Platforms on the frontline : the rise of the platform model in defense tech
Opinio Juris- (2025.02.11) p.
The potentially revolutionary impact of emerging and disruptive technologies and strategic conventional weapons on nuclear deterrence
Tokyo, Toda Peace Institute, 2024,13 p.
The potentially revolutionary impact of emerging and disruptive technologies and strategic conventional weapons on the nuclear deterrence debate
EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium, 2024,20 p.
Strategic functions of future diplomacy introduction to the forum
The Hague journal of diplomacy - ISSN 1871-1901-19:4 (2024) p. 723-725
The politicization of European Union trade agreement negotiations
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, 2024,iii, 265 p.