Studieprogramma Master of Laws
De masteropleiding heeft een tweedelig modeltraject: twee opeenvolgende delen van 60 studiepunten per academiejaar (als je voltijds studeert). Deze opleiding is volledig Engelstalig.
Het aantal studiepunten geven je een goed beeld van de tijd die je zal besteden aan je opleiding en aan elk opleidingsonderdeel. Per studiepunt moet je rekenen op 25 tot 30 uren studeren, lessen volgen en examens afleggen.
Je stelt je studieprogramma grotendeels zelf samen onder bepaalde voorwaarden.
Model Path part 1
On top of the Mandatory and Methodological courses (FIRST semester) you choose one module. You also start with the first part of your Master's Project.
Mandatory Courses
Law of the European Union
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- - NNB
- Qerim Qerimi
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Private International Law
Methodological Courses
Global Legal Systems
- - NNB
- Deborah Casalin
Master's Project I
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Comparative Federalism
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Law and the Ecological Crises
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 2
In addition to your Master's Project part 2 and two elective courses you choose two modules, one for each semester.
Master's Project II
Master Project 2 - Master Thesis
Module Commercial Transactions: Rights & Governance
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
Module Diversity and Law
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Advanced Course on International Criminal Law
Advanced Course on European Tax Law
Advanced Course on Competition Law
Advanced Course on the EU's Economic Integration and the Internal Market
Advanced Course on International Tax Law
Transport Law
Legal Aspects of Working in Logistics
Legal Issues of International Employment
International and European Health Law
Law and Technology
Equality and Non-Discrimination Law
Sports Law and Business
Law and Economics
Business Contracts and Technology
External Relations of the European Union
Electives: choose one or two courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits
Debating Development
European Negotiation Seminar
Ethics in World Politics
Transnational Law Course - Environmental Law
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Transnational Law Course - Law and Armed Conflict
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Pax Moot Court Competition
Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition
Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
Summer School: Animal Law
Summer School: Companies Crossing Borders
Summer School: Legal Technology and Legal Innovation
Winter School: Food Systems Law and Policy
Winter School: Leadership in Law
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Comparative Federalism
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Law and the Ecological Crises
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 1
On top of the Mandatory and Methodological courses (FIRST semester) you choose one module. You also start with the first part of your Master's Project.
Mandatory Courses
Law of the European Union
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- - NNB
- Qerim Qerimi
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Private International Law
Methodological Courses
Legal Research Methodology
Empirical Research Methods in Law
Academic Writing, Oral and Communication Skills
Global Legal Systems
- - NNB
- Deborah Casalin
Master's Project I
Master Project 1 - Research Proposal
Master Project 1 - Legal Clinic
Master Project - Legal Clinic Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Master Project - Legal Clinic Commercial Transactions: Rights and Governance
Master Project - Legal Clinic Diversity and Law
Master Project - Legal Clinic Commercial Transactions and Disputes
Master Project - Legal Clinic European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Law and the Ecological Crises
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 2
In addition to your Master's Project part 2 and two elective courses you choose two modules, one for each semester.
Electives: choose one or two courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits
Sports Enterprise Law
International Corporate Governance
External Relations of the European Union
International and European Health Law
Law and Technology
European and Comparative Discrimination Law
Law and Economics
Transport Law
Business Contracts and Technology
Debating Development
European Negotiation Seminar
Ethics in World Politics
Advanced Course on International Criminal Law
Advanced Course on International Tax Law
Advanced Course on the EU's Economic Integration and the Internal Market
Advanced Course on Competition Law
Legal Aspects of Working in Logistics
Summer School: Animal Law
Transnational Law Course - Environmental Law
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Transnational Law Course - Law and Armed Conflict
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Pax Moot Court Competition
Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition
Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
Moot Court Constitutional Law
Summer School: Companies Crossing Borders
Summer School: Legal Technology and Legal Innovation
Winter School: Food Systems Law and Policy
Master's Project II
Master Project 2 - Master Thesis
Module Commercial Transactions: Rights & Governance
Advanced Course on European Economic Regulation
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
International Mergers and Acquisitions
Module Diversity and Law
Advanced Course Genders, Sexualities and the Law
Advanced Course The Inclusive, Sustainable City and Law
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Law and the Ecological Crises
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 1
On top of the Mandatory and Methodological courses (FIRST semester) you choose one module. You also start with the first part of your Master's Project.
Mandatory Courses
Law of the European Union
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- Koen De Feyter
- Qerim Qerimi
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Private International Law
Methodological Courses
Legal Research Methodology
- Stéphanie De Somer
- Marta Katarzyna Kołacz
Empirical Research Methods in Law
Academic Writing, Oral and Communication Skills
Global Legal Systems
- Deborah Casalin
- Koen De Feyter
Master's Project I
Master Project 1 - Legal Clinic
Master Project 1 - Research Proposal
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Law and the Ecological Crises
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 2
In addition to your Master's Project part 2 and two elective courses you choose two modules, one for each semester.
Electives: choose one or two courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits
Sports Enterprise Law
International Corporate Governance
External Relations of the European Union
International and European Health Law
International Family Law
Law and Technology
European and Comparative Discrimination Law
Law and Economics
Transport Law
Business Contracts and Technology
Debating Development
Legal Pluralism
- Alberto Neidhardt
European Negotiation Seminar
Ethics in World Politics
Advanced Course on International Criminal Law
Advanced Course on International Tax Law
Advanced Course on the EU's Economic Integration and the Internal Market
Advanced Course on Competition Law
Legal Aspects of Working in Logistics
Summer School: Animal Law
Transnational Law Course - Environmental Law
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Transnational Law Course - Law and Armed Conflict
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Pax Moot Court Competition
Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition
Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
- Dirk Vanheule
- Koen De Feyter
Moot Court Constitutional Law
Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot
John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition
Winter School: Leadership in Law
Summer School: Companies Crossing Borders
Summer School: Legal Technology and Legal Innovation
Master's Project II
Master Project 2 - Master Thesis
Module Commercial Transactions: Rights & Governance
Advanced Course on European Economic Regulation
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
International Mergers and Acquisitions
Module Diversity and Law
Advanced Course Genders, Sexualities and the Law
Advanced Course The Inclusive, Sustainable City and Law
- Koen De Feyter
- Stéphanie De Somer
- Esther van Zimmeren
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Law and the Ecological Crises
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 1
On top of the Mandatory and Methodological courses (FIRST semester) you choose one module. You also start with the first part of your Master's Project.
Mandatory Courses
Law of the European Union
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- Koen De Feyter
- Qerim Qerimi
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Private International Law
Methodological Courses
Legal Research Methodology
Empirical Research Methods in Law
Academic Writing, Oral and Communication Skills
Global Legal Systems
- Koen De Feyter
- Alberto Neidhardt
Master's Project I
Master Project 1 - Legal Clinic
Master Project 1 - Research Proposal
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Local Perspectives on Law and Development
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 2
In addition to your Master's Project part 2 and two elective courses you choose two modules, one for each semester.
Electives: choose one or two courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits
Sports Enterprise Law
International Corporate Governance
External Relations of the European Union
International and European Health Law
- Steven Lierman
- Kristof Van Assche
International Family Law
Law and Technology
European and Comparative Discrimination Law
Law and Economics
Transport Law
Business Contracts and Technology
Debating development
Legal Pluralism
- Alberto Neidhardt
European Negotiation Seminar
Ethics in World Politics
Moot Court
Advanced course on International Criminal Law
Advanced Course on International Tax Law
Advanced Course on the EU's Economic Integration and the Internal Market
Advanced Course on Competition Law
Legal Aspects of Working in Logistics
Transnational Law Course - Law and Sustainability
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Transnational Law Course - Law and Governance
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Summer School: Animal Law
Master's Project II
Master Project 2 - Master Thesis
Module Commercial Transactions: Rights & Governance
Advanced Course on European Economic Regulation
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
International Mergers and Acquisitions
Module Diversity and Law
Advanced Course Genders, Sexualities and the Law
Advanced Course The Inclusive, Sustainable City and Law
- Koen De Feyter
- Stéphanie De Somer
- Esther van Zimmeren
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Local Perspectives on Law and Development
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 1
On top of the Mandatory and Methodological courses (FIRST semester) you choose one module. You also start with the first part of your Master's Project.
Mandatory Courses
Law of the European Union
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- Koen De Feyter
- Qerim Qerimi
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Private International Law
Methodological Courses
Legal Research Methodology
- Koen Van Aeken
Empirical Research Methods in Law
- Koen Van Aeken
Academic Writing, Oral and Communication Skills
Global Legal Systems
- Koen De Feyter
- Alberto Neidhardt
Master's Project I
Master Project 1 - Legal Clinic
Master Project 1 - Research Proposal
- Koen De Feyter
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Local Perspectives on Law and Development
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 2
In addition to your Master's Project part 2 and two elective courses you choose two modules, one for each semester.
Electives: choose one or two courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits
External Relations of the European Union
International and European Health Law
- Steven Lierman
European and Comparative Discrimination Law
European Negotiation Seminar
Debating development
Legal Pluralism
- Alberto Neidhardt
International Family Law
Law and Technology
Law and Economics
Transport Law
Business Contracts and Technology
Themacollege: Short-termism or long-termism in the Belgian corporate landscape?
Transnational Law Course on Persons, Goods and Contracts
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Transnational Law Course on Law and Governance
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Transnational Law Course on Constitutionalism and Human Rights
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Transnational Law Course on Animal Rights
Advanced course on International Criminal Law
Advanced Course on International Tax Law
Ethics in World Politics
Master's Project II
Master Project 2 - Master Thesis
- Koen De Feyter
Module Commercial Transactions: Rights & Governance
Advanced Course on European Competition Law in Context
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
- Ines Willemyns
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
International Mergers and Acquisitions
Module Diversity and Law
Advanced Course Genders, Sexualities and the Law
- Frederik Swennen
- Pieter Cannoot
Advanced Course The Inclusive, Sustainable City and Law
- Koen De Feyter
- Stéphanie De Somer
- Esther van Zimmeren
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Local Perspectives on Law and Development
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 1
On top of the Mandatory and Methodological courses (FIRST semester) you choose one module. You also start with the first part of your Master's Project.
Mandatory Courses
Law of the European Union
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- Koen De Feyter
- Qerim Qerimi
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Private International Law
Methodological Courses
Legal Research Methodology
- Koen Van Aeken
Empirical Research Methods in Law
- Koen Van Aeken
Academic Writing, Oral and Communication Skills
Global Legal Systems
- Koen De Feyter
- Alberto Neidhardt
Master's Project I
Master Project 1 - Legal Clinic
Master Project 1 - Research Proposal
- Koen De Feyter
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
- Erika Arban
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
- - NNB
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Local Perspectives on Law and Development
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 2
In addition to your Master's Project part 2 and two elective courses you choose two modules, one for each semester.
Electives: choose two courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits
External Relations of the European Union
International and European Health Law
- Steven Lierman
European and Comparative Discrimination Law
European negotiation seminar
Legal Pluralism
- Alberto Neidhardt
International Family Law
Law and Technology
Law and Economics
Transport Law
- - NNB
- Dirk Vanheule
Transnational Law Course on Law and Governance
- - NNB
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
- Dirk Vanheule
Master's Project II
Master Project 2 - Master Thesis
- Koen De Feyter
Module Commercial Transactions: Rights & Governance
Advanced Course on European Competition Law in Context
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
- Carlo Cantore
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
International Mergers and Acquisitions
Module Diversity and Law
Advanced Course Genders, Sexualities and the Law
- Pieter Cannoot
- Frederik Swennen
Advanced Course The Inclusive, Sustainable City and Law
- Koen De Feyter
- Stéphanie De Somer
- Esther van Zimmeren
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
- Erika Arban
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
- - NNB
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Local Perspectives on Law and Development
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 1
On top of the Mandatory and Methodological courses (FIRST semester) you choose one module. You also start with the first part of your Master's Project.
Mandatory Courses
Law of the European Union
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- Koen De Feyter
- Qerim Qerimi
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Private International Law
Methodological Courses
Legal Research Methodology
- Koen Van Aeken
Empirical Research Methods in Law
- Koen Van Aeken
Academic Writing, Oral and Communication Skills
Global Legal Systems
- Koen De Feyter
Master's Project I
Master Project 1 - Legal Clinic
Master Project 1 - Research Proposal
- Koen De Feyter
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
- Erika Arban
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
- Christine Frison
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Law in Developing Countries
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
External Actors in Aid, Trade and Investment
Module Private and Business Law
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Model Path part 2
In addition to your Master's Project part 2 and two elective courses you choose two modules, one for each semester.
Electives: choose two courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits
European Cyberlaw
External Relations of the European Union
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
International Criminal Law
- Steven Dewulf
- Chris Van Den Wyngaert
European and Comparative Discrimination Law
Comparative Tax Law
European negotiation seminar
Legal Pluralism
- Alberto Neidhardt
Master's Project II
Master Project 2 - Master Thesis
- Koen De Feyter
Module Law and International Business
Advanced Course on European Competition Law in Context
- Anne-Marie Van den Bossche
- Nathan Cambien
- Jan Blockx
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
- Carlo Cantore
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Module Private Autonomy
Advanced Course on International Family Law
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International and European Health Law
- Steven Lierman
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
- Erika Arban
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
- Christine Frison
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Law in Developing Countries
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
External Actors in Aid, Trade and Investment
Module Private and Business Law