Assessing English language learners’ collocation knowledge : a systematic review of receptive and productive measurements
International review of applied linguistics in language teaching - ISSN 0019-042X- (2024) p.
Indirect Speech Acts, written by Nicolas Ruytenbeek
Contrastive Pragmatics - ISSN 2666-0385- (2023) p. 1-5
Productive vocabulary knowledge in L2 German : which word-related variables matter?
System: the international journal of educational technology and language learning systems - ISSN 0346-251X-118 (2023) p. 1-12
Exploring collocation development in L2 German from students' perspective : a contrasting case study
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching - ISSN 2083-5205-13:3 (2023) p. 571-599
Productive collocation knowledge in L2 German : study abroad and L1 congruency
Vocabulary learning in the wild / Reynolds, Barry Lee [edit.]-p. 67-86