Embracing change through team diversity : the impact of age diversity on civil servants’ perceptions of organizational change
Review of public personnel administration - ISSN 0734-371X- (2025) p. 1-26
How do elite core actors assess trust in national and EU authorities? The varying role of generalised trust at different governmental levels
Comparative European politics - ISSN 1472-4790- (2024) p.
A reputational perspective on structural reforms : how media reputations are related to the structural reform likelihood of public agencies
Journal of public administration research and theory - ISSN 1053-1858- (2024) p.
Trust and distrust in public governance settings : conceptualising and testing the link in regulatory relations
Journal of trust research - ISSN 2151-5581-14:2 (2024) p. 127-156
Effecten van de integratie gemeente en OCMW vanuit het perspectief van de betrokkenen: evaluatiestudie
Leuven, Steunpunt Bestuurlijke Vernieuwing, 2024,96 p.