Study programme
Model Path
Common Courses
Sustainable hinterland transportation
Port strategies
Logistics and Distribution Management
Maritime Technology
Maritime and port economics
Maritime business game
Operational aspects of maritime transport
Maritime law
Transport Law
Master's Thesis
Master's thesis
Optional Courses
15 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Students also can, only after selection, choose 1 summer school or winter school (summer school to be taken up in the academic year following the summer school attended).
Air transport
Antwerp inland navigation school
Antwerp rail school
Law of the sea basic
Legal aspects of shipping risks
'Maritime law'
Legal Aspects of Working in Logistics
Transport and location
Transport innovation, digitalisation and entrepreneurship
Transport Modeling
Transport policy
Internship (sem 1)
Internship (sem 2)
Consulting project Transport and logistics
Consulting project Research
Summer School on Urban Logistics
Winter school Pharma logistics
Winter school sustainable transport, shipping and logistics
Winter School Transport and Logistics
Model Path
Common Courses
Sustainable hinterland transportation
Port strategies
Logistics and Distribution Management
Maritime Technology
Maritime and port economics
Maritime business game
Operational aspects of maritime transport
Maritime law
Transport Law
Master's Thesis
Master's thesis
Optional Courses
15 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Students also can, only after selection, choose 1 summer school or winter school (summer school to be taken up in the academic year following the summer school attended).
Air transport
Antwerp inland navigation school
Antwerp rail school
Law of the sea basic
Legal aspects of shipping risks
'Maritime law'
Legal Aspects of Working in Logistics
Transport and location
Transport innovation, digitalisation and entrepreneurship
Transport Modeling
Transport policy
Internship (sem 1)
Internship (sem 2)
Consulting project Transport and logistics
Consulting project Research methodology
Summer School on Urban Logistics
Winter school Pharma logistics
Winter school sustainable transport, shipping and logistics
Winter School Transport and Logistics
Model Path
Common Courses
Hinterland transportation
Logistics and Distribution Management
Maritime and Port Economics
Maritime law
Maritime business game
Operational aspects of maritime transport
Port strategies
Maritime Technology
Transport Law
Master's Thesis
Master's thesis
Optional Courses
15 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Students also can, only after selection, choose 1 Summer School (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer School).
Antwerp inland navigation school
Antwerp rail school
Law of the sea basic
Legal aspects of shipping risks
'Maritime law'
Legal Aspects of Working in Logistics
Air transport
Transport Modeling
Real Estate and Location
Consulting project Transport and logistics
Summer School on Urban Logistics
Winter School Transport and Logistics
Model Path
Common Courses
Hinterland transportation
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime and port economics
Maritime law
Maritime business game
Operational aspects of maritime transport
Port strategies
Maritime technology
Transport Law
Master's Thesis
Master's thesis
Optional Courses
15 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Students also can, only after selection, choose 1 Summer School (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer School).
Antwerp inland navigation school
Antwerp rail school
Law of the sea basic
Legal aspects of shipping risks
Legal Aspects of Working in Logistics
Air transport
Transport models
Transport challenges
Real estate and location
Transportation policy
Consulting project Transport and logistics
Summer school Chongqing, China 'Transport and logistics in a changing economy'
Summer school on urban logistics
Winter school Transport and logistics
Model Path
Common Courses
Hinterland transportation
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime and port economics
Maritime law
Maritime business game
Operational aspects of maritime transport
Port strategies
Maritime technology
Transport Law
Master's Thesis
Master's thesis
Optional Courses
15 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Students also can, only after selection, choose 1 Summer School (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer School).
Antwerp inland navigation school
Antwerp rail school
Law of the sea basic
Legal aspects of shipping risks
Air transport
Transport models
Transport challenges
Real estate and location
Transportation policy
Summer school Chongqing, China 'Transport and logistics in a changing economy'
Summer school on urban logistics
Model Path
Common Courses
Compulsory: 30 ECTS-credits
Hinterland transportation
Logistics and forwarding
Maritime and port economics
Maritime law
Maritime business game
Operational aspects of maritime transport
Port strategies (seminar)
Maritime technology (seminar)
Transport Law
Master's Thesis
Compulsory: 15 ECTS-credits
Master's thesis
Optional Courses
15 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Students also can, only after selection, choose 1 Summer School (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer School).
Air transport
Maritime legal practice (seminar)
Transport challenges (seminar)
Transport models
Real estate and location
Transportation policy
Summer school Chongqing, China 'Transport and logistics in a changing economy'
Summer school on urban logistics
Model Path
Common Courses
Compulsory: 30 ECTS-credits
Hinterland Transportation
Logistics and Forwarding
- - NNB
- Eddy Van de Voorde
Maritime and Port Economics
Maritime law
- Ralph De Wit
Maritime Business Game
Operational Aspects of Maritime Transport
Port Issues (Seminar)
Maritime Technology (Seminar)
Transport Law
Master Project
Compulsory: 15 ECTS-credits
Master Project
Optional Courses
15 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Students also can, only after selection, choose 1 Summer School (to be taken in the academic year after following the Summer School).
Air Transport
Maritime and transport insurance law
- Kristiaan Bernauw
Private Law Issues in Transport and Martime Law
- Ralph De Wit
Maritime Legal Practice (Seminar)
- Ralph De Wit