Study programme
Dutch-taught Bachelor of Interior Architecture
Model Path Part 1
Part 1 of the model path is the standard initial package.
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Design Lab Initiation
Representation: Analog Techniques 1
Research Methods for Designers 1
Academic Skills 1
Construction and Materials 1
- - NNB
- Saskia Gabriël
Constructional Drawing
History and Theory of Interior Design 1
People and Environment
Design: Lab 1
- Inge Somers
- Jan Jacobs
- - NNB
Design Studio 1: Components and compositions
Representation: Digital Techniques 1
- Gert Van Echelpoel
- Roeland Geyzen
- Anne Manteleers
- Jules Vrijsen
Design Theory and Methodology
Construction and Materials 2
- - NNB
- Saskia Gabriël
Furniture Construction and Ergonomics
- - NNB
- Ann Coen
- Thomas Litière
History and Theory of Interior Design 2
People and Space
Model Path Part 2
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Design Lab 2
- - NNB
Design Studio 2: Interior as Existing Space
- - NNB
Representation: Analog Techniques 2
Energy and Comfort 1
History and Theory of Interior Design 3
Research Methods for Designers 2
Design Lab 3
- - NNB
Design Studio 3: Interior as Shared Space
- - NNB
Representation: Digital Techniques 2
- Gert Van Echelpoel
- Roeland Geyzen
- Anne Manteleers
- Jules Vrijsen
History and Theory of Interior Design 4
Ethics and Esthetics
Organisational Behaviour and Management
Personal Development Plan
Model Path Part 3
Compulsory Courses
51 ECTS-credits
Case Study Time and Space
Theory Time and Space
Case Study Multidisciplinarity
Theory Multidisciplinarity
Theory Work Field Relationship
Bachelor's Project
Students who enrol in 1068FOWIAR must also enrol in or have been enrolled in 1050FOWIAR.
Personal Development Plan 3
Elective Courses 'Active Pluralism and Interculturalism'
3 ECTS-credits
Students choose one course for a total of 3 ECTS-credits from the list below.
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
Artificial intelligence: societal challenges
Elective Courses
6 ECTS-credits
Students choose courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose from the bachelor courses offered within the University of Antwerp.
To request such an optional course, students must use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see Universiteit Antwerpen website - Faculteiten - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen - Studeren en onderwijs > formulieren ).
The completed form should be submitted to the student administration desk of the Faculty of Design Sciences before the deadline stated on the form.
Design and Furniture
- - NNB
- Thomas Litière
Architecture Theory
History of Urbanism
- Bart Decroos
- Lara Schrijver
- Inge Bertels
- Steven Decloedt
Sociology and the City
Structural Design 1
Structural Design 2
Construction 2
Construction 3
Art History
Theory of Visual Communication
Philosophy of Culture
Philosophy of Art
Space syntax methodology and analytical design
Model Path Part 1
Part 1 of the model path is the standard initial package.
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Design Lab Initiation
Representation: Analog Techniques 1
Research Methods for Designers 1
Academic Skills 1
Construction 1
Constructional Drawing
History and Theory of Interior Design 1
People and Environment
Design: Lab 1
Design Studio 1: Components and compositions
Representation: Digital Techniques 1
Design Theory and Methodology
Materials 1
- - NNB
- Saskia Gabriël
Furniture Construction and Ergonomics
History and Theory of Interior Design 2
People and Space
Model Path Part 2
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Case Study Morphology and Typology
Theory Morphology and Typology
Case Study Material and Texture
Theory Material and Texture
Case Study Atmosphere
Theory Atmosphere
Case Study Language and Story
Theory Language and Story
Study Trip 1
Individual Competences 2
Model Path Part 3
Compulsory Courses
51 ECTS-credits
Case Study Time and Space
Theory Time and Space
Case Study Multidisciplinarity
Theory Multidisciplinarity
- Nathalie Vallet
- Michelle Bylemans
- Anne Manteleers
- Stefan Martens
Theory Work Field Relationship
- Stefan Martens
- Inge Somers
- Dominique Merckx
- Sander Nysten
- Sigrid Pauwels
- Nico Verdickt
Bachelor's Project
Students who enrol in 1068FOWIAR must also enrol in or have been enrolled in 1050FOWIAR.
Individual Competences 3
Elective Courses 'Active Pluralism and Interculturalism'
3 ECTS-credits
Students choose one course for a total of 3 ECTS-credits from the list below.
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
Artificial intelligence: societal challenges
Elective Courses
6 ECTS-credits
Students choose courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose from the bachelor courses offered within the University of Antwerp.
To request such an optional course, students must use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see Universiteit Antwerpen website - Faculteiten - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen - Studeren en onderwijs > formulieren ).
The completed form should be submitted to the student administration desk of the Faculty of Design Sciences before the deadline stated on the form.
Design and Space
Design and Furniture
Architecture Theory
Theory of Visual Communication
Philosophy of Culture
Philosophy of Art
Space syntax methodology and analytical design
Model Path Part 1
Part 1 of the model path is the standard initial package.
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Introduction / Case Study Object and Space
- Stefan Dherdt
- Michelle Bylemans
- Sofie Coose
- Oskar De Roover
- Thomas Litière
- Eveline Slijper
- Iris Van der Schueren
Theory Object and Space
- Margo Annemans
- Gustaaf Cornelis
- Stefan Dherdt
- Roeland Geyzen
- Jens Jansen
- Anne Manteleers
- Stefan Martens
- Johan Nackaerts
- Eveline Slijper
- Gert Van Echelpoel
- Caterina Verdickt
Case Study People and Object
- Stefan Dherdt
- Michelle Bylemans
- Sofie Coose
- Oskar De Roover
- Thomas Litière
- Eveline Slijper
- Iris Van der Schueren
Theory People and Object
- Inge Somers
- Ann Buvens
- Lieven Le Bruyn
- Eveline Slijper
- Iris Van der Schueren
- Lieselot Vercampt
- Caterina Verdickt
Case Study People and Space
- Johan Nackaerts
- Michelle Bylemans
- Sofie Coose
- Oskar De Roover
- Stefan Dherdt
- Thomas Litière
- Iris Van der Schueren
Theory People and Space
Case Study People, Object and Space
- Johan Nackaerts
- Michelle Bylemans
- Sofie Coose
- Oskar De Roover
- Stefan Dherdt
- Thomas Litière
- Iris Van der Schueren
Theory People, Object and Space
- Inge Somers
- Stefan Dherdt
- Roeland Geyzen
- Anne Manteleers
- Stefan Martens
- Eveline Slijper
- Johan Van Rompaey
- Caterina Verdickt
Model Path Part 2
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Case Study Morphology and Typology
Theory Morphology and Typology
Case Study Material and Texture
Theory Material and Texture
Case Study Atmosphere
Theory Atmosphere
- Inge Somers
- Margo Annemans
- Saskia Gabriël
- Eva Plasmans
- Eveline Slijper
- Caterina Verdickt
Case Study Language and Story
Theory Language and Story
Study Trip 1
Individual Competences 2
- Johan Nackaerts
- Els De Vos
- Anne Manteleers
- Gert Van Echelpoel
- Sam Vanhee
Model Path Part 3
Compulsory Courses
51 ECTS-credits
Case Study Time and Space
Theory Time and Space
Case Study Multidisciplinarity
Theory Multidisciplinarity
- Stefan Martens
- Margo Annemans
- Ann Coen
- Anne Manteleers
Theory Work Field Relationship
Bachelor's Project
Students who enrol in 1068FOWIAR must also enrol in or have been enrolled in 1050FOWIAR.
Individual Competences 3
- Johan Nackaerts
- Els De Vos
- Anne Manteleers
- Gert Van Echelpoel
- Sam Vanhee
Elective Courses 'Active Pluralism and Interculturalism'
3 ECTS-credits
Students choose one course for a total of 3 ECTS-credits from the list below.
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Elective Courses
6 ECTS-credits
Students choose courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose from the bachelor courses offered within the University of Antwerp.
To request such an optional course, students must use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see Universiteit Antwerpen website - Faculteiten - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen - Studeren en onderwijs > formulieren ).
The completed form should be submitted to the student administration desk of the Faculty of Design Sciences before the deadline stated on the form.
Design and Space
Design and Furniture
Architecture Theory
Theory of Visual Communication
Philosophy of Culture
Philosophy of Art
Model Path Part 1
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Introduction / Case Study Object and Space
- Stefan Dherdt
- Ann Buvens
- Sofie Coose
- Oskar De Roover
- Eveline Slijper
Theory Object and Space
- Margo Annemans
- Gustaaf Cornelis
- Stefan Dherdt
- Jens Jansen
- Stefan Martens
- Johan Nackaerts
- Eveline Slijper
- Inge Somers
- Gert Van Echelpoel
- Caterina Verdickt
Case Study People and Object
- Stefan Dherdt
- Ann Buvens
- Sofie Coose
- Oskar De Roover
- Eveline Slijper
Theory People and Object
- Inge Somers
- Lieven Le Bruyn
- Thomas Litière
- Iris Van der Schueren
- Lieselot Vercampt
- Caterina Verdickt
Case Study People and Space
- Johan Nackaerts
- Ann Buvens
- Sofie Coose
- Oskar De Roover
- Stefan Dherdt
- Iris Van der Schueren
Theory People and Space
Case Study People, Object and Space
- Johan Nackaerts
- Ann Buvens
- Sofie Coose
- Oskar De Roover
- Stefan Dherdt
- Iris Van der Schueren
Theory People, Object and Space
Model Path Part 2
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Case Study Morphology and Typology
Theory Morphology and Typology
Case Study Material and Texture
Theory Material and Texture
Case Study Atmosphere
Theory Atmosphere
- Inge Somers
- Margo Annemans
- Saskia Gabriël
- Eva Plasmans
- Eveline Slijper
- Caterina Verdickt
Case Study Language and Story
Theory Language and Story
Study Trip 1
Individual Competences 2
Model Path Part 3
Compulsory Courses
51 ECTS-credits
Case Study Time and Space
Theory Time and Space
Case Study Multidisciplinarity
Theory Multidisciplinarity
- Stefan Martens
- Margo Annemans
- Anne Manteleers
- Inge Somers
Theory Work Field Relationship
Bachelor's Project
The student who enrols in 1068FOWIAR must also enrol in or has obtained a credit for 1050FOWIAR.
Individual Competences 3
Elective Courses 'Active Pluralism and Interculturalism'
3 ECTS-credits
The student chooses courses for a total of 3 ECTS-credits from the list below.
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Elective Courses
6 ECTS-credits
The student chooses courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or the student chooses from the bachelor courses offered within the University of Antwerp.
To request such an optional course, the student uses the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see Universiteit Antwerpen website - Faculteiten - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen - Studeren en onderwijs > formulieren ).
The completed form should be submitted to the student administration desk of the Faculty of Design Sciences before the deadline stated on the form.
Design and Space
Design and Furniture
Architecture Theory
Studium Generale
Theory of Visual Communication
Philosophy of Culture
Philosophy of Art
Model Path Part 1
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Introduction / Case Study Object and Space
- Stefan Dherdt
- Ann Buvens
- Sofie Coose
- Matthias Decleer
- Stefan Martens
- Marjan Michels
- Johan Nackaerts
- Eveline Slijper
- Nathalie Vallet
- Gert Van Echelpoel
Theory Object and Space
Case Study People and Object
- Stefan Dherdt
- Ann Buvens
- Sofie Coose
- Matthias Decleer
- Eveline Slijper
- Philip Theys
- Caterina Verdickt
Theory People and Object
- Inge Somers
- Elisabeth Impens
- Lieven Le Bruyn
- Barbara Standaert
- Philip Theys
- Iris Van der Schueren
- Caterina Verdickt
Case Study People and Space
Theory People and Space
Case Study People, Object and Space
- Johan Nackaerts
- Ann Buvens
- Sofie Coose
- Gustaaf Cornelis
- Stefan Dherdt
- Elisabeth Impens
- Stefan Martens
- Eveline Slijper
- Inge Somers
- Gert Van Echelpoel
- Johan Van Rompaey
- Caterina Verdickt
Theory People, Object and Space
Model Path Part 2
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Case Study Morphology and Typology
Theory Morphology and Typology
Case Study Material and Texture
Theory Material and Texture
Case Study Atmosphere
Theory Atmosphere
Case Study Language and Story
Theory Language and Story
Study Trip 1
Individual Competences 2
Model Path Part 3
Compulsory Courses
51 ECTS-credits
Case Study Time and Space
- Stefan Martens
- Ann Coen
- Arjaan De Feyter
- Bob Geldermans
- Dirk Geldof
- Elisabeth Impens
Theory Time and Space
- Dirk Geldof
- Renaat Passchyn
- Bert Belmans
- Bob Geldermans
- Karine Van Doorsselaer
Case Study Multidisciplinarity
- Stefan Martens
- Elisabeth Impens
- - NNB
- Philip Theys
Theory Multidisciplinarity
Theory Work Field Relationship
- Stefan Martens
- Stijn Verbist
- Nico Verdickt
Bachelor's Project
The student who enrols in 1068FOWIAR must also enrol in or has obtained a credit for 1050FOWIAR.
Individual Competences 3
BP-students: the student who enrols in 1050FOWIAR, must also enrol in 5004FOWIAR and 5005FOWIAR, or has obtained a credit.
Elective Courses 'Active Pluralism and Interculturalism'
3 ECTS-credits
The student chooses courses for a total of 3 ECTS-credits from the list below.
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Elective Courses
6 ECTS-credits
The student chooses courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or the student chooses from the bachelor courses offered within the University of Antwerp.
To request such an optional course, the student uses the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see Universiteit Antwerpen website - Faculteiten - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen - Studeren en onderwijs > formulieren ).
The completed form should be submitted to the student administration desk of the Faculty of Design Sciences before the deadline stated on the form.
Design and Space
- Iris Van der Schueren
- Philip Theys
Design and Furniture
- Philip Theys
- Iris Van der Schueren
Architecture Theory
Studium Generale
Visual Communication Theory
Philosophy of Culture
Philosophy of Art
Model Path Part 1
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Introduction / Case Study Object and Space
Theory Object and Space
- Michel Corthaut
- Gustaaf Cornelis
- Stefan Dherdt
- Stefan Martens
- Marjan Michels
- Johan Nackaerts
- Eveline Slijper
- Nathalie Vallet
- Gert Van Echelpoel
- Caterina Verdickt
Case Study People and Object
- Stefan Dherdt
- Ann Buvens
- Selin Geerinckx
- - NNB
- Eveline Slijper
- Philip Theys
- Caterina Verdickt
Theory People and Object
- Michel Corthaut
- Selin Geerinckx
- Philip Theys
- Iris Van der Schueren
- Caterina Verdickt
- Stijn Verwulgen
Case Study People and Space
Theory People and Space
Case Study People, Object and Space
Theory People, Object and Space
- Inge Somers
- Stefan Dherdt
- Stefan Martens
- Eveline Slijper
- Johan Van Rompaey
- Caterina Verdickt
Model Path Part 2
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Case Study Morphology and Typology
Theory Morphology and Typology
Case Study Material and Texture
Theory Material and Texture
Case Study Atmosphere
Theory Atmosphere
Case Study Language and Story
Theory Language and Story
Study Trip 1
- Johan Nackaerts
- Michel Corthaut
- Stefan Martens
- - NNB
- Gert Van Echelpoel
Individual Competences 2
- Michel Corthaut
- Els De Vos
- Selin Geerinckx
- Johan Nackaerts
- Gert Van Echelpoel
Model Path Part 3
Compulsory Courses
51 ECTS-credits
Case Study Time and Space
- Michel Corthaut
- Ann Coen
- Arjaan De Feyter
- Dirk Geldof
- - NNB
Theory Time and Space
- Renaat Passchyn
- Bert Belmans
- Dirk Geldof
- Dirk Hendrickx
- Karine Van Doorsselaer
Case Study Multidisciplinarity
- Michel Corthaut
- - NNB
- Philip Theys
Theory Multidisciplinarity
- Michel Corthaut
- Marjan Michels
- Inge Somers
- Nathalie Vallet
Theory Work Field Relationship
- Stefan Martens
- Stijn Verbist
- Nico Verdickt
Bachelor's Project
The student who enrols in 1049FOWIAR must also enrol in 1047FOWIAR and 1050FOWIAR.
- Michel Corthaut
- Ann Coen
- Arjaan De Feyter
- Johan Nackaerts
- Gert Van Echelpoel
Individual Competences 3
BP-students: the student who enrols in 1050FOWIAR, must also enrol in 5004FOWIAR and 5005FOWIAR, or have obtained a credit.
- Michel Corthaut
- Els De Vos
- Selin Geerinckx
- Johan Nackaerts
- Gert Van Echelpoel
Elective Courses 'Active Pluralism and Interculturalism'
3 ECTS-credits
The student chooses courses for a total of 3 ECTS-credits from the list below.
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
Elective Courses
6 ECTS-credits
The student chooses courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or the student chooses from the bachelor courses offered within the University of Antwerp.
Or the student chooses courses from the 'broadening basket - part B interdisciplinary' (see University of Antwerp website).
To request such an optional course, the student uses the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see Universiteit Antwerpen website - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > formulieren ).
The completed form should be submitted to the student administration desk of the Faculty of Design Sciences before the deadline stated on the form.
Design and Space
- Iris Van der Schueren
- Philip Theys
Design and Furniture
- Philip Theys
- Iris Van der Schueren
- Ann Coen
Architecture Theory
Studium Generale
Visual Communication Theory
Philosophy of Culture
Philosophy of Art
Model Path Part 1
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Introduction / Case Study Object and Space
Theory Object and Space
- Michel Corthaut
- Gustaaf Cornelis
- Stefan Dherdt
- Stefan Martens
- Marjan Michels
- Johan Nackaerts
- Eveline Slijper
- Nathalie Vallet
- Gert Van Echelpoel
- Caterina Verdickt
Case Study People and Object
- Stefan Dherdt
- Ann Buvens
- Selin Geerinckx
- - NNB
- Philip Theys
- Iris Van der Schueren
- Caterina Verdickt
Theory People and Object
- Michel Corthaut
- Selin Geerinckx
- Philip Theys
- Iris Van der Schueren
- Caterina Verdickt
- Stijn Verwulgen
Case Study People and Space
Theory People and Space
Case Study People, Object and Space
Theory People, Object and Space
- Inge Somers
- Stefan Dherdt
- Stefan Martens
- Eveline Slijper
- Johan Van Rompaey
- Caterina Verdickt
Model Path Part 2
Compulsory Courses
60 ECTS-credits
Case Study Morphology and Typology
Theory Morphology and Typology
Case Study Material and Texture
Theory Material and Texture
- Karine Van Doorsselaer
- Stefan De Feyter
- Saskia Gabriël
Case Study Atmosphere
Theory Atmosphere
Case Study Language and Story
Theory Language and Story
Study Trip 1
- Johan Nackaerts
- Michel Corthaut
- Stefan Martens
- - NNB
- Gert Van Echelpoel
Individual Competences 2
- Michel Corthaut
- Els De Vos
- Selin Geerinckx
- Johan Nackaerts
- Gert Van Echelpoel
Model Path Part 3
Compulsory Courses
51 ECTS-credits
Case Study Time and Space
- Michel Corthaut
- Ann Coen
- Arjaan De Feyter
- Stefan De Feyter
- Dirk Geldof
Theory Time and Space
- Renaat Passchyn
- Stefan De Feyter
- Dirk Geldof
- Karine Van Doorsselaer
Case Study Multidisciplinarity
- Michel Corthaut
- - NNB
- Philip Theys
Theory Multidisciplinarity
- Michel Corthaut
- Michelle Bylemans
- Nathalie Vallet
Orientation Bachelor's Project
The student who enrols in 1047FOWIAR, also has to enrol in 1049FOWIAR and 1050FOWIAR.
- Michel Corthaut
- Arjaan De Feyter
- Inge Somers
- Nathalie Vallet
Theory Work Field Relationship
Bachelor's Project
The student who enrols in 1049FOWIAR must also enrol in 1047FOWIAR and 1050FOWIAR.
- Michel Corthaut
- Ann Coen
- Arjaan De Feyter
- Johan Nackaerts
- Gert Van Echelpoel
Individual Competences 3
BP-students: the student who enrols in 1050FOWIAR, must also enrol in 5004FOWIAR and 5005FOWIAR, or have obtained a credit.
- Michel Corthaut
- Els De Vos
- Johan Nackaerts
- Gert Van Echelpoel
Elective Courses 'Active Pluralism and Interculturalism'
3 ECTS-credits
The student chooses courses for a total of 3 ECTS-credits from the list below.
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
Elective Courses
6 ECTS-credits
The student chooses courses for a total of 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or the student chooses from the bachelor courses offered within the University of Antwerp.
Or the student chooses courses from the 'broadening basket - part B interdisciplinary' (see University of Antwerp website).
To request such an optional course, the student uses the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see Universiteit Antwerpen website - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > formulieren ).
The completed form should be submitted to the student administration desk of the Faculty of Design Sciences before the deadline stated on the form.
Design and Space
- Iris Van der Schueren
- Philip Theys
Design and Furniture
- Philip Theys
- Iris Van der Schueren