Registration fee

Early bird registration fee (until October 15, 2024)
  • Regular fee: €290
  • Student fee: €245
  • NuPhaC Board member fee: €245
Regular registration fee (until November 15, 2024)
  • Regular fee: €330
  • Student fee: €295
  • NuPhaC Board member fee: €295

Registration and payment procedure

To successfully register for the Winter Conference, there are two options:

  1. Registration via online payment: The participant will complete registration details, select payment by online payment and finalize registration with the online payment tool. Please follow the payment instructions provided in the registration form.

  2. Registration via invoice billing: The participant or the organization will complete the registration details and select 'Payment by invoice'. After clicking 'submit' at the bottom of the form, you will receive a confirmation email with further instructions on how to provide your billing information. It is important that you follow these steps correctly so the invoice can be processed. Your registration will only be finalized after the invoice is paid.

Registration deadline: November 15, 2024.

Cancellation policy

  • Written cancellations must be forwarded to the NuPhaC Winter Conference Secretariat
  • All refunds will be processed after the conference.
  • Cancellations received until October 15, 2024 will be refunded deducting administration costs of €50.
  • From October 16, 2024 the registration fees are non-refundable.

If, for a reason beyond the control of organizers, the conference will be cancelled due to a force majeure event, the registration fees will be refunded, possibly after deduction of minimal expenses incurred by the conference, according to the circumstances.