
Doctoral Day 2024

Join the 7th edition of the FOW Doctoral Day

3 December 2024, 11.45 - 16.05 a.m.
Hof van Liere, Stadscampus

In the research café, you will attend interactive sessions on internationalisation, the doctoral traject, promotors and publishing. Afterwards, you will learn all about the impactful use of social media for science communication and we will discuss the most important do's and dont's.

You are free to visit the permanent poster market throughout the afternoon. Colleagues expected to submit a poster will be notified via the registration form.

Full program

11.45 uur - Lunch
Feel free to visit the poster market (Tassis room)

12.45 uur - Keynote

  • Vice-dean Research (Research vision and goals for the next five years)

13.05 uur - Research Café

  • Table 1 Publish or Perish
    Tom Coppens
  • Table 2 Seek, and ye shall find …
    In- & outtake: pluses and/or minuses
    Karijn Kerstens & Guy Mertens
  • Table 3 How to survive your promotor?
    David Corradi, Ivo Dewit & Layla Van den Berg
  • Table 4 Scholarships & internationalisation opportunities for doctoral students
    Nele Simons

14.45 uur - Coffee break
Feel free to visit the poster market (Tassis room)

15.20 uur - Science communication with social media
Margot Bloemen – Social Media Manager

16.05 uur - The end