Management of the neck in T1 and T2 buccal squamous cell carcinoma

International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery - ISSN 0901-5027-53:4 (2024) p. 259-267
    O.A. Nicholson, C.G.F. Van Lanschot, B.N. van den Besselaar, Y. Aaboubout, T. Iseli, J.A.U. Hardillo, H. Mast, L. McDowell, Senada Koljenovic, S. Kranz, R.J. Baatenburg de Jong, S. Keereweer, D. Wiesenfeld

The difficulty with measuring the largest melanoma tumour diameter in sentinel lymph nodes

Journal of clinical pathology - ISSN 0021-9746- (2024) p.
    Annelien E. Laeijendecker, Mary-Ann El Sharouni, Nikolaos Stathonikos, Clothaire P.E. Spoto, Bart A. van de Wiel, Erik J.E. Eijken, Marijne Mulder, Antien L. Mooyaart, Anna Szumera-Cieckiewicz, Daniela Mihic-Probst, Daniela Massi, Martin Cook, Senada Koljenovic, Llucia Alos, Paul J. van Diest, Alexander C.J. van Akkooi, Willeke Blokx

Small airways disease in pre-COPD with emphysema : a cross-sectional study

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine - ISSN 1073-449X-209:6 (2024) p. 683-692