Preparatory Programme
Model Path
maximum 72 ECTS-credits
Current trends in social work (27 ECTS-credits)
Society and Social Work
Climate Change
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Collective Approaches to Social Work
Introduction to Social Work
Social Work as a Profession
Methods (33 ECTS-credits)
Social Work Research: Perspectives
Social Work Research: Methods
Theory Construction
Introduction to Scientific Work
Statistics I
Qualitative Research Methods
Discipline-specific courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Society, Facts and Problems
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
Sociology of the Family
City and Space
Classical Sociological Theory
Optional courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Society, Facts and Problems
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
City and Space
Classical Sociological Theory
Theory Construction
Public Administration
Social Demography
Sociology of the Family
Social Security Law
Statistics 2
Model Path
maximum 72 ECTS-credits
Current trends in social work (27 ECTS-credits)
Society and Social Work
Climate Change
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Collective Approaches to Social Work
Introduction to Social Work
Social Work as a Profession
Methods (33 ECTS-credits)
Social Work Research: Perspectives
Social Work Research: Methods
Theory Construction
Introduction to Scientific Work
Statistics I
Qualitative Research Methods
Discipline-specific courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Society, Facts and Problems
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
Sociology of the Family
City and Space
Classical Sociological Theory
Optional courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Society, Facts and Problems
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
City and Space
Classical Sociological Theory
Theory Construction
Public Administration
Social Demography
Sociology of the Family
Social Security Law
Statistics 2
Model Path
maximum 72 ECTS-credits
Current trends in social work (27 ECTS-credits)
Society and Social Work
Climate Change
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Collective Approaches to Social Work
Introduction to Social Work
Social Work as a Profession
Methods (33 ECTS-credits)
Social Work Research: Perspectives
Social Work Research: Methods
Theory Construction
Introduction to Scientific Work
Statistics I
- Inge Pasteels
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Qualitative Research Methods
Discipline-specific courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Society, Facts and Problems
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
Classical Sociological Theory
Optional courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Society, Facts and Problems
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
City and Space
Classical Sociological Theory
Theory Construction
Public Administration
Social Demography
Sociology of the Family
Social Security Law
Statistics 2
- Leen Marynissen
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Model Path
maximum 72 ECTS-credits
Current trends in social work (27 ECTS-credits)
Society and Social Work
Climate Change
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
- Amal Miri
- Hilde Greefs
- Walter Nonneman
- Dirk Vanheule
Collective Approaches to Social Work
Introduction to Social Work
Social Work as a Profession
Methods (33 ECTS-credits)
Social Work Research: Perspectives
Social Work Research: Methods
Theory Construction
- Itamar Shachar
Introduction to Scientific Work
Statistics I
- Ellen Vandervieren
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Qualitative Research Methods
Discipline-specific courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Society, Facts and Problems
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
Classical Sociological Theory
Optional courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Society, Facts and Problems
Sociology of Inequalities: Class, Gender, Ethnicity
City and Space
Classical Sociological Theory
Theory Construction
- Itamar Shachar
Public Administration
Social Demography
Sociology of the Family
Social Security Law
Statistics 2
- Karel Neels
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Model Path
maximum 72 ECTS-credits
Current trends in social work (27 ECTS-credits)
Society and social work
- Kristel Driessens
- Michel Tirions
- Leen Sebrechts
Climate Change
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
- Amal Miri
- Lore Van Praag
- Hilde Greefs
- Walter Nonneman
- Dirk Vanheule
Collective approaches to social work
Introduction to Social Work
- Johan Boxstaens
- Steven Gibens
Social Work as a Profession
Methods (33 ECTS-credits)
Social work research: perspectives
Social work research: methods
Theory Construction
Introduction to Scientific Work
Statistics I
- Ellen Vandervieren
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Qualitative Research Methods
Discipline-specific courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Society, facts and problems
Sociology of inequalities: class, gender, ethnicity
Classical Sociological Theory
Optional courses (6 ECTS-credits)
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Society, facts and problems
Sociology of inequalities: class, gender, ethnicity
City and Space
Classical Sociological Theory
Theory Construction
Public administration
Social demography
Sociology of the Family
Sociology of Labour
Social Security law
Statistics 2
- Karel Neels
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Model Path
maximum 72 ECTS-credits
Methods (33 ECTS-credits)
Social work research: perspectives
Social work research: methods
Introduction to Scientific Work
Qualitative Research Methods
Theory construction
Statistics I
- Inge Pasteels
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Discipline-specific courses (27 ECTS-credits)
Mandatory course (6 ECTS-credits)
Society and social work
- Kristel Driessens
- Michel Tirions
21 ECTS-credits to choose from list below
Society, facts and problems
Classical Sociological Theory
Contemporary sociological theory
Sociology of inequalities: class, gender, ethnicity
City and Space
- Ilse Loots
- Clemens de Olde
Sociology of the Family
Social demography
Courses Social Work (12 ECTS-credits)
Theory of Social Work
Social Work as a Profession
- Pieter Cools
- Michel Tirions
Model Path
maximum 72 ECTS-credits
Methods (33 ECTS-credits)
Social work research: perspectives
Social work research: methods
Statistics I
- Ellen Vandervieren
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Qualitative Research Methods
Theory construction
Introduction to Scientific Work
Discipline-specific courses (27 ECTS-credits)
27 ECTS-credits to choose from list below
Society, facts and problems
Classical Sociological Theory
Contemporary sociological theory
Social demography
Sociology of inequalities: class, gender, ethnicity
City and Space
- Ilse Loots
- Clemens de Olde
Sociology of the Family
Courses Social Work (12 ECTS-credits)
12 ECTS-credits to choose from list below
Theory of Social Work
Social Work as a Profession
- Michel Tirions
Methods of social work
- Catherine Vander Zande