ECTS-credits.
Geographic Information Systems
- Frank Canters
Introduction to data mining
- Marc Elskens
- Marc Elskens
Data and Information Management
- Tim Deprez
Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology
- Marleen De Troch
Advanced Applied Statistics
- Ann Vanreusel
- Koen Sabbe
Analysis of Biological Data
- Bram Vanschoenwinkel
Conservation Genetics of Aquatic Populations
- L. Triest
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
- Steven Goderis
Major Global change impacts on ecology and biodiversity
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Marine Genomics
- Sofie Derycke
- Olivier De Clerck
Marine Food Web Ecology
- Marleen De Troch
- Olivier De Clerck
Ecology of Coastal Seas
- Marleen De Troch
Lacustrine Systems
- Wim Vyverman
- Elie Verleyen
Microbial Ecology
- Wim Vyverman
- Koen Sabbe
- Elie Verleyen
Marine Extreme Systems
- Ann Vanreusel
- David Van Rooij
Major Conservation Biology and ecosystem Management
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Integrated coastal zone management
- Farid Dahdouh-Guebas
Tropical Marine Ecology and Restoration
- N. Koedam
Conservation Genetics of Aquatic Populations
- L. Triest
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Law of the Sea and Protection of Oceans
- Frank Maes
Marine Biodiversity
- Marleen De Troch
- Marc Kochzius
Marine Fisheries: ecology and management
- Marc Kochzius
Major Environmental Impact and Remediation
Non-biologists should follow the supporting course 'Introduction to Marine and Lacustrine Biology' in the first master year. The Integrated Practicals is part of the second year.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS- credits.
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Steven Degraer
- Vera Van Lancker
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Integrated Practicals
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Lieven Bervoets
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Niko Celis
- Tom Maris
Major Marine and Lacustrine Geosciences
Only available for students with a good geological background, subject to approval by the chairman of the examination board.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS-credits.
Advanced sedimentology
- Sébastien Bertrand
Paleobiology of Micro-organisms
- Stephen Louwye
Paleoclimatology and Climate Change
- Dirk Verschuren
- Marc De Batist
Integrated offshore exploration
- David Van Rooij
Master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)
the master thesis stands for 30 ECTS-credits and consists of an individual research project related to ongoing research in one of the associated research groups. Here students choose a subject related to their major.