Discrimination in organizations on the basis of age
Current Opinion in Psychology - ISSN 2352-250X-60 (2025) p. 1-6
Age-inclusive leadership and intrinsic work motivation : the moderating role of the leader–member age difference
Work, aging and retirement - ISSN 2054-4650- (2024) p.
Diversity branding by organizations
Current Opinion in Psychology - ISSN 2352-250X-60 (2024) p. 1-6
Factors influencing the formation of balanced care teams : the organisation, performance, and perception of nursing care teams and the link with patient outcomes: a systematic scoping review
BMC health services research - ISSN 1472-6963-24:1 (2024) p. 1-12
Age-rank correlations and firm-level outcomes : the moderating role of environmental dynamism
Journal of organizational behavior - ISSN 0894-3796-45:8 (2024) p. 1269-1286