Course offer
How to design your study programme
Below, you will find the course catalogue designed for incoming exchange students at the Faculty of Law.
The first section consists of courses for the autumn semester (First semester), the second section includes courses for the spring semester (Second semester).
Before you start reviewing the courses, take a moment to carefully read the information below.
Please carefully review the prerequites for each course you wish to enrol in. If you have fulfilled the prerequisites at your home institution prior to your enrolment in Antwerp, this must be reflected in your official Transcript of Records. For students planning a full-year stay, we recommend prioritising first semester courses as they may be mandatory for enrolling in second semester courses, thereby expanding your options in the second semester.
Some courses, such as Advanced Courses and clusters, include additional prerequisites.
This measure is in place to safeguard students from selecting courses that would be too challenging without the necessary foundational knowledge.
All specialised clusters must be taken as a complete set of courses. Each cluster is worth 21 ECTS. Be aware that specific prerequisites apply to the clusters.
Transnational Legal Scholarship Seminar
The Transnational Legal Scholarship Seminar is a combination of a seminar series on approaches to legal scholarship and legal methodology and the Transnational Law Course of that semester.
The TLSS is tailored specifically for incoming exchange students at the Faculty of Law. It serves as an essential introduction into approaches to legal scholarship and legal methodology. We highly recommend that incoming exchange students include this seminar in their course selection, particularly those who are required to complete 30 ECTS credits per semester.
Since the Transnational Law Course is integrated into the Transnational Legal Scholarship Seminar, these courses cannot be combined. Full year students are not allowed to take the Transnational Legal Scholarship Seminar twice. However, it is possible to enrol in the Transnational Legal Scholarship Seminar (9 ECTS) in the first semester and the second Transnational Law Course (3 ECTS) in the second semester.
Make sure not to take more than two 9-credit (Advanced) courses in total. The workload would not be feasable.
Courses from other faculties
We strongly advice against taking courses from faculties other than the Faculty of Law. If however this is required by your home institution, it is limited to maximum two courses from another faculty and upon explicit approval of both faculties. Please consult with the International Office Law, and keep in mind that this may cause conflict in class schedules and exam times.
Approval of your home university
Discuss your course selection with your home university to ensure it meets their recognition requirements, including when making changes. Please note that we only handle approval on our end, you are responsible for the approval process at your home university.
First semester (Autumn: September – January)
Transnational Legal Scholarship Seminar 1
Transnational Law Course - Environmental Law
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Law of the European Union
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Private International Law
Public International Law and International Enforcement
Transport Law
Legal Aspects of Working in Logistics
International Family Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Advanced Course on European Tax Law
Advanced Course on International Criminal Law
Debating Development
Droit Comparé
Cluster Economic Governance
Advanced Course European Economic Regulation
Advanced Course International Trade and Investment Law
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
Cluster Diversity and Law
Advanced Course Genders, Sexualities and the Law
Advanced Course The Inclusive, Sustainable City and Law
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Second semester (Spring: February – June)
Transnational Legal Scholarship Seminar 2
Transnational Law Course - Law and Armed Conflict
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Law of the European Union
Equality and Non-Discrimination Law
External Relations of the European Union
Business Contracts and Technology
Law and Economics
International and European Health Law
Law and Technology
Sports Law and Business
Advanced Course on the EU's Economic Integration and the Internal Market
Advanced Course on International Tax Law
Advanced Course on Competition Law
Cluster Commercial Transactions and Disputes
Advanced Course International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course Dispute Settlement
International Insolvency Law
Cluster Multilevel Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights in Europe
Advanced Course Multilevel Fundamental Rights Law
Advanced Course Multilevel Institutional Law
Comparative Federalism
Cluster Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course International Development Law
Advanced Course Human Rights and Global Justice
Law and the Ecological Crises
First semester (Autumn: September – January)
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Debating Development
Advanced Course on International Criminal Law
Law of the European Union
Private International Law
Public International Law and International Enforcement
Transport Law
Droit Comparé
Legal Aspects of Working in Logistics
Transnational Legal Scholarship Seminar 1
Transnational Law Course - Environmental Law
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Module Commercial Transactions: Rights & Governance
Advanced Course on European Economic Regulation
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
International Mergers and Acquisitions
Module Diversity and Law
Advanced Course Genders, Sexualities and the Law
Advanced Course The Inclusive, Sustainable City and Law
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Second semester (Spring: February – June)
Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on the EU's Economic Integration and the Internal Market
Advanced Course on International Tax Law
Advanced Course on Competition Law
Equality and Non-Discrimination Law
External Relations of the European Union
Business Contracts and Technology
Law and Economics
International and European Health Law
Law and Technology
International Corporate Governance
Sports Law and Business
Transnational Legal Scholarship Seminar 2
Transnational Law Course - Law and Armed Conflict
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Law and the Ecological Crises
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
First semester (Autumn: September – January)
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Debating Development
Advanced Course on International Criminal Law
International Family Law
Law of the European Union
Private International Law
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- Koen De Feyter
- Qerim Qerimi
Transport Law
Droit Comparé
Transnational Legal Scholarship Seminar 1
Transnational Law Course - Environmental Law
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Module Commercial Transactions: Rights & Governance
Advanced Course on European Economic Regulation
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
International Mergers and Acquisitions
Module Diversity and Law
Advanced Course Genders, Sexualities and the Law
Advanced Course The Inclusive, Sustainable City and Law
- Koen De Feyter
- Stéphanie De Somer
- Esther van Zimmeren
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Second semester (Spring: February – June)
Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on the EU's Economic Integration and the Internal Market
Advanced Course on International Tax Law
Advanced Course on Competition Law
European and Comparative Discrimination Law
External Relations of the European Union
Business Contracts and Technology
Global Justice
Law and Economics
International and European Health Law
Law and Technology
Legal Pluralism
- Alberto Neidhardt
International Corporate Governance
Sports Enterprise Law
Transnational Legal Scholarship Seminar 2
Transnational Law Course - Law and Armed Conflict
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Law and the Ecological Crises
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
First semester (Autumn: September – January)
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Debating development
Advanced course on International Criminal Law
International Family Law
Law of the European Union
Private International Law
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- Koen De Feyter
- Qerim Qerimi
Transport Law
Droit Comparé
Transnational Law Course - Law and Sustainability
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Transnational Law Course - Law and Governance
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Module Commercial Transactions: Rights & Governance
Advanced Course on European Economic Regulation
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
International Mergers and Acquisitions
Module Diversity and Law
Advanced Course Genders, Sexualities and the Law
Advanced Course The Inclusive, Sustainable City and Law
- Koen De Feyter
- Stéphanie De Somer
- Esther van Zimmeren
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Second semester (Spring: February – June)
Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on the EU's Economic Integration and the Internal Market
Advanced Course on International Tax Law
Advanced Course on Competition Law
European and Comparative Discrimination Law
External Relations of the European Union
Business Contracts and Technology
Global justice
Law and Economics
International and European Health Law
- Steven Lierman
- Kristof Van Assche
Law and Technology
Legal Pluralism
- Alberto Neidhardt
International Corporate Governance
Sports Enterprise Law
Summer School: Animal Law
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Local Perspectives on Law and Development
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
First semester (Autumn: September – January)
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Debating development
Advanced course on International Criminal Law
International Family Law
Law and Economics
Law of the European Union
Private International Law
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- Koen De Feyter
- Qerim Qerimi
Transport Law
Droit Comparé
Module Commercial Transactions: Rights & Governance
Advanced Course on European Competition Law in Context
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
- Ines Willemyns
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
International Mergers and Acquisitions
Module Diversity and Law
Advanced Course Genders, Sexualities and the Law
- Frederik Swennen
- Pieter Cannoot
Advanced Course The Inclusive, Sustainable City and Law
- Koen De Feyter
- Stéphanie De Somer
- Esther van Zimmeren
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Second semester (Spring: February – June)
Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on the EU's Economic Integration and the Internal market
Advanced Course on International Tax Law
European and Comparative Discrimination Law
External Relations of the European Union
Global justice
International and European Health Law
- Steven Lierman
Law and Technology
Legal Pluralism
- Alberto Neidhardt
Transnational Law Course on Law and Governance
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Transnational Law Course on Persons, Goods and Contracts
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Transnational Law Course on Constitutionalism and Human Rights
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
Transnational Law Course on Animal Rights
Business Contracts and Technology
Themacollege: Short-termism or long-termism in the Belgian corporate landscape?
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Local Perspectives on Law and Development
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
First semester (Autumn: September – January)
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Debating development
Advanced course on International Criminal Law
International Family Law
Law and Economics
Law of the European Union
Private International Law
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- Koen De Feyter
- Qerim Qerimi
Transport Law
Module Commercial Transactions: Rights & Governance
Advanced Course on European Competition Law in Context
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
- Carlo Cantore
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
International Mergers and Acquisitions
Module Diversity and Law
Advanced Course Genders, Sexualities and the Law
- Pieter Cannoot
- Frederik Swennen
Advanced Course The Inclusive, Sustainable City and Law
- Koen De Feyter
- Stéphanie De Somer
- Esther van Zimmeren
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Second semester (Spring: February – June)
Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on the EU's Economic Integration and the Internal market
Advanced Course on International Tax Law
European and Comparative Discrimination Law
External Relations of the European Union
Global justice
International and European Health Law
- Steven Lierman
Law and Technology
Legal Pluralism
- Alberto Neidhardt
Transnational Law Course on Law and Governance
- - NNB
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
- Dirk Vanheule
- - NNB
- Dirk Vanheule
Module Commercial Transactions & Disputes
Advanced Course on International Commercial Transactions
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International Insolvency Law
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
- Erika Arban
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
- - NNB
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Local Perspectives on Law and Development
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
Law and the Global Economic Governance of Development
First semester (Autumn: September – January)
Law of the European Union
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights
Private International Law
Public International Law and International Enforcement
- Koen De Feyter
- Qerim Qerimi
International Criminal Law
- Steven Dewulf
- Chris Van Den Wyngaert
Comparative Tax Law
Semester Paper 1
Debating Development
Module Private Autonomy
Module courses can be chosen if the student has previously acquired the specified prerequisite knowledge at his/her home university, or the University of Antwerp course mentioned under the prerequisites. As an exception, only the course Law of the European Union may be followed simultaneously with a course where it is marked a prerequisite.
Advanced Course on International Family Law
Advanced Course on Dispute Settlement
Harmonised Private Law
International and European Health Law
- Steven Lierman
Module Law and International Business
Module courses can be chosen if the student has previously acquired the specified prerequisite knowledge at his/her home university, or the University of Antwerp course mentioned under the prerequisites. As an exception, only the course Law of the European Union may be followed simultaneously with a course where it is marked a prerequisite.
Advanced Course on European Competition Law in Context
- Anne-Marie Van den Bossche
- Nathan Cambien
- Jan Blockx
Advanced Course on International Trade and Investment Law
- Carlo Cantore
European, International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law
Legal Issues of International Employment
Second semester (Spring: February – June)
Law of the European Union
External Relations of the European Union
European and Comparative Discrimination Law
European Cyberlaw
International and European Immigration and Asylum Law
Semester Paper 2
Legal Pluralism
- Alberto Neidhardt
Module Sustainable Development and Global Justice
Given the interdependence between the subjects, all courses of this module must be taken as a whole when opting for this module.
Advanced Course on International Law and Sustainable Development
- Koen De Feyter
- Christine Frison
Advanced Course on Human Rights and Global Justice
Law in Developing Countries
- Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez
External Actors in Aid, Trade and Investment
Module European Constitutionalism and Fundamental Rights
Module courses can be chosen if the student has previously acquired the specified prerequisite knowledge at his/her home university, or the University of Antwerp course mentioned under the prerequisites. As an exception, only the course Law of the European Union may be followed simultaneously with a course where it is marked a prerequisite.
Advanced Course on Constitutional Law of the European Union
Advanced Course on Institutional Dynamics in Multilevel Constitutionalism
Comparative Federalism
- Erika Arban
European Fundamental Rights Law
Module Private and Business Law
Module courses can be chosen if the student has previously acquired the specified prerequisite knowledge at his/her home university, or the University of Antwerp course mentioned under the prerequisites. As an exception, only the course Law of the European Union may be followed simultaneously with a course where it is marked a prerequisite.