
Doctoral Day 2021

Science communication

9 november 2021 - Hof Van Liere - Tassiszaal


8 uur - check-in

Morning sessions programme: PhD presentations
8.45 uur - 11.45 uur

  • Introduction (vice-dean)
  • PhD sessions


Afternoon programme: Science communication
13.15 uur - 17.05 uur

  • Filip Lardon (vice-rector, UAntwerpen)
    The importance of communication
  • Julie De Smedt (coach science communication, freelance)
    What is (science) communication
  • Els Grieten (Coördinator Science Communication, UAntwerpen)
    Science communication, UAntwerp offer
  • Peter De Meyer (woordvoerder, UAntwerpen)
    Press and media
  • Christine Goethals (Coordinator communicatie- en marketingstrategie, UAntwerpen)
    How to build online authority

Closing drink
17.15 uur - 19 uur

Each researcher chooses the poster of his research group (OW-Research group-calibri-poster). If delivered on time, your poster will be printed on A1 size and monochrome (uncolored), please keep that in mind when delivering your pdf.