Literary Theory 1
Literary Theory 1
Course code:
- Bachelor of Communication Studies
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-TFL
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-TFL
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: German-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: German-TFL
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Spanish-TFL
- Bridging Programme on Theatre and Film Studies
- Preparatory Programme on Theatre and Film Studies
- Bridging Programme on Linguistics and Literature
- Preparatory Programme on Linguistics and Literature
History of Dutch-language Literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
History of Dutch-language Literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
Course code:
- Bachelor of History
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bridging Programme on Linguistics and Literature
- Preparatory Programme on Linguistics and Literature
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
Course code:
- Bachelor of History
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bridging Programme on Linguistics and Literature
- Preparatory Programme on Linguistics and Literature
Dutch Studies in Practice
Dutch Studies in Practice
Course code:
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bridging Programme on Linguistics and Literature
Modern Classics 2: "De Oostakkerse gedichten" by Hugo Claus
Modern Classics 2: "De Oostakkerse gedichten" by Hugo Claus
Course code:
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Course code:
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: German-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: English-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: French-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Linguistics - Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - German
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - English
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - French
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-German
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-French
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-English
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch - Theatre and Film Studies
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Course code:
- Master of Teaching in Languages: German
- Master of Teaching in Languages: English
- Master of Teaching in Languages: French
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: French-Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Spanish - Theatre and Film Studies
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-English
- Master of Teaching in Languages: English - Theatre and Film Studies
- Master of Teaching in Languages: French-German
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch - Theatre and Film Studies
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-German
- Master of Teaching in Languages: French - Theatre and Film Studies
- Master of Teaching in Languages: German-Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: English-Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: English-German
- Master of Teaching in Languages: French-English
- Master of Teaching in Languages: German - Theatre and Film Studies
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-French
Literary Theory 1
Literary Theory 1
Course code:
- Bachelor of Communication Studies
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-TFL
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-TFL
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: German-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: German-TFL
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Spanish-TFL
- Bridging Programme on Theatre and Film Studies
- Preparatory Programme on Theatre and Film Studies
- Preparatory Programme on Linguistics and Literature
- Bridging Programme on Linguistics and Literature
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
Course code:
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-English
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-French
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-French
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Spanish
- Bridging Programme on Multilingual Professional Communication
- Preparatory Programme on Linguistics and Literature
- Bridging Programme on Linguistics and Literature
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
Course code:
- Bachelor of History
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-English
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-French
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-French
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Spanish
- Preparatory Programme on Linguistics and Literature
- Bridging Programme on Linguistics and Literature
Dutch Studies in Practice
Dutch Studies in Practice
Course code:
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bridging Programme on Linguistics and Literature
Modern Classics 2: "De Oostakkerse gedichten" by Hugo Claus
Modern Classics 2: "De Oostakkerse gedichten" by Hugo Claus
Course code:
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Course code:
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: German-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: English-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: French-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Linguistics - Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - German
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - English
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - French
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-German
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch - Theatre and Film Studies
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-French
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-English
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch
Dutch Language Proficiency: Writing and Speaking in a Changing Society
Dutch Language Proficiency: Writing and Speaking in a Changing Society
Course code:
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: German-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: English-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: French-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-English
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-German
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch - Theatre and Film Studies
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-French
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch
Migration, Integration and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
Course code:
- Bachelor of Bioscience Engineering
- Bachelor of Chemistry
- Bachelor of Biology
- Bachelor of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences
- Bachelor of History
- Bachelor of Medicine
- Bachelor of Physics
- Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
- Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Bachelor of Communication Studies
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-TFL
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: German-TFL
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-TFL
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Spanish-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Sociology
- Bachelor of Political Science
- Bachelor in Social-Economic Sciences
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: German-Spanish
- Bachelor of Architecture
- Bachelor of Conservation-Restoration
- Bachelor of Interior Architecture
- Bachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy
- Bachelor of Philosophy
- Bachelor of Philosophy - evening programme
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Applied Economics: Business Economics
- Bachelor of Applied Economics: Economic Policy
- Bachelor of Product Development
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Electromechanical Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-English
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-French
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-French
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Spanish
- Bachelor of Business Engineering
- Bachelor of Business Engineering: Management Information Systems
- Bridging Programme on Multilingual Professional Communication
- Bridging Programme Safety Sciences - 60 ECTS-credits
- Bridging Programme Architecture
- Bridging Programme on Environmental Science
- Preparatory Programme on Environmental Science
General Literary Theory 1
General Literary Theory 1
Course code:
- Bachelor of Communication Studies
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-TFL
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: German-TFL
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-TFL
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Spanish-TFL
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: English-Spanish
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: French-German
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: German-Spanish
- Bridging Programme on Theatre and Film Studies
- Preparatory Programme on Theatre and Film Studies
- Preparatory Programme on Linguistics and Literature
- Bridging Programme on Linguistics and Literature
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Course code:
- Bachelor of History
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-English
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-French
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-French
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Spanish
- Preparatory Programme on Linguistics and Literature
- Bridging Programme on Linguistics and Literature
Dutch studies in practice
Dutch studies in practice
Course code:
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-TFL
- Bachelor of History - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-French
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-English
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German
- Bachelor of Philosophy - major
- Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Bridging Programme on Linguistics and Literature
Modern Classics 2: "Het Verdriet van België"
Modern Classics 2: "Het Verdriet van België"
Course code:
Contemporary Dutch literature
Contemporary Dutch literature
Course code:
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: German-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: English-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: French-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Linguistics - Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - German
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - English
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - French
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Literary theory - Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-English
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-German
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-French
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch - Theatre and Film Studies
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
Course code:
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: German-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: English-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: French-Dutch
- Master of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-French
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-Spanish
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-English
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch-German
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch - Theatre and Film Studies
- Master of Teaching in Languages: Dutch