Simulations of decision-making in political science education
Simulations of decision-making as active learning tools : design and effects of political science simulations / Bursens, Peter [edit.]; Donche, Vincent [edit.]; Gijbels, David [edit.]; Spooren, Pieter [edit.]-p. 1-9
Regional parliaments in the EU multilevel parliamentary system
The journal of legislative studies - ISSN 1357-2334-23:2 (2017) p. 1-17
Complex political decision-making : leadership, legitimacy and communication
London, Routledge, 2016,223 p.
You'll never lobby alone : explaining the participation of sub-national authorities in the European Commissions open consultations
Journal of common market studies - ISSN 0021-9886-54:6 (2016) p. 1433-1448
Domestic European Union coordination and interest group mobilization in three member states : looking beyond the formal mechanisms
Regional and federal studies - ISSN 1359-7566- (2014) p. 1-21