Study programme
Dutch-taught Bachelor of History
Model Path part 1
Part 1 of the model path is the standard initial package.
Philosophy and Social Sciences
Compulsory courses
Introduction to General Economics
Introduction to Philosophy
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Historical Method
Exercises Paleography
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course
Exercises 1
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of the Middle Ages
- - NNB
History of the Early Modern Period
Introduction to World History
History of the Islamic World
- - NNB
Free-choice electives
1 optional course to be selected from the list below
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
History of the Low Countries
- - NNB
History of the Byzantine Empire
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Cities and Citizens in Urban History
Middle Dutch
Introduction to Latin
English Grammar 1
Public Law
Film History 1: Early cinema
Model Path part 2
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Historiography
Public History
History and Image
History and Language
History and Number
Digital History
- Iason Jongepier
- - NNB
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course
Historical Exercises 2
Introduction to History
Compulsory Courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary History
History of Art
Heuristics per historical period
One course to be chosen in accordance to the period studied in ‘Historical Exercises 2'
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
- - NNB
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Historical course
Compulsory Course
Ecological History
Free choice electives
12 ECTS- credits to be chosen from the list below (spread over model path 1 and 2)
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
History of the Low Countries
- - NNB
History of the Byzantine Empire
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Jewish Culture in Various Contexts
Middle Dutch
Introduction to Latin
English Grammar 1
Political Science
Society, Facts and Problems
Zhongguo lishi: History, Culture and Political Economy of China
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Public Law
Theatre Histories
Film History 1: Early cinema
The Dutch-language literature from the beginning until 1789
The Dutch-language literature from 1789 until 1914
The Dutch-language literature from 1914 until today
Model Path part 3
The Culture of Renaissance Humanism (1400-1700)
Culture and Society during the Middle Ages
- - NNB
Economy and Society in the Early Modern Period
Everyday Capitalism: The Financial Behavior of Households in the 19th and 20th Centuries
African Histories of Trade
Between the Global and the Local: Trade, Migration, and Connectivity
Philosophical Course
One course to be chosen from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
Artificial intelligence: societal challenges
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsary courses
Bachelor's Thesis
Public History
Introduction to Historiography
History and Image
Heuristics per historical period
One of the courses (which not have been completed before) to be chosen from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
- - NNB
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Social Sciences
Compulsory course
Introduction to Social Geography
Historical course
Compulsory courses
Ecological History
History of Belgium
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Model Path part 1
Part 1 of the model path is the standard initial package.
Philosophy and Social Sciences
Compulsory courses
Introduction to General Economics
Introduction to Philosophy
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Historical Method
Exercises Paleography
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course
Exercises 1
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
Introduction to World History
History of the Islamic World
Free-choice electives
1 optional course to be selected from the list below
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
History of the Low Countries
History of the Byzantine Empire
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Middle Dutch
Introduction to Latin
English Grammar 1
Public Law
Film History 1: Early cinema
Model Path part 2
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Historiography
Public History
History and Image
History and Language
History and Number
Digital History
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course
Historical Exercises 2
Introduction to History
Compulsory Courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary History
History of Art
Heuristics per historical period
One course to be chosen in accordance to the period studied in ‘Historical Exercises 2'
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Historical course
Compulsory Course
Ecological History
Free choice electives
12 ECTS- credits to be chosen from the list below (spread over model path 1 and 2)
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
History of the Low Countries
History of the Byzantine Empire
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Jewish Culture in Various Contexts
Middle Dutch
Introduction to Latin
English Grammar 1
Political Science
Society, Facts and Problems
Zhongguo lishi: History, Culture and Political Economy of China
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Public Law
Theatre Histories
Film History 1: Early cinema
History of Dutch Literature 1: from the Start until the French Revolution
History of Dutch-language Literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
Model Path part 3
Philosophical Course
One course to be chosen from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
Artificial intelligence: societal challenges
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsary courses
Bachelor's Thesis
Public History
Introduction to Historiography
History and Image
Heuristics per historical period
One of the courses (which not have been completed before) to be chosen from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period and per area
The student chooses 5 course units: one of the following two courses: 'The Premodern Islamic World, 600-1600' or 'The Modern Islam World, 1600-today'; all course units of one area (socio- economic history, politics and institutions or cultural history) and the remainder of the 5 courses freely chosen from the list
Middle Ages: Politics and Institutions
Middle Ages: Cultural History
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: Politics and Institutions
Early Modern Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Politics and Institutions
Contemporary Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Social and Economic History
The Modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The Premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Historical course
Compulsory courses
Ecological History
History of Belgium
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Social Sciences
Compulsory course
Introduction to Social Geography
Model Path part 1
Part 1 of the model path is the standard initial package.
Philosophy and Social Sciences
Compulsory courses
Introduction to General Economics
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to the Social Sciences
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Historical Method
Exercises Paleography
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course
Exercises 1
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
Introduction to World History
History of the Islamic World
Free-choice electives
1 optional course to be selected from the list below
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
History of the Low Countries
History of the Byzantine Empire
The Iberian World: Spain and Latin-America, 1492-1992
History of the Printed Book
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Middle Dutch
Medieval French
Introduction to Latin
English Grammar 1
Public Law
Film History 1: Early cinema
Model Path part 2
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Historiography
Public History
History and Image
History and Language
History and Number
Digital History
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course
Historical Exercises 2
Introduction to History
Compulsory Courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary History
History of Art
Heuristics per historical period
One course to be chosen in accordance to the period studied in ‘Historical Exercises 2'
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Historical course
Compulsory Course
Ecological History
Free choice electives
12 ECTS- credits to be chosen from the list below (spread over model path 1 and 2)
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
History of the Low Countries
History of the Byzantine Empire
The Iberian World: Spain and Latin-America, 1492-1992
History of the Printed Book
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Jewish Culture in Various Contexts
Middle Dutch
Medieval French
Introduction to Latin
English Grammar 1
Political Science
Society, Facts and Problems
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
Public Law
Theatre Histories
Film History 1: Early cinema
History of Dutch Literature 1: from the Start until the French Revolution
History of Dutch-language Literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
Model Path part 3
Philosophical Course
One course to be chosen from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsary courses
Bachelor's Thesis
Public History
Introduction to Historiography
History and Image
Heuristics per historical period
One of the courses (which not have been completed before) to be chosen from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period and per area
The student chooses 5 course units: one of the following two courses: 'The Premodern Islamic World, 600-1600' or 'The Modern Islam World, 1600-today'; all course units of one area (socio- economic history, politics and institutions or cultural history) and the remainder of the 5 courses freely chosen from the list
Middle Ages: Politics and Institutions
Middle Ages: Cultural History
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: Politics and Institutions
Early Modern Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Politics and Institutions
Contemporary Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Social and Economic History
The Modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The Premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Historical course
Compulsory courses
Ecological History
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Social Sciences
Compulsory course
Introduction to Social Geography
Model Path part 1
Philosophy and Social Sciences
Compulsory courses
Introduction to general economics
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to the social sciences
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Historical method
Exercises paleography
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course
Exercises 1
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
History of art
Free-choice electives
1 optional course to be selected from the list below
Medieval French
Introduction to Latin
English: grammar 1
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of the Low Countries
History of Central Europe
History of the Byzantine Empire
The Iberian world: Spain and Latin-America, 1492-1992
Studium Generale
History of the printed book
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Public Law
History of the film 1: early cinema
Model Path part 2
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Introduction to historiography
Heritage and public history
History and image
History and Language
History and number
Digital History
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course
Historical exercises 2
Heuristics per historical period
One course to be chosen in accordance to the period studied in ‘Historical Exercises 2'
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Introduction to History
Compulsory Courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
History of art
Historical course
Compulsory Course
Ecological history
Free choice electives
12 ECTS- credits to be chosen from the list below (spread over model path 1 and 2)
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of the Low Countries
History of Central Europe
History of the Byzantine Empire
The Iberian world: Spain and Latin-America, 1492-1992
Studium Generale
History of the printed book
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Medieval French
Introduction to Latin
English: grammar 1
Political Science
Society, Facts and Problems
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
- Amal Miri
- Hilde Greefs
- Walter Nonneman
- Dirk Vanheule
Public Law
Theater History
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Model Path part 3
Philosophical Course
One course to be chosen from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsary courses
Bachelor's thesis
Heritage and public history
Introduction to historiography
History and image
Heuristics per historical period
One of the courses (which not have been completed before) to be chosen from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period and per area
The student chooses 5 course units: one of the following two courses: 'The Premodern Islamic World, 600-1600' or 'The Modern Islam World, 1600-today'; all course units of one area (socio- economic history, politics and institutions or cultural history) and the remainder of the 5 courses freely chosen from the list
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: social and economic history
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
Early Modern Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: politics and institutions
Contemporary Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: social and economic history
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
- Gowaart Van Den Bossche
Historical course
Compulsory courses
Ecological history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Social Sciences
Compulsory course
Introduction to social geography
Model Path part 1
Philosophy and Social Sciences
Compulsory courses
Introduction to general economics
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to the social sciences
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Historical method
Exercises paleography
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course
Exercises 1
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- - NNB
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
History of art
Free-choice electives
1 optional course to be selected from the list below
Middle Dutch
Medieval French
Introduction to Latin
English: grammar 1
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of Central Europe
History of the Byzantine Empire
The Iberian world: Spain and Latin-America, 1492-1992
Studium Generale
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
History of the Low Countries
Public Law
History of the film 1: early cinema
Model Path part 2
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Introduction to historiography
Heritage and public history
History and image
History and Language
History and number
Digital History
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course
Historical exercises 2
Heuristics per historical period
One course to be chosen in accordance to the period studied in ‘Historical Exercises 2'
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Introduction to History
Compulsory Courses
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- - NNB
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
History of Antiquity
History of art
Historical course
Compulsory Course
Ecological history
Free-choice electives
Spanning Model Path 1 and 2, optional courses worth 12 ECTS-credits have to be chosen from the list below
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of the Low Countries
History of Central Europe
History of the Byzantine Empire
The Iberian world: Spain and Latin-America, 1492-1992
Studium Generale
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Christian Heritage: Content and Management
Middle Dutch
Medieval French
Introduction to Latin
English: grammar 1
Political science
- Stefaan Walgrave
- Michiel De Vydt
Society, facts and problems
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
- Amal Miri
- Lore Van Praag
- Hilde Greefs
- Walter Nonneman
- Dirk Vanheule
Public Law
Theater History
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Model Path part 3
Philosophical Course
One course to be chosen from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsary courses
Bachelor's thesis
Heritage and public history
Introduction to historiography
History and image
Heuristics per historical period
One of the courses (which not have been completed before) to be chosen from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period and per area
The student chooses 5 course units: one of the following two courses: 'The Premodern Islamic World, 600-1600' or 'The Modern Islam World, 1600-today'; all course units of one area (socio- economic history, politics and institutions or cultural history) and the remainder of the 5 courses freely chosen from the list
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
- Tineke Van Gassen
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: social and economic history
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
- Bram De Ridder
Early Modern Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: politics and institutions
Contemporary Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: social and economic history
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Historical course
Compulsory courses
Ecological history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Social Sciences
Compulsory course
Introduction to social geography
Model Path part 1
Philosophy and Social Sciences
Introduction to general economics
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to the social sciences
Methodology of History
Historical method
Exercises paleography
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course.
Exercises 1
Introduction to History
History of Antiquity
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
History of art
Free-choice electives
Students select optional courses for 3 ECTS credits
Middle Dutch
Medieval French
Introduction to Latin
English: grammar 1
History of literature
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of Central Europe
History of Russia and the Sovjet-Union
History of the Byzantine Empire
The Iberian world: Spain and Latin-America, 1492-1992
Studium Generale
History of the printed book
European values: discourses and perspectives
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
History of the Low Countries
Model Path part 2
Methodology of History
Introduction to historiography
- Jeroen Puttevils
- Andreas Stynen
Heritage and public history
History and image
History and Language
History and number
Historical Exercises
Historical exercises 2
One course to choose in function of the period studied in ‘Historical Exercises 2'
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Introduction to History
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
History of Antiquity
History of art
Historical course
Ecological history
Free-choice electives
In the standard study programme part one and two, students select optional courses for 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of the Low Countries
History of literature
History of Central Europe
History of the Byzantine Empire
The Iberian world: Spain and Latin-America, 1492-1992
History of Russia and the Sovjet-Union
Studium Generale
History of the printed book
European values: discourses and perspectives
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Middle Dutch
Medieval French
Introduction to Latin
English: grammar 1
Political science
Society, facts and problems
Chinese Culture
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
- Lore Van Praag
- Hilde Greefs
- Walter Nonneman
- Dirk Vanheule
Public Law
Theater History: from Antiquity to the 18th century
Theater History: from the 18th to the 20th century
- Edith Cassiers
- Kyoko Iwaki
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of Dutch literature: Middle Ages
History of Dutch literature: Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Climate Change
Poverty and Inequality
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
Model Path part 3
Philosophical Course
Students select one course (3 ECTS-credits) from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Bachelor's thesis
Heritage and public history
Introduction to historiography
- Jeroen Puttevils
- Andreas Stynen
History and image
Heuristics per historical period
Select one course from the two Heuristics courses which have not been completed yet
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period and per area
The student chooses 5 course units: one of the following two courses: 'The Premodern Islamic World, 600-1600' or 'The Modern Islam World, 1600-today'; all course units of one area (socio-economic history, politics and institutions or cultural history) and the remainder of the 5 courses can be freely chosen from the list.
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
- Klaas Van Gelder
Early Modern Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: politics and institutions
Contemporary Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: social and economic history
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Historical course
Ecological history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Social Sciences
Introduction to social geography
Model Path part 1
Bachelor of History (part 1)
Philosophy and Social Sciences
Introduction to general economics
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to the social sciences
Methodology of History
Historical method
Exercises paleography
Historical Exercises
Compulsory course.
Exercises 1
Introduction to History
History of Antiquity
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
History of art
Free-choice electives
Students select optional courses for 3 ECTS credits
Middle Dutch
Medieval French
Introduction to Latin
English: grammar 1
History of literature
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of Central Europe
History of Russia and the Sovjet-Union
History of the Byzantine Empire
The Iberian world: Spain and Latin-America, 1492-1992
Studium Generale
History of the printed book
European values: discourses and perspectives
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Christian Heritage: Content and Management
Climate Change
Poverty and Inequality
Debating Development
Community service learning
Model Path part 2
Methodology of History
Introduction to historiography
Heritage and public history
History and image
History and Language
History and number
Historical Exercises
Historical exercises 2
One course to choose in function of the period studied in ‘Historical Exercises 2'
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Introduction to History
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
History of Antiquity
History of art
Historical course
Ecological history
Free-choice electives
In the standard study programme part one and two, students select optional courses for 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of the Low Countries
History of literature
History of Central Europe
History of the Byzantine Empire
History of Belgium
- Frederik Dhondt
- Herman Van Goethem
The Iberian world: Spain and Latin-America, 1492-1992
History of Russia and the Sovjet-Union
Studium Generale
History of the printed book
European values: discourses and perspectives
Women in European Cultural History. An Introduction
Christian Heritage: Content and Management
Middle Dutch
Medieval French
Introduction to Latin
English: grammar 1
Political science
Society, facts and problems
Chinese Culture
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration and Integration
- Lore Van Praag
- Hilde Greefs
- Walter Nonneman
- Annemie Struyf
- Dirk Vanheule
Public Law
History of the theatre
- Hubert Meeus
- Edith Cassiers
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the Dutch-language literature 1: Middle Ages and Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Climate Change
Poverty and Inequality
Debating Development
Community service learning
Model Path part 3
Philosophical Course
Students select one course (3 ECTS-credits) from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Bachelor's thesis
Heritage and public history
Introduction to historiography
History and image
Heuristics per historical period
Select one course from the two Heuristics courses which have not been completed yet
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period and per area
The student chooses 5 course units: one of the following two courses: 'The Premodern Islamic World, 600-1600' or 'The Modern Islam World, 1600-today'; all course units of one area (socio-economic history, politics and institutions or cultural history) and the remainder of the 5 courses can be freely chosen from the list.
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
- Klaas Van Gelder
Early Modern Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: politics and institutions
Contemporary Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: social and economic history
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Historical course
Ecological history
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Social Sciences